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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I'm sorry you had a bad experience but tall people are something you have to be prepared for when you don't have a seating ticket. It sucks, but that's how it is. They probably were fans too (maybe they wanted to hear Lana better and didn't sing along - who knows) and although they're tall, they absolutely have the right to be at the front if they were there to claim it. My brothers are tall and I recall a U2 concert we had been queing for since afternoon (and I before lunch because I have time to get to the venue earlier) and we got front row. A lady with high heels who had obviously been at work complained that they were too tall and shouldn't stay so close to the stage. Same situation there, we came earlier and got the spots we wanted, she didn't. Too bad I didn't get to meet you! I was lucky and had @ for company the whole day which made the waiting easier (and the fact that I was interested in the first band on the stage that day). But if I wasn't going with him, I think I would've done the same anyway, run for the stage and stay there all day and try to befriend some people around me. Maybe next time! My phone has died as well, haha, I think the battery has been swelling for like 3 months or so, so the screen was getting detatched from the frame. Now it's dead and I didn't even save my videos and pictures from the festival. : ))))))) Oh well. At least I had a good time.
  2. All of this, and let me add that I even *I* don't care if it flops anymore. I'm tired of this shit.
  3. I'm not surprised if this turns out to be true, I was thinking of September as earliest. If the album isn't here by then... well, I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed again but I feel like nothing bothers me anymore to be honest.
  4. I heard that it has motion control (which would make sense, because they said Breath of the Wild can be played on it and some puzzles in the game uses motion control). But yeah, the rumble is gone. ... Wait, I just read at Zelda Universe that it won't have motion control either. Anyway, whatever, I don't care lol, I have my Switch anyway. Just wanted to spread the news. =P
  5. Nintendo just shared the news of Switch Lite. All Switch games won't work on it and it won't connect to a TV since it's made for only handheld gaming mode. Skip to 3:44 if you want more details.
  6. Omg, it makes so much sense! Lana has East Coast roots and can't use her New York accent anymore because she's known as a Cali and LA gal now, so she invented Cardi B to have a reason to use her NY accent she'd missed so much! How have I never noticed this??
  7. I'm in the mood for HBTB and I'm keeping it on repeat because IT'S SO GOOD, AAAAAHH!! I freaking LOVE this song so much, ugh! LIGHTS CAMERA ACCIÓN I'LL DO IT ON MY OWN
  8. If you look closer, you can see that that the upper black bar has a missing piece and the white line between "chat" and "contact" has a large gap as well. But thanks. :3
  9. I skipped the regal stuff but this doesn't look that bad tbh I lost my other one with her poetry and stuff, it was bad but does anyone have it? I don't wanna go back 120839123 pages to find it. ( ; - ; ) Edit: I made a new one
  10. I have a bad feeling that she won't say anything untill all the festivals are done...
  11. Oh, I'm a U2 fan too but don't keep up with them as closely as he does so I didn't know much of the waiting really.
  12. I can only think of U2 saying they had an album done but wouldn't release it after a long-ass tour. My brother is a hardcore fan and I felt sorry for him. But that wait was shorter than this I think, the tour lasted six months and the album came two months after that, so the wait lasted for (at least) 8 months. That's quite a lot actually... Edit: Ok, Wikipedia says the album was pretty much done in late 2016 and the album was released in December 2017. I guess the same thing is happening to us tbh.
  13. I've been considering the same thing too. I don't want snippets or full songs from the album anymore, I just want the album! I want it to sound as new as possible. But if HTD would be the song she releases next (which I doubt), then I guess I'd listen to it all because I've already heard the full song from that live performance so I know what to expect.
  14. Omg, I hope this means avex will put her songs on Spotify as well sometime in the future.
  15. Maybe, or she just remembered that she wanted to wear more neon (like in that insta live back in December).
  16. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10493-glen-luchford-gucci-guilty/
  17. I think it's very much about her current life, about reflecting the past and still wanting to change. I think she'll reveal her inner thoughts in a honest way and just tell her listeners who she is. Which I think is very brave of her, because I think a lot of us don't want to be vulnerable or can tell someone we know that "no, I'm not ok actually" instead of automatically replying "I'm fine, how are you?", so I think this is why she described she songs as "deep, introspective, sad girl shit". I mean, I began to write down my thoughts in a notebook earlier this year and it's really hard, both to write the thoughts down and go back and read them again. It hurts. Also, I think her poems really show us her inner monologues and thoughts. They're ordinary, not about anything in particular, and I think she was right to not wanting to call them as poems exactly - because they really look like just some random thought from a random moment. Maybe that's why I don't get them or like them in particular, I don't understand what she wants to say or why she wants to share them. Because her fans wants to read them? Maybe. Anyway. I wouldn't expect to hear her sing about things she has sung in previous albums if I were you, I think she's really coming with something different this time while still being herself. I'm excited to hear the album. --- Why I'm thinking NFR will be about everyday life, past memories and the will to change: - Her way of writing lyrics has changed. I think that many songs on this album are similar to the way she writes her poems - they're not neccessaarily painting an image or idea anymore or telling an interesting story (like Salvatore, OTTR, Florida Kilos, and even older ones like Boarding School, JFK, Gramma), she's simply writing her thoughts as they are right now in her life. And I think she's trying to be honest and straight forward to the person she's "talking" to: "there's things I wanna say to you", "I said, don't be a jerk, don't call me a taxi", "if you weren't mine I'd be jealous of your love", "goddamn, man child". - How To Disappear is very much remembering old memories, which isn't exactly new of her. You can even hear it in Hope ("... spilling my guts with the Bowery bums is the only love I've ever known"). But I'm thinking that maybe she's done looking back at old romances with rosy glasses and instead see them for what they mostly were, bad for her. I get this feeling from her live performances ("and it wasn't even that good!" about G-Easy's album, "'if I get a little prettier, can I be your baby?' - fuck that", "'I think I'll miss you forever' - haha, or maybe not") - Lana seems to want to change herself and her life. She meets new friends, she tries new things, she's finally doing things she's been wanting to do (writing poetry, taking flight lessons etc) and change is such an important thing to her right now, she even made a song about it and put it on LFL. Change doesn't come easily and I think she's still trying to become someone else, a better version of herself or a truer version. I think she wants to let go of her past and create a new life. "Fresh outta fucks forever", and also that her date thought she was just a sad girl ("you took my sadness out of context").
  18. Last night she said there's an album coming and that she'd play a couple of new and old songs from the last record (LFL). Then Cherry started. And she did say earlier that she had a few songs she would release before the album - maybe they were Doin' Time and the Charlie's Angels song. That NFR is coming out in August is still an assumption, I personally think it might be coming in September. And summer is definitely over where I live by then. :'(
  19. I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN :defeated: :defeated: Just to see the confusion and scepticism and delulu theories.
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