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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Reading this thread has become so depressing. I think I’ll take another break from here, see ya around.
  2. It takes her like two months to tease snippets or give news, right? The last snippet is from early April, I hope this means she'll tell us news soon lol. Because I'm not here for more snippets.
  3. It's been so long that I even forgot for a moment that she even had mentioned surf rock vibes lmao
  4. Saw the trailer last night and I'm just here to say that the graphics looks sickening good, whew, but it looked too violent for my taste so I'll probably won't play this. =P
  5. I think someone said a few weeks ago that there’s a Hillsong in the UK?
  6. There was an entire spread of Lana’s inspirations in a newspaper here in like 2017 (gotta love that journalist, he’s as much of a stan as we are), I could try to find it again? I wouldn’t say it’s very interesting because they’re all figures and persons we already know of, but, yeah, I guess I could make a list of that article if anyone wants me to? =P Edit: Aw, the article is locked unless you become their subscriber.
  7. I don't. I've never really understood poetry. Do you own more than two smartphone cases?
  8. Banned for being the third person in a row banning someone else for their signatures
  9. I think she decided to tag along her friends who were probably already going to a church and didn’t bother checking it up, because who would if it’s a place your friends recommend? Her new year’s resolution was to “strengthen [her] relationship to god”, she probably just asked if her friends knew a good church or if they wanted to go with her.
  10. The only “news” we’ll get this month is a small comment during her shows that the album is coming out “soon”, I swear. I love her, but I’m so sick of her at the same time...
  11. I dunno, I feel like it would be better to write when she’s online or just posted something so there’s a higher chance that she’ll see it (but, then again, she took time to reply to a random astrology tweet so who knows??) I remember that I was surprised she didn’t include any. I hadn’t found LB then, but I can imagine the response here.
  12. I wish she would post something on Instagram soon so I can snap at her and write a whole essay.
  13. Hold up... most streamed song?? Wouldn’t that be like Young & Beautiful, Summertime Sadness remix or Video Games?
  14. I wanna comment on this astro thing but I’ll go off topic so I’ll just keep it to myself. It’s nothing important really.
  15. Oh.... Well, that says nothing to me lol, I still don’t get this thing and don’t have any interest to learn. xD
  16. Ok I don’t care about astrology and therefore know nothing about it, but maybe she meant that she’s Cancer rising instead of Taurus? Since she replied to a tweet with a screenshot where she said she’s Taurus.
  17. I don’t think she reads reviews anymore though... :/
  18. I feel like I should’ve seen this messy era coming the moment she started to wear black shirts and yoga pants on stage.
  19. Read the news that Luigi’s Mansion 3 will be available to try out at E3 (along with Link’s Awakening and the new Pokémon), I hope it’ll come to Switch soon! I’ve never played the previous games but everyone seem to like them and I wanna try too!
  20. It’s like at least 28 degrees outside, the air and winds are HOT and I played Doin’ Time on repeat during my jog and aaaaah, it sounded so much better than normal, and I already love it, and I love running in hot temperatures yeeeessss summertiiiiiiime!!!
  21. I’m not even sure it’ll come this year anymore looool, I’ll laugh hysterically if it gets delayed until next year.
  22. Banned for preferring centred signatures
  23. I haven’t. Never have I ever pranked my neighbors.
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