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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Hm, I wonder if she wrote “don’t ask if I’m happy - you know that I’m not” because all the journalists kept asking her in every single interview if she was happy when they saw her smiling on the LFL cover art.
  2. Norman Fucking Rockwell might have the best lyrics of all of Lana’s albums. From what I’ve heard so far, she’s really been working hard with the storytelling... with the exception of Venice Bitch but that song is sparkling like a clear diamond anyway, I love it too much. The excitement I feel for this album is indescribable, I can’t wait to buy a copy.
  3. I’ve been staying away from this thread for like two days to prevent any more spoiler of the album but shiiiiiiittttt, she sang right into my soul with that unfiltered vocal! This album is gonna be golden and that’s partly thanks to the great lyrics! I can’t wait!!
  4. https://consequenceofsound.net/2018/12/lana-del-rey-new-album-finished-norman-fucking-rockwell/amp/?__twitter_impression=true I just found this article which says Hope/Sylvia will be the single on the 9th but they base it on what she wrote on instagram, so who knows. The article is probably not so reliable then.
  5. @@annedauphine @@yourboy I don’t think we need to worry, I mean, I dreamt of seeing Hozier on a skateboard outside of a campus lmao.
  6. I had a dream the other night about the cover art for the album and it was the ugliest thing I had ever seen, it a border like LFL but the picture inside was so dull, not creative at all, the colors were too many and just gave an ugly impression and she was barely in the picture at all lol. So I guess it was a nightmare. x)
  7. I don't believe in astrology and don't really get it either, but our gurl is being so random these past twelve months and makes me look like a bleak Gemini copy or something.
  8. Same, she might not hurt herself but she could accidentally hurt other people.
  9. She makes me question myself if I’m really a Gemini too.
  10. Why would she delete a post where she says there’ll be cancelled shows urgh I don’t like her anymore!
  11. Maybe new t-shirts if she goes on a proper tour. Otherwise it’d be cool if one of her poems were added with a box set.
  12. Oh ok, my bad. But who wouldn’t be nervous when a stalker tried to kidnap you?
  13. Um... she had a freaking good reason to be nervous that night...
  14. ... Maaaaybe this isn’t the time for me to repeat myself and say that Cherry is boring me too... I doubt that she still has stage fright. She seemed super confident last year and that audience in Lolla Brazil was HUGE. It’s like she said in some interview, she can wake up in the middle of the night and perform, no biggie.And she seems chirpy and in a better mood from what she let’s us see on social media, but yeah, she can still be struggling with mental health. Who knows.
  15. Her name was on the poster, I made a thread a while ago. Edit: Oops I wasn’t the one who made it (I mixed it up with her festival stop in Spain) BUT she’s on their lineup. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10458-lana-del-rey-to-perform-at-super-bock-super-rock-portugal-2019/
  16. I’m not overly excited over Hope/Sylvia but I can tell that I’m gonna love it when I get to hear it in full. It can only get better from what we’ve already heard.
  17. We’re all sweating at the moment, either from the new snippet, her long ass title or from the news of canceling shows. Or maybe from all things at once.
  18. The only reason I can see why she would cancel shows would be if she’s going on another tour... let’s just hope it’s not only limited for USA or *cries* California.
  19. I’m a few hours late, but my initial thoughts were: 1. Gurl, another long title for a song? 2. She better not cancel my show this summer 3. Oop, I didn’t think she’d actually come through with the poetry book. Congrats everyone who wished for it 4. ... I can’t hear what she sang towards the end but I don’t wanna replay it and ruin everything lmao
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