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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I'm so excited to hear all the new songs and the tracklist! I even had a random dream about him last night, lol!
  2. (Barack Obama has Nina Cried Power on his list of favorite songs of 2018.
  3. Let me add my love Hozier's song Nina Cried Power to this thread. Obama has it on his best songs of 2018 list. An ex-hip hop group in Sweden made a track out of a speech by Olof Palme, as Swedish politician who got assassinated in the 80's. The track is called "Fördomar" ("Prejudices") and his speech is basically about racism and everyday prejudice towards people you don't know. Might not mean much to you unless I translate it, so here you are:
  4. Never did I think I'd one day log into LanaBoards and see a huge Wigglytuff with a death stare on the top of a page of a pre-release thread.
  5. I know that some of you here don't really like songs with a political message, but I can appreciate them if it's done nicely so I hope I'm not the only one? I made this thread simply because I'm curious what kind of songs you like. Political lyrics can be hella good and make the whole song. The songs don't have to be in English. But I'd appreciate it if you could translate the lyrics so the rest of us can understand what the message is or if you could maybe give a small summary about what it's about. Please try and keep the discussions friendly, I don't want this thread to become a bomb of different political views... I thought I would start with a few I like... I love U2 so Sunday Bloody Sunday and Bullet the Blue Sky is two that come naturally to my mind. I love how The Edge makes the guitar sound like falling bombs or something, whew. A classic Swedish song about how odd it is that some people are poor and how God isn't doing anything about it becaus he might want to keep it like that and simply ignores the problem. Translation: And a new song in Swedish which got out a few weeks ago, with a more feministic message. Translation: I also have another one (in Swedish) I really like, but I'll save it for later or so.
  6. I remember how everyone last year were going to try to match the outro of Get Free (“out of the black, into the blue”) to when the clock struck midnight last year for new year’s - is anyone going to try it with Mariners this time? Like, “are you ready for it” (as in ready for the new year)?
  7. Well, even a catwalk used one of her unreleased songs, so...? Probably not but I guess no one is trying to stop it.
  8. Nope. Do you own a portable speaker?
  9. Pretty sure she wouldn’t be crowed if she wasn’t in the Gucci gang.
  10. Can I add films to the list which I really appreciated but might not necessarily be my favorite films? I’m no particular order: The Godfather I The Godfather II Mononoke Hime / Princess Mononoke San to Chihiro / Spirited Away Kikujiro no Natsu / Kikujiro’s summer The Grand Budapest Hotel The Black Swan Marie Antoinette The Dark Knight Black Panther The Return of the Pink Panther After the Fox Brokeback Mountain Call me by your name The Lion King Aladdin The Nile Hilton Incident The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The Great Dictator Up
  11. A short monologue over a home made video would be fine with me.
  12. ^ I started to think that the trailer was more about Hollywood and her recent years living in LA too after a while. Maybe the spooky theme was just a misunderstanding from us fans.
  13. I wouldn’t mind another video with a monologue as promo/teaser, I love hearing her reading aloud-voice.
  14. No more teasing of the songs in the album plz, she’s already done that on instagram. I think the Hotline was really creative and I’d love if they came up with something as equally fun this time... no idea what that could be though, haha.
  15. @@annedauphine Lmaaoooo I forgot how easily you died at the beginning!! (and in such hilarious ways! I remember seeing a gif of Link shield surging, it broke and he dies lmao) And THAT WAS SO ME at 2:00 with the guardian in the park, I was literally hiding behind the fountain and tree!! xD Aaaand I accidentally fell down at the same place at 4:00 and my horse died and I felt so terribly bad that I had to go back an auto save because I didn’t want to face the Horse God and be judged lol.
  16. I agree that the lyrics aren’t exceptional, they didn’t make me scream out of excitement and joy like I did in the MAC release thread, but there is so much more in a song than just lyrics. Surely there must be some kind of song out there with weak lyrics but you still love, secretly or not?And sure, they could’ve cut off the song in half or ended it after three minutes but it is the tune, the mood and the instruments themselves that make me love the song even more. I’m not acting like Lana is the first one to write psychedelic songs and that the song itself is revolutionary but I am going to say that I’m utterly impressed that she came up something like this (together with Jack). I would not have loved the track as much as I do if it wasn’t going on and on, that’s for sure. I love how it let’s your mind wander, how it let’s you fully be in it and at the same time not and how it keeps bringing me with it on a trip that only Lana can offer me. And to the person who said that her vocals are lazy, yes, they might be so but they blend in perfectly in this song and I never get tired of this bitch. White Mustang bores me so much more and that is because of her vocals. She sounds as if she doesn’t care anymore in the chorus, but sure it might just be a way to tell the story and being a character I suppose. I’m just not liking it. And long songs are not a problem. I’ve loved a seven-minutes-long song since I was a kid and another ten-minute-long psychedelic track is one of the best ones I’ve ever heard. Sometimes, the songs are only better the longer they can be. Retweet.
  17. I deeply hope that MAC and VB won’t be the best tracks on the album because it’d be kinda sad if we got the best songs months before the release. But then again, I can’t see anything topping VB and I’m just excited to see where it will land on the track list.
  18. Sometimes I wonder if Elle and the mods checks this thread and just laugh at our delusions and the spamming and odd comments.
  19. Throwback to when Salvatore wrote one letter in a comment for each new page of this thread until they spelled Yosemite
  20. ♥ Join the Yosemite cult today ♥ - experience the joy of sharing painful hopes and mutual support to boost your faith -
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