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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I’m a Gemini too but gurl, she’s been so random ever since she mentioned taking flight classes lol. I love her.
  2. Lana made me cringe at her goals being an “Instagram baddie” earlier today and now I’m worshipping her again, ugh only Lana can make me have opposite feelings for one person in a single day.
  3. Shit, this album is gonna be SO good, I hope the months will pass by quickly! I can’t wait to hear all the tracks!
  4. I was like “noooo they sound too good, can’t be her song, prolly just some random track she put on while driving again” but then she started singing and I was like FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK
  5. I watched this last night, it was fun. You should try it too. https://youtu.be/Npxw4Y7w9RE (Ok jokes aside, don’t do drugs. <3 )
  6. Omg, I’d so buy it even if I already owned the album simply because both songs are golden and two of the best ones she has released.
  7. this made me lol so hard lmaoooo
  8. Uuurrgghhhh, those tweets... No, Lana, please, why would you wanna be an Instagram baddie?? Those blue gummy bears won’t do shit to your hair and who cares about spray tans? Anyway, I thought this album was gonna have a more positive vibe (considering “out of the black, into the blue” from Get Free) but I’ve fooled myself. The lyrics from the songs we’ve heard so far aren’t necessarily positive or happy so I suppose that NFR will have a more sad sound like she said. I hope she’s feeling ok though! She seems happy, but who knows... I don’t think we’ll get a Ultraviolence part two, that album was completely something else and she never repeats herself in terms of sound. But I’m excited to hear what this album will sound like. And I’m still hoping for some unexpected and exciting vocals, but I doubt we’ll get that. Aaaaand now I’m gonna go and watch the livestream.
  9. Same, I stopped caring about it after a few months. It can be pretty good live though, if Lana serves those golden vocals. (Sorry for going off topic, I know this is the pre-NFR thread.)
  10. I think I need a break from this thread, y’all making me nervous.
  11. My list would never end so I’m gonna spare you all.
  12. I JUST WANT NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL AND IT BETTER COME OUT IN MARCH!! I just suddenly feel so impatient, I need iiiitttttttt!
  13. I had a dream that I was fine I wasn't crazy I was divine
  14. Didn’t someone here say they would email the reporter who heard Yosemite? Did you ever find his email address and did you get a reply?
  15. Low key glad that Lana didn't release Must be stupid because IMBSFBSH just looks like gibberish lmao
  16. Mess, the Kendrick Lamar video isn't available in my country. >____>
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