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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I generally don’t mind fan fictions but when they’re about real people… I don’t know. It just feels wrong. I don’t remember how but I came across some account on instagram that has a fanfic, I think it must’ve been on my “for you” page and the picture seemed interesting enough for me to take a close look, and this account has a fanfic about Lana and Harry Styles. I was like, “let’s see how awful this really is” and found the author’s tumblr page and they’ve made posters and Bill Skarsgård is in it too?? And I thought Lana’s character in this story was as Mary from the Bible but it’s not, and of course I had to ignore the description and actually read the awfulness too. Lana’s character is called Carmen, I think, and she’s Harry’s “Carmiña” and he’s pretty much a pimp and convinces Lana to join his strip club (really a place for awful men to pick any girl he wants and have absolutely brutal “sexy times” with them), and Harry seems mental too. I don’t really know much about him, I’ve only heard a couple of songs on the radio, but I get the sense that the writer has only used his name for the fic because I doubt he’s even an ounce of deranged as he is in the story. Fair, it’s fiction but… nah. I had to stop there because it was too cringe and just awful. Someone had too much time on their hands to write a gruesome, brutal smut fanfic about real, living people, it should never have been published.
  2. I wanted to see her at Bråvalla but I was 18 and didn’t want to go alone (and knowing my parents, they wouldn’t have let me), and then I later found out one of my (then) friends I knew since childhood had gone with her new bestie.
  3. You’re gonna love them live on stage!
  4. Nothing really, just that miss Lana is clearly having another European festival summer (sigh) and delusional me thinks she occasionally visits Sweden when she does (Bråvalla 2014, Lollapalooza 2019). The European shows this year seem to have been planned very last minute, aside from the UK shows, so if she’s coming back, I think it’s possible she’ll make a return to Sweden too. I think Lolla Stockholm has an economic crisis after last year, so my bet is that the Way Out West festival will snatch miss Lana if they can. She’s more popular now than ever, I don’t think they wanna miss her out if she’s interested in coming.
  5. Don't worry, I'm 90% sure one of the biggest festivals here in Sweden will announce something sooner or later, maybe Norway will be lucky to have her revisit again too. But yes, poor Eastern Europe. u___u and I'm still salty that she keeps coming back for festivals and not a proper tour here in Europe
  6. Really good article by NME that was published a couple of days ago: https://www.nme.com/features/the-cover/the-cover-the-last-dinner-party-interview-prelude-to-ecstasy-3552625?fbclid=PAAaYQ0y7ErEA3Quuor-lTvx27XnI1jqB1nwmrHC_s0LNbkHmIkIuJYvuFIMU_aem_AW7yUS_Tk7kFQ_70BbsBRFH61QT-0cZzKi7EJeVItK9dITZ8UKAxcm8xwZGhb5vjX4Q
  7. Oh. Well I’m kinda glad she didn’t put too much effort into this since we didn’t get a video for A&W.
  8. Anyone wanna bother with posting screenshots of Lana, I’m not interested enough to watch the full video.
  9. Thanks everyone, I definitely recommend everything you mentioned too! It was definitely legit then, I was starting to get worried lol!
  10. Good good, I forgot that they actually followed the account too. And that the village sold signed albums, I was reminded of that as I went through this thread.
  11. I keep forgetting about this. Finally listened to it now. Like mer said, the lyrics aren't it. Am I stupid or is he singing about his university and reminiscing college days or? Aside from that, I think it sounds pretty nice though, it might be something I would've added to a chill playlist on Spotify and eventually forget about.
  12. The more I try to remember how this all started... like... were we ever 100% sure this was legit? I can't remember if I signed up for LDR Village emails or if they were sent out because I'm subsribed to Lana's news letters. Elle had contact with the owner regarding discounts and the DLC jacket? I remember Lana showing up to the surf shop, but not LDR Village events? I think Rob attended one just last year though. I went back in the comments in this thread and found an image of a card claiming that Interscope was behind the business, so I guess it was legit? I think Lana or Ben must've advertised it on Instagram but I honestly can't remember? Can anyone help me out? I'm just doing some research for the petition, haha.
  13. I can set up a petition to sign that I can later send to Tap Management? Because this truly is unacceptable.
  14. I love this one, I think it's so cute Maybe it's more of a winter song than Christmas song but whateverrrr!
  15. I’ve been trying to think of an answer to this for the past two days, I don’t think I have one. A&W was the song I streamed the most but lyrically… I don’t think any of Lana’s songs can describe the past year. Maybe Ocean Blvd or Say yes to Heaven? Because I developed a crush for the first time in my life yay I’m normal after all! I met him very briefly and for a short time so “don’t forget me” and all that could describe it, as well as the chorus for SYTH.
  16. Now I'm 90% sure it's a lyric line for some unreleased song
  17. I was wondering too if she'd go back to writing less openly personal and maybe simpler lyrics now because Ocean Blvd was so painfully honest (which I love!!), it seems that my hunch was right. I hope they'll still sound great, and hopefully sonically a little more interesting than just a piano now that she's working with more producers too. I don't know what I feel about simpler lyrics though, sometimes when I go back to her older works I'm like... she can do so much better. ^^' I hope she's okay, I don't know why she mentioned not having kids or marriage when the reporter didn't seem to have been interested to ask about such things.
  18. Not sure if this has been shared in here but:
  19. MESS!!! Omg this is SO unprofessional, since when has it not been an official anymore?? Why is this not publicly announced, so many people have been affected by this shop and waited for their packages or refunds!
  20. But the site is barely updated, they keep asking us to sign up as if it’s ready to roll but it never seems like they know what to use it for. Right now, it has the exact same info as her official site so… We can get presaves either way, right? I’m not so sure about getting discounts but we’ll see, I guess. I still wonder why they ask where we live, because I doubt that’ll affect where she’ll go on tours. If it turns out I’m wrong, I’m happy to be!
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