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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I need Lana to write lyrics like J.F.K. again. That first verse is too sweet and good.
  2. Just a thought that came, maybe because I’m hungry but, she mentioned Diet Mountain Dew in BTD Pepsi in Paradise Candy in UV Soft ice cream in HM Fruits and coffee in LFL What foods will we get in the next album? French fries?
  3. I was dreaming of a lake // Dreaming of the water where I'd rise like a phoenix // Or an iron from the fire // I've got things to tell you like I know that you're a liar VS Got your bible and your gun // And you like to party and have fun // And I love your women and all of your heroin // And I'm so happy now that you're gone
  4. I had this song stuck in my head all day and when I got home and could finally listen to it on repeat, it kind of struck me that I wouldn't mind at all if Lana had instrumental like this in the next album... dreamy guitar in the background, heavenly strings from the second half of the song until the end, a bit of brass instruments... a smooth bass. And yes, I love U2, sorry if this is irrelevant, but I'd love it if Lana had a sound like this.
  5. What if Lana will use a children's choir for a song on the next record?
  6. Omg, I just got the news that M.I.A. is booked for a festival here in Sweden in August and the documentary will be shown there... and of course I can’t go because of exams, as usual.
  7. I haven’t listened to LFL for some time, but I’m sure I’ll appreciate it more in the future. Thank you for some more gems in your discography and for sharing your current feelings and thoughts - happy first anniversary!
  8. Just wanna share a moment from last week when mom was driving us home from visiting grandma, it must have been 30+ degrees in the car, and Beyoncé’s Halo came on the radio and I somehow got goosebumps - even though it was so hot!
  9. Lmao, I'm thinking the same. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. ♥ Too bad the trailer only says "coming soon", otherwise I might have asked some obscure theatre here in my uni town if they plan on showing it. ... maybe I should ask them anyway, but I won't really be here anymore when fall arrives...
  10. (The mini supermarket played Paper Planes yesterday so I stayed a little longer just to hear it all ) And yessss I wanna see the documentary too, but I don't know where I could see it? The biggest cinema chain here in Sweden isn't planning on showing according to their website. Does anyone know where it will be shown where you guys live? I know the Japanese Embassy here sometimes shows films and Studio Ghibli films, but I doubt that any embassy would want to show this... might cause some controversy.
  11. Low key sad or numb... mostly numb, because it doesn’t make me feel too sad but not any happier feelings either - until the guitar solo at the end of the song, that makes me feel free and powerful. And then the last tunes comes in and I’m back to feeling numb again. A perfect song for those days that weren’t necessarily bad but could have been better. On Our Way
  12. Years ago because of a bad headache. Last time you hugged someone?
  13. Hot like a summer and mean like a child Who keeps crying till she gets her way VS Prizes, prizes // A diamond tiara // Here’s to the girl with the blue mascara
  14. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty VS Honeymoon
  15. Found this thanks to @SouthInGuy’s tweet, a professional recording of Father John Misty’s cover of Ride. (Apologies in advance if it’s not correct, I’m on mobile data and haven’t watched the video myself yet)
  16. Lana needs to say or release something, people are getting desperate.
  17. If she’s deleted stuff from her Instagram... does it mean no more babies on the tour lyfe? The longer we have to wait for the next release, the less I think it’s have some sort of connection to LFL. If we would have gotten something short by now, like Paradise, then I might’ve thought it’s connected with the previous release, but I’m not so sure anymore.
  18. And I’m so glad they recorded it and included it in the album since it seems to mean a lot to her.
  19. Earrings, I barely wear anything else. Which TV show is your favorite at the moment?
  20. I'm shook. And here I thought Lana came up with the melody by herself, it's so beautiful. Maybe she did but it feels too incredible since these are basically the same..
  21. Maybe someone is selling it on eBay?
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