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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Yes, I do think he could become president even though he's stupid. Apparently, it has happened, no? Plus, there's rumors of Russia manipulating the elections thanks to Trump, and I haven't heard of anyone who has shown any proof yet, but such rumors alone are alarming. Trump is not for the people, only for his own kind and when it suits him. Something he's done that's terrible: "Grab them by the pussy" Contact with former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke Writing political stuff on his Twitter account which causes a political stirr, for example worsening the North Korea situation Called Mexicans for rapists Wanting a travel ban on muslims - in a the United States of America where all people of all religion are supposed to be equal Actually banned an Iranian doctor from entering USA with that ban Fired a FBI(!) boss And so much more 4. He still plays golf, even though he should be helping the people of Puerto Rico. Not much of a life style change there for me to see. And I could go on, but it's past midnight and a new day to get up early to. Sorry for any mispellings.
  2. Just a thought I had earlier today: what if Lana got some back-up singers for her live performances? Would be better than those pre-recorded back-up vocals that are too loud, or what do you think?
  3. Wishing you good luck for tomorrow, we know Cohen meant a lot to you. I think you'll make him proud.
  4. In Lana's portable harddrive. As work-in-progress pictures.
  5. Sorry, I can't bother to read it all, but how can you support Trump?? I'm sorry, I just can't understand how. And Lana is clearly anti-Trump in this album. "trump is president......... deal with it....... have some faith in your leader" Now, I'm not American, but holy macaroni. Wow. "Deal with it"? I have no faith in him whatsoever. He doesn't understand that his actions affects the rest of the world, including Europe and therefore, Sweden. Bye.
  6. Currently going bananas because Jhené just announced European tour dates AND I’M SPAMMING MY BROTHER SO HARD, WE NEED TO GO!!! SHE'S COMING TO SWEDEN OMGGGGGG! Forver grateful I was born + live in the capital.
  7. I just read that U2 won Global Icon award, but does anyone know when the finals results of the categories will be presented? I wanna know if Lana won (and if U2 also won best rock hehe).
  8. Well, the sun sets around midnight in Sweden during summers (and in the northern parts, it doesn’t even set at all!) and I’m not mentally prepared for the sun to set at 3PM/15:00 in one month. (and im happy that I live in the middle parts so I get at least a few hours of sunlight..!)
  9. OOHHHHH, I thought she meant savings as in “money”. Silly me, hehe! We changed the clocks to winter time last weekend here in Sweden, I thought everyone did it on the same day globally.
  10. Not sure if I like that she looks so normal, in a way I feel like "omg, she's just like me, an ordinary person! " and the next minute I'm like "I wished she wore something else than black tops, Lana, you're a star for god's sake! " She looks gorgeous though, as always.
  11. I need to go to my Twitter to check if this is real, lmao. Ok, it is real. What does it mean? People are writing stuff about Trump underneath, did I miss something in the world news today?
  12. She seems to have fun in her insta stories.
  13. KING!! I’ll listen to it soon, I’m starving and need some super late lunch/way too early dinner, lol.
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