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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I think I'll send them a message about the VAT thing once I recieve mine because it's not cool that this happens every time I order from a Universal UK store. Says it's included when I order it, then it turns out it never is. It doesn't make sense to me.
  2. Really? I just assumed she had another gig in New York that would collide with the tour.
  3. Oh ok, that kinda makes sense, I guess she just didn’t know about it and thought he was just a normal fan/stan.
  4. If the orange hair guy truly was the stalker, I don’t know if I find Lana to be incredibly generous or plain stupid for giving him a hug. Either way, I still admire her a lot, I don’t know if I’d be able to hug a stalker.
  5. Anyone has a link where I can see what the outro was?
  6. Yes yes yes, the live version is the only version I like!
  7. Right? I wasn't imagning people going more silent at the Rio show, right?
  8. I believe it's this Zimmermann dress! https://www.zimmermann.com/eu/ready-to-wear/clothing/dresses/high-tide-mini-shirt-dress-odyssey-print.html
  9. Ok, I've seen her dress and pretty hair, I'll log off for now. :3
  10. Oh, so that belt is going to stay for every show, I see, I see.
  11. The outfit change was painful last time, even more this time since she was so late. It felt too early in the setlist for me, she just got on stage, sang like two songs and then she needs 5 minutes to change clothes. They could've had a video to play while she's busy? To keep people entertained more than what Byron managed with the piano? I dunno.
  12. Same, I hear her but... ah, the crowd is obviously closer to tbe phone mic, I don't think it'll be worth it for me to stay up. It's past 2 am here.
  13. I'd be nervous too if I heard people booing at me 10 minutes before entering the stage. Hopefully she'll win them over.
  14. Nu-uh, I ain't gonna stay up to watch the show on Ben's insta, sorry, his connection is always a mess. It's 2 am, she's 30-40 minutes late, I think I'm out. I hope there'll be an explanation what happened when I wake up.
  15. Can't people ask for a refund if the show happens to be cut very short? That wouldn't look good for Lana either.
  16. She's always late. But usually not this late. I hope it's just technical issues and not something dramatic happening behind the scenes.
  17. I've seen some people trying to ask him turn it off but I don't think the guy is paying attention to the comments.
  18. Ok 10 more mins and if she's not on stage by then, I'll crawl under my blanket and sleep or stay up playing games
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