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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. OMG YES TIC TACS Ok, I need to keep a tight budget for two months now so I can get this pill case and a nice t-shirt, and a ticket to a student party, and ferry tickets to go back home, and the new Zelda game in May
  2. ... Am I being too delulu or could the pill case work for, like... I dunno, pez candies?
  3. Same, I feel like it'll be like the original LDR lighter and coke necklace...
  4. Watch Lana mention a whistle in one of the songs and everybody regeretting not buying the brass whistle earlier.
  5. Not me gaslighting myself into thinking I'll start using the pill case when I'm 80 and need to take my meds...
  6. Not me eyeing the pill case even though I feel like I'm choking whenever I need to swallow pills and do almost anything to avoid taking them...
  7. ... True... So maybe they've changed it after Lana's last BBC interview? (Because I remember BBC's interview with Inhaler was short and pre-recorded as well, and I think it was pretty short when Summer Bummer premiered as well? But maybe I'm wrong, I don't even remember if that one was on BBC or not.)
  8. I don't know why everyone expected something more or longer, the Hottest Record interviews are always fairly short, and they've always been pre-recorded as far as I can recall.
  9. Oh yay the forums are working again! I turned the volume off when the song played, can't wait for Lana to be on the phone in ~10 mins now!
  10. I’ll tune in to see if Lana will be on the phone, but I’ll turn it off when they’ll play the song. Since it’ll be the album opener, I want it to be a complete surprise and fresh when I play it. Besides, it’ll only be ten more days until I get to listen to the album!
  11. Claiming pink flamingo, I love citrusy scents, jasmine and rose water.
  12. I have a FILLY hoodie in medium, it's a bit too large on me. (I usually wear medium/EU size 40.)
  13. Oh yeah, I agree with the last part too. Awful, awful comment to leave! And you're right, people might've left ugly messages in DMs too, didn't think of that.
  14. I must be blind because I haven't seen anyone attack her daughter? (but it's really shitty of people if they do, neither Anna or her daughter deserves that kind of behavior)
  15. I don't think she bought fake merch just to hype up her followers, that doesn't seem like her at all. I think she just unfortunately got scammed, and got so excited to see the merch arrive in the mail that she didn't notice the differences in the mockup images. About the Dua Lipa rumor, I think it was similar here, just super excited to hear about it and spread it quickly. This fandom has had a lot of insiders, it can be tricky to know what's real or not, whether to trust an insider or not. I think people are a bit harsh to her. Although I wish she'd keep to posting Lana clothes and items instead of turning her page into a fansite where she shares news too, but that's just my opinion - others might not get info about Lana as quickly as we LBers do and like finding info from various social media pages.
  16. What have animals done to them to deserve hate?? No chance. Would you date someone who doesn't drink?
  17. Loved reading it, loved reading her thoughts and explanations, excellent article. One of the best, I think!
  18. Father John Misty AND Lana?? Hoping for a special stage!
  19. Love to see Assai getting dragged, I thought I was the only one who thought it seemed idiotic and like a waste of money when they first started doing these paper slips for Lana’s vinyls.
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