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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Just now, I got the feeling that Beautiful might be a) about life or b) someone calling her beautiful and her wondering about the meaning behind it. Kinda like her poem Happy?
  2. ? No, just a general reminder to everyone. :0 And if I can add: Please be careful about what the GIF you're posting is showing so Google won't detect it as something sensitive
  3. Hey guys, it's me being boring again and asking you to chill with the GIFs if you can so it'll be easier for everyone to load the thread pages.
  4. Looking at how quickly comments are posted, we'll reach 2021 much faster than you might think. ^^'
  5. I’m like 10 hours late but IF THOSE COVER ARTS ARE REAL, I’M GONNA BUY EVERY SINGLE VERSION OF THE ALBUM I CAN, they are stunniiiiiiiiinnnggg aaaah her best album really is coming, isn’t it?? Three beautiful singles with very personal lyrics! Arcadia dropping tomorrow! OMG NO WAIT IT’S TODAY how did I forget?? Thunder, Cherry Blossom AND Dealer!! I’M HYPED AGAIN!
  6. If only we were as organized as k-pop stans... which can be so stressful, especially now I guess, I did that shit 10 or more years ago, it was slightly different back then
  7. "Leak" and "leaking" are okay to say! Just make sure you don't say where to find leaks, or give any kind of hints of the site's name.
  8. I'm not 100% sure, but, from what I can recall from last night's stress-induced solo modding, they shared a video with leaked snippets. Could also have been because they had gotten 3(?) warning points within 1-2 days. But, like I said, I'm not entierly sure. And I'll go ahead and move these post to the random convo thread.
  9. This would be so funny to read if I wasn't a Lana stan lol
  10. Hmm. Then I do not know, sorry. :/
  11. Click on the "arrow down" icon next to create and then choose blog entry. I think a mod needs to approve it before it's visible for everyone, but I'm not sure yet since I don't recall approving a blog post before. ^^' (I've only been a mod for nine months after all)
  12. Okay, now that things have calmed down a little... OMG WE’RE GETTING DEALER!! I almost thought it would get the Yosemite treatment and not find a home for a couple of years, or EVER, and now we’re getting it aaaaaahhhh that makes me so excited, I’ve been longing to hear it ever since she described it for us!! ( \ ; u ; )/ But at the same time, I’m not that excited that will be on the album. The chorus isn’t that strong to me and it was a cute song for the first month or so and then I kinda forgot about it. I just hope it’ll fit in well in the tracklist and not stick out like BAR in Norman.
  13. General reminder: Do not ask for links, ask where to find leaks, give ANY hints on where to find leaked material or share leaked material! Sharing links will lead to a ban, and asking for links will put you on moderation (meaning a mod has to approve your posts before they're visible for everyone else). Please use the spoiler tag if you want to discuss new information about the songs and album. This also includes song lyrics! Please do it even for the tiniest of information or details. Do this to respect users who don't want to be spoiled until the official release day. To use the spoiler tag, either click on the "eye" icon in the top bar when you write a post, or type in [ * spoiler * ] your text in here [ * /spoiler * ] but without " * ". Please use the report button if you see anything or anyone breaking the rules, or makes you uncomfortable.
  14. When you're too busy modding to feel any excitement
  15. Guys, I beg you, please use the spoiler function to discuss ANYTHING about a song or the album we wouldn't know before the release, it would help me tremendously.
  16. General reminder: Do NOT ask for links, share links, or give hints on where to find leaks! Please use the spoiler tag if you want to discuss details of the songs, EVEN IF they're very minor! Do this to respect users who don't want to be spoiled until the official release day. Please use the spoiler tag if you want to mention any lyrics! Thank you for your cooperation!
  17. Because those comments were written before I logged in. I saw people asking you, again, to not mention certain things in your posts. But you're right, respect goes both ways. Be respectful towards lustforlife, and make sure you're respectful too (and stop mentioning sensitive body parts in the majority of your posts recently, please)!
  18. @lustforlife I've seen users asking you to stop and behave kinder for pages now, please listen to them. I, as a mod, shouldn't have to step in to make you stop.
  19. bye-bye to my plans of re-writing my study notes 'til another mod takes over I guess BUT I'd love it if you guys can go back to your posts and help me by putting them in spoiler tags!
  20. Thanks! I'll go ahead and put posts with those lines in spoiler tags. If you want to share any details about the songs, please put them in spoiler tags so that users who want to be surprised at the day of the official release will get the chance to!
  21. Please not since I'm not sure if we're allowed to share lyrics of songs we aren't supposed to have yet. I don't want LB to get into legal troubles!
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