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Everything posted by paradisetropico

  1. She was SERVING LOOKS tonight. Also her turquoise & black choker was a nice addition to the boring jeans and black shirt. She really just needs a dress and I'll be happy.
  2. can she resurrect the dresses on the LA to the Moon tour? someone need to ask her where the dresses went...
  3. Paradise was the best. Live performances had beautiful dresses, the hair, the makeup, the nails & the emotion on stage and her hand movements to body electric... Powerful. Violins; Palm Trees. BEST Also we had Ride Video + Monologue & Tropico ...so dope
  4. I got the Silver VIP BUT should I arrive earlier or is it not as big a deal -- if I want to be close near barricade ?! I have saved my coins and am so excited but not sure if I need to camp out still cause its a GA but let in early (im assuming Silver fills in floor and then GA fills in 30 minutes later??)
  5. the jewelry her make up the hair the clothing YES MA'AM Serving US LOOKS QUEEN SHE IS SLAYING IT OH MY I AM SHOOKETH... hope she going out on this Tuesday night ... She best be prepping looks for the tour with this look
  6. when are her nails coming back; I miss the nails so much. and the dresses at shows... I really miss her nails
  7. but then there won't be barricade???? how can I get barricade
  8. do we know if the General Admission floor is standing or seats???
  9. If I wait till Wednesday to order mech; will I get a pre-sale code for tickets??? Or should I buy merch now...??? anyone know?
  10. When do we have to buy to get the pre-sale code for tours? I don't want to buy yet because I want the black California sweatshirt ALSO not sure if she is even coming near me in America... confused is it Wednesday when she announces dates ? or is Wednesday the resale codes to purchase a ticket ugh
  11. its quite sad that she is letting Trump get under her skin... quite ridiculous. Im sorry but she should stand firm in her art and her pictures.
  12. Firstly; there are gems on LFL : WM, Cherry, 13 B, In My Feelings, TNC.... BUT when I said the Magic Spark is lost I don't equate it to sadness. I meant the lyrical storytelling of emotional feelings throughout her relationships. The vivid storytelling of Paradise & UV. I know she is changing and that is okay... but I guess artists like Father John Misty and Bon Iver are staying in their same realm of topics of life and sadness or what not but making very subtle changes. We won't know where lana is going next until it's already happened. And I will support her forever because she enchanted me with each album & comforted me. I just feel this record is not as intimate and she's even said that it'll be easier to sing because it isn't as painful.
  13. This record is beautiful & definitely has great moments; But I don't feel the "magic spark" like the past... Maybe this was an experiment mode for her but to me I fell in love with the Lana that writes her soul out in beautiful melodies of love and about her feelings of those moments while dating someone... the Electric Spark she feels.... I also fell in love that she didn't want radio hits... because its about doing it for herself and her world she wanted to create. I guess I love the sadness ............ and its annoying that she mentioned how she doesn't want to sing the verse "He hit me and it felt like a kiss" in UV because you know at one point she's stated that those words really were how her relationship felt; and if so, she's telling her story. Maybe now she disagrees but I don't see why she would sensor herself. she definitely is changing a lot and I love her but I'm not sure I'm personally ready to enter into the different storytelling that equates the Lust for Life type of dialog. It is very distant and not as intimate.
  14. Apparently she performed RIDE at Lolla in Paris and said "I STILL got a war on my mind" and to me I think this record was here to spice things up/ mix it up I believe she wanted to be in a different place but things happen in life. and I truly hope she gets inspiration to be more creative with the next record... a similar place to Paradise/UV... idk what her life was like when she wrote that but this album is great but it just doesn't entice me like UV or Paradise idk maybe with more listens ill change my mind but
  15. For some reason I get a feeling lana isn't as proud of this record(LFL). I could be wrong but her saying it isn't autobiographical to the crowd and everything. She just doesn't seem as close to the songs and melodies to this record from my view point.
  16. I really get a vibe that Lana isn't as proud of this record as the past ones. I don't know why but it isn't autobiographical and she just doesn't seem as close to it.
  17. Get Free confuses me time and time again. beautiful, but It leaves me confused. And the previous end-caps to each record did not lead into the next record to come so ? idk... I think Lana is not sure where we are headed but we are headed there together I guess for me, I'm selfish and fell in love with the love story and sadness of the love songs from HM and UV and now that she says she is over it I'm a bit anxious to see where we go next. I do love Lust for Life; just confused
  18. this album is everything... I just love it. However, I am nervous she is gonna get rid of the sad core essence and aesthetic that I fell in love with on UV and BTD and HM any opinions or speculation ?
  19. Get Free is pretty happy to me...However, I don't like when people say it's the closer and leading us into the next record... Her albums never continued from the last song to the next. After the first listen I feel frustrated and confused... I love it---but I just feel weird
  20. do you think that since Yosemite was happier and she removed it that she is kind of in a different mind space; possibly a bit darker?
  21. She also said YOSEMITE was her favorite track on the record
  22. she left those songs off because she said that they were "too happy" and towards the end of the record her "mood shifted." she puts out stuff at the time that reflects her genuine self. and remember when she posted the video of her listening to white mustang, she looked so sad. And I want her to be happy but sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough... I fell in love w the darker side and I'm loving Summer Bummer And Groupie Love LIVIng for it all
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