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About WorstAmericanRecord

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  1. I know it's not only white people who listen to her, and I'm not being those things or calling Lana one! I thinks that's ignorant. I've been a fan for a really long time, so there are many instances and creative decisions she has made that informed my decision to write that.
  2. There's definitely a tightrope of potential exploitation artists have to walk when it comes to speaking to particular groups, so I agree with that. I didn't say nor imply that she "hated" gays...I hope. In all of the interviews I've seen (I've since been made aware of ones in which she has), there had not been any acknowledgment of anyone other than that one demographic. I think it was in the Ride video, but she once stated that mother told her she had a chameleon heart (?). And while it's safe to assume not everything she creates reflects her life exactly, I think she really does feel that way, and I can see her shape-shifting a bit into different crowds. Maybe that's why she avoids tying herself to any political boats.
  3. I DEFINITELY don't want that. lol My being gay isn't a huge all-encompassing part of me either...but it is in ways that matter...And that's probably why I relate to her work so much. And there is a historical context wherein gay fans have shaped the culture in the arts through their support of female artists...and have been ignored. That was the point of this post. I agree with you, though!
  4. I literally got everything I was looking for from this. Thanks!
  5. Reading that she said that really made me feel butterflies. I know she isn't that interested in social issues, but I wish she would at least acknowledge us a BIT more often. She's wise in that she does not want to alienate anyone and she feels she'll be crucified for her thoughts (the public has been cruel enough to her). But I think, for an artist that has taken it upon herself to create works that reflect that state of the country, I don't she how she can be so publicly subtle and nonchalant about the social politics that serve as a backdrop to her work. I definitely don't want her to position herself as the Next Best American Ally or anything (ESPECIALLY not in the music), but I'd like a little more from her when it comes to how she thinks/takes about her fans. We gays worship her, and in many fan bases, they get either ignored entirely or used as props in a way... No idea. I think I've read/watched all of them, but I can't be sure.
  6. I was watching Lana's most recent interview (https://youtu.be/B3ezfOlDajM?t=68), and she was asked about why she believes her music connects with her fan base. She focused her response on her connection with young women, and I found it odd and sort of dismissive. Like many female celebrities, Lana's career has been supported by a diverse fan base but especially the LGBTQ+ community. Gay men/queer-identifying folks in particular have been some of her most vocal (and rabid) supporters, but it seems that there have been multiple instances wherein she has defined her "fans" as young (white) girls. I know there's a select few male fans she always takes pics and has a special connection with, but in general it seems as if she wants to depict her supporters as one type of group, and it makes me feel a little icky. What do you guys think? *Obviously, if I watch/read her interviews and am on this forum, I am a HUGE fan and love her, so don't read this as hate.
  7. I am sooo happy I didn't listen to the leaks. The anticipation is really exciting...it's been a roller coaster of an era.
  8. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That's why I LOVE the song. There's a soft resignation in the admission that she loves this person, and it's all because of that airy quality to her voice when she sings the lyrics...to me anyways.
  9. It's old! It's not commentary on the new, reworstworked version of it!
  10. I literally thought FIILY was released and she had clown lyrics in it. This board is a mess. lol
  11. Where is the snippet compilation again? I can't find the link...Plz daddies
  12. THANK YOU! THIS WAS PERFECT! FIIloveYou is brilliant. The drums and the high notes... omg... The windy West Coast synths in the background...WOW.
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