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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. yeah i reckon so, it's a nice intro but deffo not single-worthy
  2. MTE, did she suddenly get a budget or something?
  3. like its good but like its so boring too...its definitely a very different style to UV and BTD, which im thankful for - i was worried that she would be making BTD 2.0 which i am NOT here for. her vocal delivery is ASTONISHINGLY good in this, it absolutely demonstrates how much of a talented singer she is. however, i do hope its not a single because it is far far far too slow. it's a gorgeous taster into the Honeymoon era, but I sincerely hope that the other tracks do not follow the same sluggish vein as this does. also LMAO @ this "lyric" video

    Charli XCX

    It depends what kind of stuff you're into, really. The True Romance era is very 90s-hipster, whilst Sucker is more commercial slightly-90s/mostly modern pop music. We don't talk about 14. I'd probably start with Sucker if I were you, as it's easier to get into than her earlier stuff. However, True Romance is still a must-listen and far superior than Sucker-era Charli. Try listening to the singles from Sucker, along with the title track, Need Ur Luv + Gold Coins. With True Romance, I'd listen to the Heartbreaks and Earthquakes Mixtape first, then go into the album itself.

    Charli XCX

    i just............................................................................. why is she advertising hello kitty... why do her eyes look so dead again... why are her lips so massive (lana is that u?)... charli...why
  6. Most of Lana's fans have always been disgusting and irritating. The majority is comprised of 11-year-old girls making up fake information (ahem) or young adult white gays repeatedly attempting to stir shit up.
  7. Me too, but I think Lange (in the nicest way possible) is too much of a diva to work with Gaga.
  8. I'm pretty sure Gaga is going to have a rather important role, she isn't just gonna appear in 3 episodes and be forgotten about. As much as I dislike Ryan Murphy, he does know what he's doing. Also I'm 99% sure Lange won't return, at least whilst Gaga is in the show. The thing about old characters checking into the hotel has me so pumped! I hope we're going to see the mom from Murder House and Lily Rabe's character from Coven (although it's unlikely bc of her Whispers show). Really excited to see this!

    Amy Winehouse

    i just feel terrible every time i think about Amy. she had such a glorious life left ahead of her, full of so many awards, albums and happiness with finally finding the right guy. i never knew her but i feel kinda personally responsible for her death, like i should've done something to prevent it from happening. idk man, it's just still painful to think about how she's no longer with us anymore. probably gonna give the film a watch later, kinda nervous tbh cause i know how sad it's going to be.
  10. radio is a trashy and rubbish song i wish it never existed

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    WTF is this why does she hate europe so much
  12. the third one is the one i use and im always right
  13. Firstly, I am afraid to tell you this, but you are not the centre of the universe. Sorry. Just because you will buy HM regardless of promo, honestly, means nothing in the grand scheme of things. You are one amongst billions upon billions; in reality, it doesn't make much of a difference if you buy it or not. Furthermore, there's only so many people you can inform of about the album. You will not be able to inform millions of people to buy the album; Lana needs millions to be aware of it. Promo is completely essential to an artist. There is no other argument for it. Unless you're somebody like Beyonce, who is able to get an album to sell simply through word of mouth as opposed to traditional promo, there's no way you can expect to be a successful artist. Of course, sales are not everything, but music is indeed another form of commerce and sales are indeed important because of this. Lana cannot expect to be an artist and not promote her work. It just doesn't work like that. Also I'm pretty sure you're reading wayyyy too much into the instagram photos, I honestly don't believe there's any secret message behind them except her aesthetic preferences.
  14. Last exclusive news for now: Kinky Daddy is a pussy-popping song (like My Neck, My Back) produced by Max Martin. It's length is 69:69 only. The title is repeatedly mentioned in the chorus. Music To Fuck Boys to is produced by Dr Luke and Ariel Rechtshaid (some weird attempt at justification of this). The first single release date should be announced at a vague time that will most likely be a coincidence if I get it right. No longer than that.

    Charli XCX

    I don't understand why you feel the need to be a passive-aggressive bitch for. The user just came here to advertise that they were selling some rare Charli merch and wanted it to go to somewhere with a good home, yet you appear hellbent on viciously attacking said member. Quit the attitude, it ain't cool.

    Charli XCX

    yeah but you already made your point before, there's no need for you to keep attacking him...

    Charli XCX

    woahhhhh there's no need for the hostility dude
  18. i really beg for a Christmas EP to be released this year by her, featuring Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Santa Baby, Blue Christmas (feat. Elvis) [if possible] and maybe something more modern too
  19. We have no idea. IIRC it was only registered last year (or we only discovered the registration then?), but that doesn't mean anything because she also registered Come When You Call Me last year as well. The only thing we know about it is that it exists, there's no other information currently available.


    nope LOL we don't know anything about R8 at all, we don't even know if BBHMM, FFS + AO are even going to be on it anymore (although I'm guessing the first two are rather likely bc of the success of the latter and how much Ri loves the former)
  21. she already covered Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas...also isn't a bit early in the year to be thinking of stuff like this LOL
  22. Speculating on whether or not a person has been sexually abused is pretty disgusting behaviour, no matter how you try to portray it as. Talk as much as you want about who she is/isn't a relationship with and if she really is "a fan of a pro-ana nation", but don't start saying stuff about her being abused. It's just very invasive and very gross.
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