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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. After Paradise but prior to tropico. I hated Lana, couldn't stand Born to Die (song) or Video Games. I thought she was annoying, boring and far too melancholy. Then I saw the Paradise edition on Spotify and thought I should perhaps listen to some other tracks before writing her off completely. I liked her music, but it's only from February 2014 onwards that I REALLY started to feel passionate about Lana and her music.
  2. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 has always amazed me, along with Blue Velvet. I used to love Goodbye Kiss, but I listened to it so much that I car stand it anymore lol.
  3. I don't think you are. I personally adore that album, but there's quite a few fans who feel let down and dislike UV. Personally, I believe your statements about UV are more applicable to BtD than UV. Lana is such a talented lyricist, yet I feel she abandoned this wonderful ability when writing for BtD. Don't get me wrong, there are some pretty good tracks on there (National Anthem, OTTR, Lolita, Blue Jeans), but I feel the album as a whole is a bit amateurish. I think she really stepped up here game for UV and I believe her fantastic lyricism shine through on the album, especially on tracks like Brooklyn Baby, Is This Happiness, Flipside and Old Money. :flutters:
  4. Flipside is a beautiful end to UV. It puts a nice bow on the album's 17 tracks of bliss.
  5. I heard it is the Jewish spelling of the word.
  6. Here is the FemaleFirst review. Though they didn't like the album and gave it only 2/5, I'm satisfied with the fact that they actually reviewed the album for the music, instead of taunting Lana. They even go on to say that they wish they could be a fan of Lana, but they just don't like her music.
  7. I just hope that Ultraviolence will provide her with hope and help to dispel the negativity. If it gains acclaim, Lana might finally be able to put aside the personal attacks that came from BtD.

    Old Money

    can anyone else hear Lana smiling during the lines about her parents????
  9. I've never heard Nina Simone's version before, but I really really liked it! It's so stripped and ~smooth~, kinds what I imagine UV was before Auerbach became involved. Nina's singing (especially the last verse) sounds a lot more natural than Lana's did. That being said, I like the cinematic spin Lana put on her version.
  10. I just hate how a lot of these reviewers personally vilify Lana. There's a difference between reviewing someone's music and explicitly attacking someone; I feel that a lot of Lana's critics overstep this boundary. I wonder what their views of her music would be if Lana released it anonymously.
  11. the ONLY things I don't like about UV are: -Sad Girl was a bit of a let down. the verses are so sexy and sensual, but the chorus is weak. Lana fell into the trap of 'I'm a sad girl', which I was worried she would do, given the title of the song. -Guns and Roses' chorus is lyrically weak. The verses are cool, but the chorus is so repetitive and boring. I would've preferred a remastered AFFA, similar to BB, in its place. -The lack of the 'Let the light in/It's a cruel cruel world line' from Cruel World. It's only a minor issue, I can manage without it, it's just that I don't understand why Lana sang the lines if they weren't intended for the track. apart from that, i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love...
  12. yes, i do! i like it, it's a nice, subtle reference to Fucked My Way Up To The Top
  13. Here is the link to the interview, check it out underneath:
  14. Here is the tweet by Fearne, confirming that Lana will be appearing for an interview of some sorts! It's most likely that she's doing the Maida Vale session on the same day, as well.
  16. The ONLY thing I don't like about this is that it's missing the 'it's a cruel cruel world' line and the long intro that Lana said it had. But apart from that, it's fantastic! She sounds so drugged-up and wasted, it's a great opener to the album.
  17. Ultraviolence. By a long way. Sonically, it's a much more cohesive and coherent album. The tracks all sound like they work well together, unlike on BtD where I felt that there were too many different styles going on. Lyrically, the songs are so much cleverer than BtD. She doesn't rely on simple rhymes anymore - she's painting a picture to us. Florida Kilos is AMAZING simply because of the way it sings about drugs in such a twisted, sickly manner; similar to in Boarding School. Lana's also ditched the 'don't leave me I can't live without you' image, which I'm so glad that's she's done. She's so much more mature about love - just listen to Old Money and see how much more advanced and complex it is compared to Without You. I think a lot of people were expecting Born to Die 2.0 in UV, which is why they were disappointed. But it was never intended to be a rehash - it was gonna be something fresh and new.
  18. ehhhh PWYC and G&R didn't really stand out to me. but maybe they will do after a few more listens
  19. This album was always going to divide the fan base, that was clear from when we heard West Coast for the first time; it managed to do that. Personally, I'm on the "IT'S FUCKING AMAZING" side
  20. was anyone else surprised when Lana suddenly started singing 'ALOOOOOOOOOOOONE' at the end
  21. it's such a coherent album all the song suit each other and there's subtle criss&references in the song and ahhhhhhh this album is FAB
  22. The only songs I'm not really feelin at the moment are Guns and Roses & Pretty When You Cry. That's not to say that they're awful, it's just that they pale in comparison to the other songs. UV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BtD
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