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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. the more i listen to the album, the more i think it should have been called White Lines or something. i mean, I love the name Ultraviolence, but I think some sort of reference to substance abuse would work well too, as the album is full of drugs
  2. LG - You wrote a hit song rhyming peacock with biatch. The devil has your soul- and youre going to he*& A- Heey! Nothing against Katy! LG - right. i know ill take it down in a sec just venting A - I was thinking something very similar about Ke$ha this morning... LG - oh. i know. and im sorry to be a hater but.... A - Unfortunately, popular music today is all about making young drunk girls horny. Not that I'm against that in principle, but it makes for shite music where simple lyrics and beats are all that matters. But take heart, dear Liz, these things go in cycles and soon people will care about smart and challenging songs like yours. A - It's one of those great all-purpose words that rhymes with anything. "I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as ma beeahtch!" LG - No~ i love the smirk hahahaha!
  3. Wasn't SoC a promotional single? I think this is just saying that Ultraviolence will be the second 'proper' single.
  4. Totally agree with this - even the single covers (apart from WC) all look like Lana preparing for a journey somewhere.
  5. This song is so accurate and true. I can't believe how powerful her lyrics are.
  6. "Warm gun on the table Headshot if you're able" VS "Feels like, feels like, you know it feels like Falling in love for the first time"
  7. Ms just means a woman who doesn't like to reveal her relationship status. With men, Mr doesn't mean that they're single or married, whereas woman are forced to distinguish their status through the use of Miss (unmarried) and Mrs (married). Lots of feminists have started to use Ms as a way of removing this sexism.
  8. She meant that the Q&A would be at the end of the summer, not the album.
  9. Yes but we've known about Old Money since the Paradise outtakes (I think)
  10. idk which is worse, marina's 'soon' or lana's 'soon'
  11. can someone please reupload the director's cut??? the website isn't working for me
  12. YES! lyrically, the May Jailer era is far superior to almost everything she's ever done.
  13. @@Rebel oh my god that playlist is SO FUCKING GOOD. i think i was spiritually healed. bel air -> is this happiness is just amazing. love ittttt
  14. Oh yeah, I also have the whole album set as my alarm for when I wake up.
  15. Since it's release, I've listened to the whole album every single day. I put the album on shuffle and listen tk the song every day, it's almost a ritual.
  16. "To get back to Detroit, back to the promised land"

    Charli XCX

    charli's blog was trending on Tumblr last night btw
  18. I think she alternates between the two throughout the song.
  19. I just realised; all the single covers, apart from WC, have been in black and white but the videos have been in colour, apart from WC, which is (mostly) black and white. How cohesive.
  20. Body Electric feels like Trash Magic Part 2 to me and I love that. The song is super good, both the live and released versions. I prefer Lana's natural, stripped-back look from the UV era to the beauty queen look of BtD. I enjoyed Tropico. The first time I watched it, I didn't understand it, but rewatching it now, I think it's amazing. Not an opinion, but I've never seen Lana live (apart from Youtube videos). Tickets are just way too expensive
  21. Something Snow White, I think...maybe I'm Wishing (perhaps too upbeat) or Someday My Prince Will Come.
  22. in honour of the 4th of july, i created a playlist called GOD BLESS AMERICA. i took the original fanmade mixtape and extended & altered it in order to try and make a lana playlist that celebrates all things USA: EDIT: i also created another playlist called BORN TO DIE (very inventive, ik) and i believe it encompasses the entire era. i included all the album tracks and what i believe to be outtakes:
  23. I'm 99% sure this about Lorde because of the lines Lay me down tonight in my linen and curls and Lay me down tonight in my diamonds and pearls . I think it references Lorde's views towards Lana - she said abut how Lana sings about lavish, privileged lifestyles, whereas Royals is clearly about not living a rich life. Lana is being sarcastic by saying diamonds and pearls and linen and curls; all these items are attributed to wealthiness. I also think the chorus is satirical as Lana's sarcastically talking about herself; she's saying that she did fuck her way to success - she has no talent.
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