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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. this bit makes me laugh so much bc i can imagine the interviewer asking her really seriously why she covered TOW and then lana just breaks out with 'da othaaa womannnnn has timeeee to manicurree ha naillsssss' lol

    Charli XCX

    I know that Marina said she doesn't want a Vevo because then she'll lose creative control over her videos. It might be the same reason with Charli.
  3. So in the recent Complex magazine interview, which you can read here, the interviewer asked 'What defines being in a good place?', to which Lana responded: "Feeling really happy and just circumstantially like nothing’s going wrong, which becomes more difficult but that’s only my experience. I think a lot of people think the whole thing is really great. Making Brooklyn my home base for the last two and a half weeks has really helped me out, like I’ve actually started thinking conceptually that I have this addition, an addition to this record that could come really easily. That hasn't happened in a long time. Not since I wrote that Paradise addition to Born to Die, which I really loved." Could this mean a re-release of Ultraviolence with extra tracks, a la 'Born to Die: The Paradise Edition'? Thanks to DelReyLane on twitter for pointing this out!


    I don't think he ever bashed Lana. Fake Boobs is about himself, not Lana. Daddy Paid My Way Up To The Top is a reference to false claims that Rob Grant paid Lana's way to stardom. It's just harmless fun, TOSTB is not trying to make Lana look like shit. If anything, I'm pretty sure Lana would laugh along too.


    Being a fan doesn't mean you have to love everything an artist does. I love Lana and her music so much, but I find that there are so many things that I critique about her (eg. the slut shaming in Fucked My Way). Same with Marina - Girls was a problematic song and I recognise that. It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you critique someone - it means that you realise that they are human and are susceptible to making mistakes. Besides, it's not as if TOSTB is really criticising Lana; he's just poking harmless fun at her. If he was saying 'Lana is shit she's a fake bitch I hate her she can't sing', then that would be unfair. There's a fine line between talking shit and harmless teasing/critiquing and in this case, I don't think that that boundary has been crossed.
  6. i think this is the most misinformed and incorrect post i have ever read on this website
  7. "Could not handle @@lanadelrey's beauty tonight. She is 1 of the true beauty queens. Listen to her music. Love u, gf." "@@marinasdiamonds How's My Girl?" "@@marinasdiamonds thinking of you today. Happy New Years" #larinaisREAL
  8. the title 'Everything is Bullshit' kinda makes me think that it's a diss track about EiE???? like that was the song that put her on the map and it sorta sounds like it's dissing that. sky seems like the kind of person who would outright say 'it's not real', which makes me think that jt'ys a real title, if not a recorded song.
  9. Huge fan of both (prefer Marina but whatever). They shouldn't collab however, their vocals and lyrics are far too different from one another. Marina often sings about being strong in love whereas Lana sings as a weaker person. Just wouldn't work out. It was in a radio interview, she talked about the songs she likes to listen to daily and mentioned Teen Idle as being one of them. They've also tweeted each other occasionally.
  11. I think Money Power Glory and a shortened version of Brooklyn Baby would work as singles. The Other Woman would be a good promo single imo.
  12. Why should it be about sales or commercial success? I don't beliwve Lana ever intended to get higher sales than BtD with UV. She created Ultraviolence with the idea of creating good music, not gaining worldwide success; she already has that. An album's worthiness should not be measured by its place on the charts.
  13. I know that the official name for AKA is Lana Del Ray, but do we know what pseudonym she released it under? Like, was the album by Lizzy Grant or Lana Del Ray?
  14. 'For K Part 2' is a real title, which implies that a Part 1 must exist also. However, we don't actually know which track Part 1 actually is, although it's speculated to be the track sometimes called 'Pretty Baby' on Sirens, due to the repetition of the phrase 'pretty baby' in both songs. Before the leak of Quiet Now and From The End, the song 'Drive By' was referred to as 'For K Part 1', but we now know this to be false.
  15. The "demo" version of Trash Magic has the verses of The Man I Love, followed by the chorus from Trash Magic. Like I said before, they're both so different from each other that it makes me hesitant to believe it's a legit demo - I think that the the idea that Lana put them together for another reason/it's fanmade is far more plausible.
  16. personally, I believe the demo to be fake simply because it's so different to the final version. The Man I Love portion of the demo is dark and just doesn't fit the rest of the song, imo. this is just my opinion though, I have no true evidence for it. regardless, it's still a fucking amazing song and possibly one of the best she's ever made.

    The Sims

    what the hell, why would they remove toddlers??? and swimming pools are so cool (and a great wat to kill off sims), wtf EA. are they going to come in an expansion pack or??
  18. SIRENS LDR BTD PARADISE doing the rest later

    The Sims

    ive been really out of touch with the Sins world for ages, what's different with TS4? as in, what features AREN'T they including?
  20. we have nothing else to do but analyse...all we have from the album are two IG clips and a producer
  21. this is a photo of Kosten's studio: as you can see, it is exactly the same studio posted in both of marina's IG videos. therefore, he must be the producer. (thanks to the folk over on MB for the insane googling)
  22. Don't know if this has been mentioned before but the 'I sing, I sing' and 'I'm free, I'm free' parts of Brooklyn Baby are divine, along with the last verse.
  23. she followed him about an hour ago, so that near confirms it
  24. producer for the song (maybe album too???) is most likely to be David Kosten
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