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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. 1985, she's 29. general consensus is that the label made her lie by a year when she got famous because she was """""too old"""""" for the music scene; but this is unconfirmed.
  2. I'd add Trash Magic to LDR. That song is so important. And I'd also release two versions of LDR - one gapless and one normal. I'd add the extended lyrics of the first demo of DMD to the final version. I prefer the production of the final, but the 'Hit me my darling tonight' lyrics are so dark and they would really improve the song.
  3. I just pray that it's not going to be called Ultraviolence: The Ultraviolent Edition. If this is released, maybe we'll get Flipside & ITH in true physical format...
  4. I'll pray for you AMERICA -you and that disgusting mouth of yours. God bless
  5. lana said about K "On the outside he was handsome and wholesome, but under wraps he was running an illegal electronic business which ended up taking him and his friends under", which led to him being imprisoned. in Drive By, she mentions that the subject of the song was sent to prison for a drive by shooting on a Sunday night. granted, she mentions k in the second verse, but the first verse is about a murderer of some sort. therefore, the song appears to be about different lovers (Verse 1 - the murderer. Verse 2 - K) and is very unlikely to be For K Part 1 because i don't believe she'd call a song For K if it was about more than one person.
  6. when searching for "Lizzy Grant Nevada", i keep finding a weird tracklist and i was wondering if it was ever legit: 1. Brite Lites 2. For K Part 2 3. Gramma 4. Jump 5. Kill Kill 6. Kinda Outta Luck 7. Lolyta (it's 3:47, so it's either Demo 2 or 3) 8. Mermaid Motel 9. Oh Say Can You See 10. Pawn Shop Blues 11. Put Me in a Movie 12. Queen of the Gas Station 13. Raise Me Up 14. Smarty 15. Yayo
  7. I think Pretty Baby is Part 1 firstly because if the obvious lyrical repetition - both songs reuse the phrase 'pretty baby'. As well as this, the subject matter is kinda similar - in Part 2, she's saying 'I love everything about you, I love you a lot', whilst in Pretty Baby, she says 'I love you lots but you don't love me at all'. I believe that Pretty Baby serves as the dark, flipside track to Part 2, which is why I believe it to be Part 1.
  8. My favourites are: Dear Elliot A Star for Nick How Do You Know Me So Well? Blizzard You, Mister There's Nothing to be Sorry About Peace (the imagery at the end of this is breathtaking) Pretty Baby / For K Part 1
  9. In Cola, I thought it was 'I pledge allegiance to my dad/For teaching me everything ain't always' instead of 'For teaching me everything he knows' and for he longest time I was just like AIN'T ALWAYS WHAT, WHAT GODDAMN IT
  10. that's what I mean lol, I wish we had the real titles for those tracks. I agree with you on Pretty Baby though, I'm pretty sure it's For K Part 1
  11. there are some songs from the era that haven't leaked yet, if my source is correct. i really hope that they leak soon, May Jailer was such an amazing era.
  12. the sirens era (even though it never really 'happened) was the most honesty and truthful imo. the lyrics are heartbreaking and Lana's voice is so tragic. I just wish Lana would properly acknowledge it in interviews like she does with LDR. I'm hoping that an interviewer will ask her about why the album(s) was/were dropped. and we need the real names for all the songs & official artwork for Sirens, goddamn it!
  13. um...you do understand that the video is about JFK's assassination, right? Lana plays Marilyn Monroe at then start when she sings 'Happy Birthday Mr. President', whom JFK reportedly had a relationship with. Throughout the rest of it, she plays Jacqueline Kennedy (née Bouvier), JFK's wife. A$AP Rocky plays JFK.
  14. my favourite comment is "Me me me, she tries to sound so deep and creative but comes across self involved and boring" IT'S A FUCKING INTERVIEW OF COURSE SHE'S GONNA TALK ABOUT HERSELF IDIOT
  15. this song is reminds me of Boarding School in the way that it glamorises drug abuse. in both songs, Lana sings in a cheery, girlish voice that makes you forget the true nature of what she's singing about. it's only when you REALLY listen to the lyrics that you realise how wrong the song is. the song works so well as the end of the deluxe imo cause most of the songs before it are all about how Lana is rejected and emotionally drained by her boyfriend's drug addiction, but with this song, it's kind of like she's succumbed to the addiction - she's no better than her pill-popping boyfriend now. Lana's so clever.
  16. Is it me or does the ending (where she's like 'ohhhhhhh you're crazy for me) sound like the aftermath of a sexual climax? The verses, chorus and loud instruments represent the passion of sex, whilst the sudden 'drop' at the end is sort of after the climax.
  17. I had a really fucked up dream a few days ago that Pat & Rob had been brutally murdered by someone and Lana was recovering from the attack in hospital. Then she died and loads of newspapers were talking about jt. It was really fucked up and sad. I'm glad it was just a dream.
  18. That was such an interesting read! I really like the way you analyse her lyrics, you're very perceptive. I'd LOVE it if you did BtD & Paradise too!
  19. @@FormerLanaFan grow the fuck up. not everyone shares the same views as you and you have to deal with that. you can't just stick your head in the sand and completely ignore Lana simply because her sexual views do not match yours (which, I must admit, are stringently misogynistic). don't you dare criticise other people's views and deem them inferior. if a person doesn't see sex as being as sacred as religion tells us, so fucking what? how on earth does that make them morally inferior? why must someone's sexual liberation be negative? and, really, other people's sexual preferences shouldn't affect your life. if the way that other people live makes you so upset that you refuse to associate with them, then i have to say that you must live a very sad life.

    Maha Maha

    this song is so great and carefree
  21. because she's had sex with multiple guys??? because she doesn't necessarily see sex as being such a serious thing??? this is the 21st century, why should her sexual experiences affect your opinion of her as a person? if she wanted to 'fuck her way to the top', that shouldn't mean she's a lesser person. sex means different things to different people. don't judge her because her views don't match yours.
  22. ?????? because it's so lyrically beautiful. I mean, Dear Elliot is just so heartbreaking: "Are we just dust on the floor again? I thought we were on the mend"
  23. I think it's about how you see Lana's upper half in all the covers; from her head to roughly her torso.
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