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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. Is This Happiness is so tragic I have to skip it sometimes. Same with Flipside - it's so unbelievably sad. The live version of Hundred Dollar Bill during the Lizzy days is quite sad to me. Whereas the studio version(s) are quite playful, the live version puts a sad spin on the song. The studio version sounds as if Lana is this self-assured, confident woman who sells herself for money and loves it. The live version suggests that Lana has been manipulated into selling herself and the 'but there's nothing more gorgeous than a hundred dollar bill' line makes it seem as if she's lamenting the fact that she no longer owns her body - it's property of Jimmy or whoever else sells her.
  2. I think it's about loving someone so much, even when they've hurt you and left you. Loving someone unconditionally, despite the fact that they don't love you back. "If you change your mind, I'll come come come" - they love and are with somebody else, but you're still holding on to the hope that they'll change their mind. The "blue hydrangea", to me, sounds like Lana is remembering things that remind her of her lover - fragments of memories from when they were together.
  3. I can't choose a favourite or a worst track ('cause they're all so fucking amazing), but I'm disappointed in Sad Girl - the chorus is a let down. I would've preferred Fucked My Way to have been a leaked outtake, replace by ITH or Flipside in the tracklisting.
  4. I disagree, I like it as you because it sounds like the guy is telling her that; he's saying 'you're pretty when you cry', which she reiterates throughout the song itself as 'i'm pretty when i cry' in a sort of warped sense. If the title had been I, it would've seemed as if Lana had come up with this validation herself. By saying you, it makes it seem that the guy has warped Lana's sense of judgement to make her think that she is most attractive when she is upset - it's essentially an excuse for the guy's negligence of Lana and his use of narcotics. Basically, 'Pretty When I Cry' is the twisted self from the Born to Die era. 'Pretty When You Cry' is the self that has been twisted through drugs and others; this is the Ultraviolence era.
  5. I completely understand and agree with your points. whilst I don't think Lana should 'hide' her opinions or even lie about them, I think Lana definitely needs to think about what she says before she says it. she needs to think about HOW she is expressing her opinion and HOW it can be seen by other people. there's absolutely nothing wrong with Lana informing us of her views (I encourage it, if anything), but unfortunately the media is a manipulative force that appears near-determined to flatten her into the ground, as this incident proves.
  6. lmao some of you guys need to calm the fuck down; quit bashing Sky and Frances. as Sky rightfully said, the issue is suicide, not Lana. i swear some of y'all are such blind Lana followers that you instantly support what she says, whether it's right or not. Lana isn't a perfect person, she says and does things that are problematic (eg. the whole 'whore' debate from Fucked My Way) and i think it's right that people point this out to her. in the interview, she does say that she wishes she was dead, but i feel she was goaded into that response and didn't expect the huge backlash that appeared as a result. Frances is reminding Lana that she is a celeb now; she has to monitor what she says because it can and will be misconstrued. stop hating on Frances and Sky because they say things you disagree with.
  7. "sky ferrari really gets me omgz!!!11"
  8. would love for James and Lana to get together, it would be so hot. but tbh, I think Barrie and Lana are just on a break. "we're currently not together" sounds like they'll get back together in the future. plus, the thing about him needing to "sort out a few things" kinda implies that their relationship is on pause. maybe he'd leaving her for the music, her for the music, boy blue, yeah him...
  9. Flipside = Is This Happiness. I literally cannot choose a more superior one, imo, they're both as flawless as each other. Definitely the two stand-out tracks on the record.
  10. I GOT THE LIMITED EDITION VERSION OF NTMT FOR MY BIRTHDAY WOOOHOOOOOO now I have 3 copies of Night Time My Time plus two copies of the B-sides fuck yeah
  11. my deluxe copy arrived today!!! kinda pissed that it just comes in a cardboard sleeve and not in a jewel case though
  12. We only had a HQ snippet and LQ full version of Werewolf prior to Part 1's release.
  13. I want a video for all the songs, tbh. But if I had to choose, I'd say Florida Kilos, Money Power Glory and Cruel World.
  14. 1. who is this Elizabeth Grant bitch who writes all your songs 2. when is roses leaking 3. are you a feminist???
  15. screw part 2, i want the whole of I'm Not Alright pls sky
  16. You're hot, hot weather in the summer High, high neglectful lover Hot, hot weather in the summer High, neglectful lover You're crumbling Sadly I'm (could be 'you're') sorry You're gone with me
  17. The way she said 'I want to die already' didn't seem very serious to me...it seemed like when something embarrassing happens and you're like 'ugh kill me now'. She doesn't seem very sincere about it, it just seems an off-the-cuff kinda thing. Plus, the interviewer was clearly pushing Lana into saying something like that. He asks her twice 'do you think dying young is glamorous', even acknowledging the fact that it's a dark question to ask. This is the thing I fucking hate about journalists - they constantly push Lana on controversial topics because they know it'll generate a response (usually negative). The repeated questions of 'are you a feminist????' and similar topics are just boring now.
  18. Yes, all except Florida Kilos, Is This Happiness and Flipside.
  19. So it's: You're hot, hot weather in the summer High, high (I'm assuming it's high as in drugs) neglectful lover Hot, hot weather in the summer High neglectful lover You're crumbling Sadly I'm sorry You're gone with me
  20. I think that's a large part of the problem here. Lana didn't explicitly state she was feeling suicidal, yet the Guardian journalist didn't refrain from implying this. The journalist clearly made it seem that Lana felt suicidal from the title of 'I wish I was dead already' - which, really, suggests right from the start that Lana feels suicidal. He implied a view that Lana didn't make completely clear, which is completely unfair.
  21. I thought it was birds, but there's definitely a 'ck' sound in there
  22. The second part is: You're crumbling Sadly I'm sorry You're gone with me


    our lord and saviour
  24. does anyone else hear 'we can go back to where it's dark/where they don't know who we are'???


    can you please post the albums here? i can't get into PHF, it won't let me login for some reason.
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