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Everything posted by Cloudbusting

  1. Lana's dancers looked really good today (Clearly not better than Lana though) How much time did they take to make Coachella? Like a week? How much time do they need to make a song sound decently produced? (this is a legit question I know nothing about this kind of things)
  2. A pre-pre release thread seems plausible until she hints the next record's sound or aesthetic (or anything really) at least 2 or 3 times, imo. Idk how that kind of thing works, LFL was my first release here.
  3. I just hope she doesn't sell the song to another artist, that would be terrible I'd be on board with the soundtrack thing as long as it's not "Life is Beautiful" all over again. But if it really was her favorite song (along with Heroin) from LFL, then I'd say we'll get to hear it. She could release as a stand alone single when she's happier or something like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2eKeCUFuYc I came across this one once, apparently from the Lizzy days but if a song with that kind of instrumental was included in some future release I'd be scalped
  4. I'm so delusional that I'm still hoping for an EP with Architecture, Yosemite, RBFY and Wild One or whatever song she scrapped that we don't really know it's name. But those songs are not a reflection of how she's feeling now as we all know so maybe it's best for me to conform with the Architecture demo and hope for a heavy-guitar filled album Btw which tiger snippet?
  5. Ugh just by imagining a rock version of Heroin my wig burns Still my favorite from Lust For Life, idk, it soothes me if I'm angry (I've been moody since yesterday lol).
  6. When she's done she'll say: please enjoy the new record! And she'll leave
  7. Well Serial KIller counts as a BTD outtake so still not cool (i love that one though)
  8. Fuck it I'm going to wait until it's up on YouTube
  9. We are delusional if we really think she's doing anything else from Cherry, LFL and Love. Pls Lana prove me wrong
  10. It's a festival ser list of course she's only singing her popular songs A.K.A. BTD songs
  11. She's sung the 3's from two albums... 13 Beaches and Terrence Loves You please come through!
  12. Ultraviolence has the best production, hands down. Those guitars, those drums... damn. Also she did those songs with just a band and her voice, if my memory is not failing. Idk, that kind of rawness really gets me and that's what makes this album my favorite. Honeymoon has a very controlled production, like it's too immaculate, there are little details in the production of the songs that make them sound interesting but as a result the sound of the album is hard to replicate when she's doing it live (if she ever does lol). What I liked about the BTD/Paradise production is that mix between some hip hop beats and orchestral-esque music (which made her popular), imo some songs are overdone though. And Lust For Life with that mix of trap beats and acoustic sounds is interesting but I kind of prefer the simple production like in Change or BPBP. We all know Coachella's production is a mess so there's that. Anyway, I'd say that it's UV>HM>BTD/PD>LFL (in terms of production, in general I'd place LFL in the same spot as UV, personally)
  13. Those nice elders should react to Lana again, this time to Lust For Life, it would be interesting how they'd react to Beautiful People
  14. I wonder how the early 2017 tracklist looked like. Maybe something like: Young and In Love Best American Record Something Real Wild One (maybe?) Beautiful People (no Stevie) Tomorrow Never Came (again, no Sean) Lust For Life (Blade Runner Version, no Weeknd) Cherry White Mustang In My Feelings (or maybe this was recorded after her thing with G - Eazy?) Yosemite God Bless America (without the weird change she made to the title) When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing Heroin (seems like it's been there for a long time) Get Free (again, maybe it's been there for a long time) I know this has been discussed like 20 times now but I wanted to make the list out of boredom lol
  15. 13 Beaches - 24 Cherry - 16 In My Feelings - 25 God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It - 52 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (ft. Stevie Nicks) - 31 Tomorrow Never Came (ft. Sean Ono Lennon) - 26 Heroin - 33 Get Free - 35
  16. That will always happen, I remember I trashed Heroin's title and now it's my favorite Lana song I need a collaboration with Alex Turner. Also I hope it contains a lot of electric guitars and/or folky sounds. Lol I'm not really answering your question; I don't think we can know right now, but if she gets to that happy place she yearns for, then I could see more songs sounding like BPBP or TNC. I don't want her to ever dump Cruel World off the setlist but she could go back with National Anthem as a closer. And how can this site know? Isn't it one of those sites that anyone can add to?
  17. Did they snatch @Stargirl 's joke? smh Btw many have said it but that line in Get Free: I wanna get off but I keep riding the ride makes me think that those theories saying "this album is the closure to an era that has started since BTD" are true. Well, kinda obvious with the album name lol. Maybe not the total closure but she's trying to move on.
  18. Guys, off topic and I don't know if it's allowed here but where in this site can I ask for an iTunes-quality version of Flipside? I really love that song but I have it in LQ, I hope the next album has a song with that kind of guitar.
  19. That orchestral-esque opening would've given BTD teas. But a number as the first thing on the tracklist would look weird, maybe change it to "Thirteen Beaches".
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