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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. Sky Ferreira and FKA Twigs are getting off of their hiatus while Lana is starting hers. Tragic
  2. With how fucking contradicting she is a public retirement would never work for her. She would suffer from not being able to release music. She honestly feels entitled now and like you said DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK about what she does. She’s on her own time now and feels financially stable to have a career she’s always desired. She’s “worked” and now ACTS like she’s as historical as Stevie Nicks and feels like her parts done.
  3. So far I don’t believe that there’s a next album honestly. I feel like she’s gonna take a long break after this so I think she’s only writing poetry, not music
  4. This doesn’t sound that delusional... think about it. She’s attending Hillsong now and has always had references to Jesus in her music. What if she’s distinctly referring to him in MAC. What if she’s singing what she feels he’s saying to her.
  5. Wait For Life has to be one of the most emotional Lana songs. The strings, the birds, her voice. It’s so hauntingly beautiful and makes me tear up. I feel this exact emotion when I listen to In Your Car’s intro.
  6. Awe my cute queen. Sometimes I really love her and just wanna hug her matcha mom ass. Still looking cute x
  7. I wonder if she feels a slight embarrassment to the way she’s acting? It’s been 7 MONTHS since she announced NFR and still hasn’t given legit info about the album. By now i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s trying to forget about it and put it in the trash because she took too long to say something. She probably thinks we don’t want it after waiting so long or that we won’t like it but girl please. Just release the shit
  8. I forgot who said it, but the album is coming in September. Be ready by then
  9. So both rumors of why the album isn’t here have been debunked this week. The real reason we don’t have NFR is because of Lana herself. What a fucking joke. Not even a simple “I want to release the album after the book kiddos” is easy for her to say. Whatever
  10. If you were to pick the next single, what song would it be? Mine would preferably be In Your Car because it’s my favorite track so far, but I would rather go with Happiness is a Butterfly because we’ve heard the whole thing by now. Norman Rockwell’s granddaughter debunked the rumor that they have a problem with the albums name and that’s why Lana hasn’t released it. So it’s either Lana being stubborn or Interscope keeping it.
  11. The past shouldn’t be held over someone’s head forever. Eclipse said that he was 15 or 16 when he would always tease and not leak. I’m sure he’s at least 19 or 20, if not older, by now and his life doesn’t revolve around wanting that type of attention anymore. People change within days, weeks, months, and definitely years. Recently before this I remember he was having actual conversations about NFR with us in this thread. Change is a powerful thing and everyone should let this go because it won’t get us anymore unreleased material and certainly will get us NOWHERE near NFR.
  12. I know Lanadelnews personally and he supports Lana with EVERYTHING even when it wrecks all of her other fans... the crZiness
  13. Interesting. Like i’m curious as to how Honeymouns got his hand on Wild Side and if he personally knows Eclipse. I know Sayyestoheaven has demos and unreleased songs as well but is very close to Honeymouns.
  14. I’m so curious as to how leaking even works. Like how do they even find access to these computers and hard drives. For some reason though I feel like Jack may have the album locked up on a personal computer. Also, where do they store the album?
  15. Her sun is my moon and I can sort of understand her fleeting and confused emotions when it comes to things. She’s restless with her thoughts and very indecisive.
  16. My grandma is gonna pass away soon and honestly I’ve been listening to what we have of HIAB, IYC, and HTD and it’s keeping me sane and hopeful that life can still be beautiful even in the times of when you lose something that you care deeply for. I need this album to feel who I really am again. I need to experience something new. Lana takes me back to when I was so young and innocent in middle school and now that i’m going to be an adult soon I want to feel a new era of myself with NFR.
  17. Lorde is far superior than Billie in terms of lyrics. Billie is hyped for her >weirdness< and >unique< sound. Lorde though has the talent.
  18. Someone with fucking taste. Thank you for understanding this. Cruel Yourh is amazing and very underrated as I know a lot of people would like the band if they had more exposure.
  19. All this talk of LDR 7... FUCK LDR 7. She’s going to be over and done with her music career after the release of NFR. She doesn’t care anymore and that’s that.
  20. The last 3 tracks are my favorite. Her voice just fits well into the ballads. I’m actually a big fan of Bad Guy and 8 as well
  21. 14 minutes until albums are released in the U.S. I’m so ready to get disappointed!
  22. I’m not even considering a proper release. I’m not expecting anything at this moment. Y’all shouldn’t either. Lana is definitely not giving a fuck about a “Let me release a song a month before to give them a taste of NFR”. She’s gonna drop this album and leave. Mark my words. Literally ONE SONG will be dropped maybe a month or less before the album and then it’ll be over.
  23. Sky Ferreira fucking murdered everyone with Downhill Lullaby. It’s soooo good. She outdid herself and the wait was worth it. As long as Lana gives me this reaction when NFR is released i’ll be okay with the wait.
  24. I remember emailing Greg’s, the lead singer of Cigs After Sex, back in 2015 and telling him to collaborate with Lana and he emailed back saying they would love to. oh the memories
  25. I’ve said this before, but this album is different? idk there’s some type of feeing i get with these songs. There’s so much nostalgia and hope integrated within the instrumentals and lyrics that makes the album really fucking desirable. She helps millions of people across the world connect to their feelings and the fact that she’s not releasing music or keeping up with us hurts a bit. Ariana Grande naturally tweets i love u like every hour to show her appreciation. Lana can’t even do that sksksk
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