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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. day 24 without In Your Car... craving nostalgic music... reverting to Melodrama to satisfy my cravings
  2. This is true. the first snippet of the song gained a good amount of views. this new snippet too is getting a lot more than other ones. it’s interesting
  3. we’re all confused because the lack of communication. what if this era hasn’t even started? what if the rumors are true and those songs were really just buzz singles? who knows. it can turn out like the last eras and be filled with magazines and videos in the end, but we lack knowledge of what’s going on because nothing is said.
  4. just figured out that In Your Car is about car sex wow i-
  5. MAC is a snooze fest. Ride is iconic along with the rest. SOC is so beautiful and stunning. honestly every video she has is good imo. WM is great i don’t see how you guys don’t like the video i-
  6. feeling like something big is coming. i honestly feel that those videos for MAC and VB were just teasers for the REAL era of HIAB’s music video with more to it. also what if there’s a whole short film involved of everything. like a bunch of different songs revolving around that same aesthetic. i’m pretty sure they added all that stock footage of the van driving because they couldn’t show the rest of what was happening
  7. Damn Lana’s managers must get so annoyed be her cult following fan base. Lana fans can be the craziest when it comes to support, opinions, and bashing for not getting what they want. i wonder if lana has ever came to defend us if we were ever criticized by her team. imagine though, having millions of people that are obsessed and adore you but to the point where they can suffocate you with their support and admiration.
  8. for all we know Honeymouns could have easily added that part in there. he jokes around all the time anyways
  9. never saw Honeymouns story cause he scrapped it. hopefully someone can post it
  10. okay but i’m sure someone on her team or her label is thinking about a #1 and will push for her to release the album when there’s not that much going on. ariana will definitely have a #1. Billie Eilish... hmm i don’t know
  11. couldn’t agree more. 13 beaches is easily top 5 for me. everything is pure about the song and that’s the fucking tea
  12. as of right now she has no competition for a March 29 release. any mainstream artist though can come in at any moment and take that throne for #1. what if she’s waiting to see who may pop up?
  13. would prefer if she pulled a Lorde and stay silent, COMPLETELY SILENT on social media until she’s fully aware of what is going to happen with the album. but in all honestly i believe a March release.
  14. when she said “i cried on his shoulder cause life is hard” it fucking tore me. it’s so raw. she’s so vulnerable and not afraid to admit that hell yeah life can be so unbearable and all you need to do is cry.
  15. i’m COMPLETELY fine with a 3-4 year gap on her next album. she’s worked a ton and it’s lana so of course she won’t just hide away and not come out with anything between that time.
  16. relistening to MELODRAMA right now and Green light is HEAVY with piano and i remember the first snippet and it sounded unpleasant but overall it turned out to be a fucking BOP.
  17. if HIAB is NFR then that means we only know NFR, MAC, VB, IYC, HTD, HIATD and Cinnamon leaving 5 unknown tracks.
  18. now people are complaining that these songs either sound all the same or don’t sound the same at all. Pls listen to these lyrics and the piano driven instrumentals on each of these songs. it’s so cohesive in lyrics and instrumentals. it’s soft in a sense with a tone of humbility. if you want an album that’s different for each song go stream LFL. this album is very cohesive so far. and ALSO, So what if it’s simple with isntrumentals? last album she experimented A LOT.
  19. she doubts herself a lot i think. she probably posts it and then is like no no no i should take this back. ALSO, I would not be bummed if MAC, VB, and HIADT weren’t on the album... they’re REALLY GREAT. but that means that more songs will be on the album that we have never heard of. ALSO, i know these songs will be on the album cause they correlate to NFR so wel and everything and she hasn’t said that they won’t be on there. and ALSO, didn’t she say HIADT was on NFR when she first posted it
  20. i’m hoping that these pictures are glimpses of the In Your Car MUSIC VIDEO that will be the LEAD single
  21. Lana’s #1 on the Genius Hot Songs list ! currently 372 people are viewing the lyrics
  22. this is BEAUTIFUL ! would have loved if the cover was the MAC one but the style used for the booklet along with the waves on the CD is great ! love this concept !
  23. she’s giving us the most raw music ever with the worst attitude
  24. officially kind of irritated. her attitude is going a bit off the fucking charts. like lana isn’t caring at all and maybe she feels a bit vengeful for the past over some things like leaks and stuff? but she cancelled dates, not promoting anything, not posting, not talking. my best guess is that she’s rebelling against something or someone. and now she decides to post something about it
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