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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. i’m an otter and i have to agree that twinkle definitely lack taste at times ...
  2. DEFINITELY. this is why i’m so excited to see the gems they produced together. each song he’s produced recently with taylor and lorde have the greatest nostalgia to date. even with venice bitch, the beginning of “fear fun, fear love” sounds like a memory. the guitars create that as well
  3. I'm ecstatic that Lana is headlining the BUKU Music + Art Project in March 2019. It amazes me how an artist that gets 0 current radio plays and current hits is able to attract the masses with her identity, persona, and music. She's very talented. Also, since its the week before NFR is supposedly coming out do you think she will perform some songs from the album to promote it?
  4. i haven't heard sylvia plath yet, whos instagram has it or is there a link on YouTube?
  5. this is fucking ridiculous like girl why does she do this to us ? it's been almost 3 months since the release of MAC and VB and she decides to release the album that includes these songs 6 months after their premier ? FUCKING AGAIN ? i'm annoyed at this. i want a TOUR in the works, MAGAZINES, VIDEOS with GLAMOUR. i want the whole thing if we have to wait this long for an album that shes practically teased half of it of.
  6. is this event going to be live streamed? what time is it at? also, do you think Lana would announce something at an event like this? she seems like the type of person to not want to steal someone's thunder and considering that it's Jacks event she is either going to stay quiet because she feels that promoting herself would be inappropriate at an event like this or she will thank him because it IS his event and he's produced all her new work. either way maybe it will be a little "thank you to jack for creating these new tracks off of my album Norman Rockwell which is out *****"
  7. the views honestly don't matter. Lana has said it before that she does this for herself, making music and putting out what she loves. i like for her to be unknown as well LOL.
  8. had she always been friends with them or did she have auditions and then they became close? when did they make their appearance altogether? they're like a trio though now so i don't ever see that dying out unless one gets a fantastic offer for being a dancer for a bigger artist and then they just split and Lana becomes singular.
  9. after this post i realized that Lana had came to my city to perform at a theater that only houses 2,000 during the open road tour. i didn't even know she toured before the paradise tour. her first tour seems very unknown as i can't find any videos of it.
  10. I'd be a little disappointed if lana doesn't say something till January 2019 about NFR. it's just a long absence of 3 months after 2 singles...
  11. she obviously bought the cabin for a music video. TOTALLY here for the aesthetic of a cabin in the woods that's surrounded in polaroid film. but the real question is... what song would the cabin be used for? my guess is Norman Fucking Rockwell. that scares me though because if she just bought it does that mean she's BARELY making another music video for the title track or did she rent it out before or WHAT. but its all speculation, i'm sure by now she has HIAB done with the music video
  12. I like this idea, but i think the move to the painter/illustrator stuff is a new step in this era rather than the LFL one. the imagery of loving a musician is present a lot in groupie love. being in love with a painter now though is such a classy move, the world of art in paintings/illustrations is so beautiful and authentic and feels more mature than someone in love with a boy in a band.
  13. I was listening to 13 Beaches and i hear similarities to Sylvia Plath. in the line "if i was tested less like" in Sylvia Plath, its similar to "almost all the time" in 13 Beaches. i can already feel that build up
  14. Chucks pictures are just so mediocre. I can take the pictures/videos she does on my fucking PHONE if i wanted to. they're just unoriginal and lousy. no exaggerated effort of trying to capture an atmosphere for the model.
  15. so the artwork/shoots for NFR revolve around Polaroids, 8mm, nature, and low quality material? I love these things because it gives the album a different type of feeling than her past ones, but i dont know... these things are similar to what Chuck LOVES to use in her photography. I'm positive that Chuck has influenced Lana's creative mindset revolving around the album artwork. Lana will definitely use her though for the album photo shoots and cover again.
  16. what's the account @? also, i just had this feeling yesterday that it's been too much of a big gap it feels like for silence. maybe she'll announce something this week, but as always we are only hoping for something.
  17. These strings are so heavenly. I hope this is real because I can definitely hear her voice flow into the instrumentals. If this is fake, please find me the link to this in FULL.
  18. Has there been an album where the Gemini in her didn't pop out and change the direction of the album? as far as we know she changed the production on BTD with some songs, re did UV with Dan, and scrapped/rewrote half of LFL. its unsettling still how the albums tone started off with 13 Beaches and Heroin, such dark beautiful tracks
  19. "Giving thanks to my fans for feeding me with the streams of my work, here's How to Disappear. xx" I WISH
  20. talking about a possible tour if she decides to after the release, if she keeps some songs from the LATTM tour will she change the dance with it? will there be a new dance or set with the songs? i would hate to see the same thing for a song again. for instance, if she kept OTTR would it be the same dance or will she style it to be different? ALSO, this album seems like a difficult album to tour for. i mean stripped back sounding artists are always performing in arenas such as ed sheeran so i don't think it would be that bad, but i want a tour with EXCITEMENT like a stage design that goes out into the crowd and actual visuals and dancers.
  21. Textless album cover is a great idea! This album feels very artistic in terms of aesthetic due to the overall tone of MAC and Venice Bitch. VERY cohesive so far from the things she's done so far. I definitely see a green for the vinyl. I hope she's in front of a plane for this album ughh
  22. the last episode was bittersweet. the ending with Cordelia killing herself was GREAT shock value, but the fact that it sent Mallory back in time in order to kill Michael was too predictable and I wish the plot could have worked around that. An ending of "we have to start the world over now..." would have been very good as well. some things that never happened are kind of sad as well, Madison not coming back from hell yet was one for sure. Those kids meeting at the coffee shop felt so pointless, I don't like how it just went full circle. They could have just said "Oh they're in the Illuminati, thats why they'll be at Outpost 3" instead of giving a backstory as to why they got the privilege of living after the apocalypse.
  23. I FUCKING CHOKED. Change is Coachella level compared to VB.
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