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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. i used to LOVE halsey but then she got engulfed in wanting to be a big pop star
  2. a drop will for sure overtake Cinnamon. the "I win" is just by itself with no instrumentation. unless its just a loop of piano and those noises she got rid of the other snippets though which is interesting. this album was sounding good until i heard the 3rd piano ballad in a row.
  3. for real though. i can sense that she would deliberately try to fuck up lana through some brujeria.
  4. EVERY FUCKING ARGUMENT AZAELIA HAS IS ABOUT HER FUCKING RACE. PUT THE RACE ASIDE ALREADY AZAELIA. talk the real shit. she uses that as an excuse every time. what pisses me off more is that she SWEARS she has proof of lana being racist but it doesn't EXIST, because Lana is not even a racist. AT ALL.
  5. if you're taking azaelias side then who are you as a person? azaelia has bullied lana for YEARS and called her fat today and Lana snapped because of it? that's not wrong at all. Lana is NEVER in drama besides recently having to deal with kanye hut even then she spoke out of her own feelings and approached it maturely in some sort and didn't speak like a bitch about it. Azaelia is done for.
  6. can someone post the story?
  7. http://prettypuke.com/page/2 what if Lana had this photographer for an era...
  8. i LOVE everything about this era and music direction so far. it's Lana as well like she's so diverse and unexpected with albums. let's not forget that 13 Beaches is on the same album as Coachella...
  9. i was thinking of the album cover and what if it goes like this. she has a suit on and she's bending backwards in a 60s style truck with a paintbrush in her mouth painting a scene of flowers or just an abundance of colors.
  10. Venice Bitch is one of the most authentic, dreamy, beautiful, purest Lana Del Fucking Rey song ever. it creates the feeling of being free. allows the mind to run on the beach and feel the wind of the ocean waves run through the fingers. it's amazing.
  11. i feel very contempt and filled with the fact that Norman Fucking Rockwell will be the album that coincides with the ending of my high school career. i've known lanas music since i was in 7th grade with the BTD era, it wasn't until 8th grade though when i became apart of the stan community and the UV era. my freshman year of high school was the HM era and junior year was LFL. i feel that NFR will be a nice and subtle way to end high school and my innocence as a child under my parents roof as lanas music direction is reborn and fresh.
  12. an 11 track record ! i'm still living for this number. such a good amount of songs.
  13. exactly, like if LFL wasn't her mainstream success? the headlining festivals? the tour that grossed 45 million? the NUMBER 1 album she gained recently... how ignorant can someone be to say that interscope will drop lana. making it seem as if she's been living under a rock with her art/albums and not trying to be out there. seriously though she has all the right to turn to a more stripped back, low budget album with uniqueness to the concept.
  14. THIS IS SO LANA. fuck the glam, fuck the trap beats, fuck the generic "pop". this is HER in the rawest form. the guitars and the pianos are flowing from her heart and mind all together and it's so cohesive and pure sounding. i can't even DESCRIBE how natural the sound is. it's not forced at all, she really just let her inner mind and soul come to life. NFR <3
  15. definitely agree! so raw and its perfection! it feels NATURAL AND LIKE ITS HER WHOLE SELF BEING POURED INTO THE UNIVERSE
  16. late as well! but just thought that i should share how natural and beautiful this era feels already. VERY professional a new feeling of lana
  17. just watched some of The Endless Summer tour videos and wow. her vocals were so powerful throughout every song. i wish she strived for me during the LA to the moon tour. i just think it was hard for her to multitask with the dancing
  18. "it actually is important." what is that statement hiding? too much of a reaction from her to just be low on self esteem or just wanting quiet time.
  19. San Marcos is notorious for it's outlets with all the designer stores and shops. maybe she wanted a little getaway and didn't want the location tracked since it is such a small town and she wanted to enjoy the time she had there. but texas out of all places to go? SAN MARCOS? interesting.
  20. lana is apparently pissed at the person who took a photo of her in San Marcos, Texas which is only 48 minutes from me omg. does anybody have the pic?
  21. THIS is mature. Lana can't be heard doing a collab with CLAIRO OR BILLIE, they're too early in their career i feel for an actual Lana collab. they're just not on the same level
  22. a collab with cigarettes after sex is all that is needed !
  23. i'm just finally relaxing and waiting on the new releases patiently because with every new release i fear that we're getting closer and closer to her last so i'm taking the wait all in. also i had a dream that lana said the album was coming out in "12 months" but that she said that 4 months ago meaning 8 months left... making that april 2019.
  24. she hasn't said it specifically but through her description of how the album will follow in the footsteps of change and get free lyrically and symbolically it's not a bad assumption to think that she may dive deep in her inner self as to how she conquered or is trying to conquer her happiness. This is pretty personal considering she's been dealing with this battle of "how do i found my happiness?" even in her "happiest" stage which supposedly is LFL.
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