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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. Jack really uses these ASMR mics with the people he works with huh. Listening to St.Vincent right now and her vocals are so clear like Lana’s in Hope is a Dangerous Thing, notice this in Melodrama too.
  2. PERO YO TENGO LMAO I CHOKED. but eh i don’t expect anything tmr
  3. “She’s coming” doesn’t even excite me or anticipate anything lmao. release this fucking album already an i’ll be on my way THANKS.
  4. i was thinking of track names for NFR and i would like it better if In Your Car < Burnin Through You Cinnamon < Let You Live Happiness is a Butterfly < Dance With You HIADTFAWLMTH< Hope is a Dangerous Thing the rest of the tracks are great honestly
  5. I’m okay with that in all honesty. new, fresh tracks ! Also, i’m hoping this church thing doesn’t influence her the way it did with Justin and she decided to stop her career ugh A teaser for her new song got 11,000,000 views on instagram in like 3 days... out of those 11 million about 500,000 are destined to buy the album
  6. She posted a clip of her new single and the caption “OUT MARCH 29”
  7. This whole era feels really off. lets list everything that’s been WEIRD. • VB and MAC released in September 2018, following Hope is a Dangerous Thing in January 2019. 4 month gap of singles. • Suspected March 29, 2019 release date with Billie Eilish now having her debut album coming out on the SAME day from the SAME record label. • Lana admitting the album is FINISHED and MASTERED but has kept quiet about all of it... • Ben not liking the album cover, Lana having to re-do it. • Snippets of multiple tracks with no context as to what will happen with these tracks. • Explains how some festivals will be cancelled due to things out of her control. • Lana being extremely quiet with everything concerning the album. Something is going on here guys.
  8. Billie Eilish is HUGE right now. she’s dominating the internet. gained millions of followers in like months. got over 100 million views on her When the Party’s Over music video in a quicker time span than Lana did with Love. her debut album has a lot of hype behind it. people are supporting this girl like crazy. shit this means NFR won’t come out on March 29. if Billie has already released the date then, NFR is coming out later. since it’s a debut album Interscope definitely wants to try and get her a #1 or top 3 at least
  9. if In Your Car is a single the cover should be the most recent pic on her insta
  10. there’s this edit of the album cover and ugh i cant upload it but i love it ! Lana Del Rey Updates posted it on their youtube. if you can plait it here !
  11. i have a little hope that when she comes back it’s gonna be an announcement because her last posts were three coinsiding ones. kind of like a border for a new set of images. idk she has me on the edge of my seat because something is coming and when she finally announces it all we’re gonna be EXCITED ASF
  12. I agree Khris (this makes you even hotter btw), MAC has one of my favorite pics of Lana ever. something about her face and the rawness of it is so captivating. VB on the other hand... can’t relate
  13. ME FUCKING TOO. he has such a dark undertone though idk when Lana could use him for the work
  14. I was crying right now and fuck Lana’s music still helps me through it all. i know for a fact NFR is gonna comfort me even more
  15. I HAD A DREAM THAT LANA RENAMED NFR “Unloved” and it was the lead single sksksk what does that mean ?!
  16. I’m catholic. I’m also gay, love astrology, had sex before marriage, play with tarot cards. i’ve done a lot that goes against my religion but at the end of the day i still identify as a catholic. like i said earlier, being apart of a religion doesn’t necessarily mean you believe in everything they preach. it’s just the basis of what you find faith in and how you want to practice your life.
  17. y’all are blowing this wayyy out of proportion. i’m positive Lana is not some hidden hono. fucking KIM KARDASHIAN WHO HAS A TRANS MOTHER IN LAW, GAY BESTIE, AND INTERACTS WITH THE FAGS OF YOUTUBE COUNTLESS TIMES GOES TO THIS CHURCH. EVEN BI QUEEN KENDALL JENNER GOES. to be apart of a church doesn’t necessarily mean you believe in everything they preach. come on, it’s Lana. forgive her if it offends you that she decided to experience this church because the trend of it, but don’t be close minded and assume she’s a homophobic bitch who let all her values go down the drain when she risked her whole discography to make an album about being woke
  18. really wish i could go ugh ! my birthday is the 18th. i’m so happy for her though, my heart melts every time she’s a headliner. she deserves it
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