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Everything posted by Lustrouslines

  1. she’s giving us the most raw music ever with the worst attitude
  2. officially kind of irritated. her attitude is going a bit off the fucking charts. like lana isn’t caring at all and maybe she feels a bit vengeful for the past over some things like leaks and stuff? but she cancelled dates, not promoting anything, not posting, not talking. my best guess is that she’s rebelling against something or someone. and now she decides to post something about it
  3. this era is MESSY. which sucks because these songs have been brilliant. i wish there was a clear explanation saying “MAC and VB are just singles. an album will come later but these are stand-alones”. i think also this era feels long asf because lana just DOESNT SAY ANYTHING. it would help if she gave explanations.
  4. still have to wait for midnight to listen but it’s ALL OKAY. your positive reviews are letting me live. i’m just so happy Lana is raw as shit with this album !
  5. this era will truly be the sloppiest one, SURPASSING LFL, if she does this shit
  6. when’s the last time she just released a song ? without a premier
  7. Honestly like that cocaine necklace is... controversial. I have it !
  8. i’m feeling a beach. the beach is a BIG inspiration this era. Mariners, Venice, “i’ll command you home to me”, the imagery in both music videos. i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on a boat or car on the beach !
  9. okay but the lyrics have been a SERVE this era. “there’s things i want to talk about, but i’ll just let you live” is so raw and it’s something we all have felt before. UGH HER MIND
  10. some of y’all REALLY reach. SYLVIA is now titled HOPE IS A DANGEROUS THING FOR A WOMAN LIKE ME TO HAVE- BUT I HAVE IT. you can refer to it however you like but it can simply be HOPE IS A DANGEROUS THING this song is obviously the one she’s releasing the 9th because she said it while she posted the fucking song title and snippet ! end of story fags !
  11. hoping it’s not the one she’s headlining along ASAP the week before March 29th. i would love to see her headline this festival.
  12. lana seems very out of it to me recently. she just is becoming a hit or miss with her decision making. almost as if she’s lost in some way. the first sign of this was with the October single. she never followed through (even though she did say “may”) and then she was all like “eh idk i might put out a song on the 8th”. i know she did follow through with putting it out on the 9th but even then she wasn’t 100% sure. she just seems like she’s making decisions to do what she wants out of nowhere
  13. can we just shorten it to “hope is a dangerous thing”
  14. is she reverting to a sad girl bitch? IM HERE FOR IT. the cancellation of shows seems a bit haunting... i wonder the reason
  15. i’m sure she holds barrie and francesco in her heart. they for sure have made an impact in her life as whole ass albums were based off of those relationships. G Eazy nah, she didn’t seem too caught up in him. if she stayed with Barrie i feel like her mindset may have been more dark and destructive with storytelling of a relationship where the two destroyed each other but had undying love. a la Cruel Yourh esque.
  17. Venice Bitch > In Your Car > How to Disappear > Cinnamon > Happiness is a Butterfly > Sylvia > MAC
  18. this album is so fucking nostalgic and reminds me of the feeling of HOPE. it just inspires me that change is possible and idk if it’s where i am in my life rn or what but this new lana music brings some deep ass feelings. the strings, the pianos, the voice on the track. i love it. i’m ready for NFR.
  19. honestly. but i have a little more hope for this one because there’s a date you know ? she has it in mind.
  20. this january single better come the fuck thru ! she seemed like “meh” about the date but i’m sure it will be released in january. also, that cover is FUCKING killing me. should we trust bens judgement? also, this album will be her best one. watch. it WILL be on some UV type shit.
  21. lol bitch. honestly idk what the fucks going through her mind if we don’t get any music in january. part of me is being like okay of course we are, another part of me is saying... nah she’ll wait.
  22. i’m going through a lot of changes in my life right now and hearing new lana music will put me at so much ease ugh
  23. my mistake, it’s “welovelana__” with two underscores. the post is simple and doesn’t give much facts about the statement.
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