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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. the thing is (i’m not sure where you live but especially in the uk) people were going WILD with conspiracies and it spiralled into this massive thing. basically i feel she had to explain what was going on as people genuinely thought she was dead
  2. omg woman's world went platinum!! (in my airpods)
  3. i think the hate is incredibly forced. it is a fun and catchy pop song, and it is not pretending to be anything more than that. yes, it is cliche and cringe, but it is typical katy. so yes, give it a listen and make your own opinion on it!
  4. i feel like the uk is a bit more disconnected in the sense of seeing our former prime ministers as monsters. i still remember when margaret thatcher died almost everyone i came across was essentially celebrating her death and there were marches with plaquards and masks. basically our leaders are always remembered less fondly than their american counterparts... it’s quite odd
  5. having guns anywhere other than a GUN store is crazy work anyway 😭 like wdym you can buy a gun in the aisle next to the polly pockets in walmart....
  6. there is no way that man is the president of the US... like WDYMMMM second term???😭😭😭
  7. i think it is but in a different sense to how we usually think about mental health. i think the mindset of the individuals who carry out these horrendous acts are considered their own form of illness, and to hate a group so much (e.g. the pulse shootings), there has to be something else going on up there
  8. the "it's my constitutional right to have a gun" argument is so funny because i don’t think the founding fathers envisioned assault rifles and ar-15's shooting up clubs and music crowds... it’s either a superiority complex, schizophrenia or compensation for a sad/boring life that makes conservatives so hellbent about having a pistol "but it’s to protect me!!!" - FROM other peoples guns.... if they werent there you wouldnt need the protection ma i say this as someone who grew up and has lived in a country with no guns and next to no gun violence
  9. can we all chill again please... i know it’s easy to get emotionally charged up but be respectful
  10. it is 3am here so i am sleeping be on your best behaviour for @NikoGo @That Venice Bitch @fishtails otherwise perma lock is coming
  11. quietly unlocked this - lets keep it civil in here. happy for respectful conversation but please think before you post sumn
  12. okay girls lets take a breather. happy to have this open for discussion around the incident, but lets try not to argue
  13. the ones that were posted were promtly hidden and WPs were given out. if you feel any post needs looking into further, please use the report function
  14. stories develop, especially ones like this. it is not part of a political bias to spot potential inconsistencies on something as information still comes out. i appreciate your point, and do agree, so of course if i do see something that is blatantly against rules, we will take appropriate action on that front once more information comes out, the OP will be updated
  15. i havent read the story since the article updated - so i do hope that everyone is okay and if people did die, that is awful and i hope noone else is injured
  16. then why did security fail to rush him off stage instantly? why was the camera shot so perfectly positioned and angled? it is just an odd set of circumstances and what has 'officially' come out does not really make alot of sense
  17. honestly knew t word was gonna win in the first place ever since he was arrested and seen as a martyr amongst his minions but this is BAD bad for us in the democrat interior illusions lounge
  18. we need that adsense somehow baby jks we didnt have much info on it when i made it so thats why it is titled that i will change it when i open my computer it doesnt let me on my phone
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