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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. April 2018 i was mid-way through sixth form and i was learning to drive
  2. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    we still have this classic
  3. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    the video really is a 10/10 but billie was... not a good choice sonically for a song as excellent as guess that would require her to work which she will not do she was only in the video as someone said there was a houseparty with free cigz
  4. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    oh yeah that video was so good mixed feelings on bill's verses but the last guess guess guess guess guess guess bit where they go between eachother was SO cvnty
  5. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    you wanna guess..
  6. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    i just want a 60 minute club non-stop megamix charles
  7. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    boring...! yawning...! sloppy...! lazy...!
  8. clock it i honestly always took that story as her telling the person she @'ed 'i hope you like country...' because she was playing it to them down the phone
  9. i don’t know what else to tell yalls key to being a lana fan is let stuff come when it comes otherwise you'll just end up disappointed
  10. another cycle of someone says something that was never ever mentioned by lana -> this site runs with it as if it is gospel -> users then blame lana for the thing she never said
  11. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    why my spotify capsule order ship when i already got my refund
  12. putting our ocean blvd money to good use it seems
  13. this is the farthest thing from a release day & they have already said they have not
  14. atleast eclitz and bozo put in the hours once dropping info people are afraid to work it seems
  15. no absolutely not & please stay on topic
  16. nothing is happening yet pls don’t clog up the thread with 'what is happening' 'what happened' pls scroll up & read - nothing added to webstore - nothing announced yet
  17. hotshot said there was nothing lasso related on lanas side
  18. preparing to watch this thread like a hawk with the impending meltdowns
  19. what happened in here on this day...
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