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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. It is! It’s totally climbed its way up to being my favourite album ever. I just feel so connected to her words this time around, even more so than usual. And the production is just gorgeous. I cannot believe it’s real
  2. I was always ready for Lana to do a country record, and after the brief tastes of it that we’ve gotten with Wild At Heart, Breaking Up Slowly, and Dance Till We Die (those probably being within my top favourites of the record) I’m really looking forward to the country cover album and LDR8 (which she kind of hinted would be country-esque). Chemtrails has me floored. I actually cannot process how amazing this record is - and it’s only going to get better with age! <3
  3. There’s something about the way she sings, “And we won't say when, we won't ask why We won't stop dancin' till we die We'll keep walkin' on the sunny side And we won't stop dancin' till we die” that really hits me. There’s such a richness in her voice with those low tones - it’s soulful. Hands down my favourite song on the record. It’s hopeful in a quiet way. I cannot get over it
  4. Just listened to the album front to back on vinyl and...wow. It is so much more stunning (if that is even possible) on vinyl. Everything is so warm sounding and lush and beautiful. Truly her best work has dawned upon us and will CONTINUE to dawn upon us.
  5. Ahhh, my beige vinyl came in! It’s gorgeous and isn’t even beige, actually! It’s kind of like a light cream and salmon colour! And it’s marbled!
  6. New photo taken on set of the video, shared by Lana’s friend @/alequereid !
  7. I love the video! It’s definitely a nice mood visual to have with the song - very lowkey, subtle, but pretty Lana looks absolutely stunning in it, and I like that the face of the figure skater isn’t completely noticeable in the scenes where she’s supposed to be Lana. It makes it more haunting and impactful! Such a nice treat with the other merch coming out on release day <3
  8. Well, we’ve made it to the post-release! This record is absolutely amazing and she’s truly done it once again. It feels fresh but so familiar at the same time and every song blew me away. Wow. Here are my thoughts on each individual track: White Dress What a stunning opener. The vocals on the chorus are an artistic risk for Lana, but the desperation in their delivery are perfect for the song. A song like this demands to have a more experimental creative output and I love that she does just that while still retaining her signature melodic style. The production during the outro of the song reminds me of the ending of the audio for Patent Leather Do-Over. Lyrically, it’s also very evocative and I was reminded of Venice Bitch actually. Beautiful track! Chemtrails Over the Country Club This song goes so well after White Dress. The way White Dress trails off, only to immediately jump into the beautiful opening couplets of the song with their pulsing mid tempo rhythm. Gorgeous. Loved this track from the start and it sounds even more beautiful (if that was even possible) within the album! Tulsa Jesus Freak Wow..this song totally did not go where I thought it would based on the snippet. I absolutely love it. It’s sultry, it’s pensive, it’s a little bit serious and thoughtful, but it’s still fun at the same time! Also - the mixing on this is GORGEOUS. I think this is one of the smoothest songs I’ve ever heard - it flows together so seamlessly and truly swells. I love how the smoothness of the beat is juxtaposed with the harsh vocals of the “we’ll be white hot forever and ever and ever” motif. Stunning track - we finally got it! Let Me Love You Like a Woman I was always a huge fan of this song, and I love it within this album. I think it’s the most earnest sounding on the album with its very determined piano chord progression (being F-C-G) and its vocal treatment being very 80s heartland rock. I definitely feel like this is the heart of the record. Wild at Heart The vocals on this damn song. I love that Lana is flexing her range so much more on this record! The lyrics are very cute while still being so meaningful, which I absolutely love. The message is really important and I can tell that this is a special song to Lana as well. The chorus is one of my favourite moments on this record and I like that she sampled the bridge from How to Disappear! It works so well in this song and really is a standout for me. Love it! Dark But Just a Game The intro to this song is so smooth and bluesy...I love it so much. I definitely hear the Portishead comparisons from MOJO in full effect here during the verses, but the pre-chorus was very Beatles-esque, with those beautiful layered vocals and major-key harmonies. I also like that she interpolated the original melody from the Bird World demo she sang on IG live on September 4, 2019! I also think the lyrics are really cool and do an amazing job of switching between this cool, flippant attitude and this reflective, self-preserving affirmation. Beautiful song! Not All Who Wander Are Lost This song is beautiful. The vocals during the chorus are beautifully layered and I love how anecdotal it feels with her talking about being in Nebraska and wearing the same clothes for three days. It’s really earnest and stripped down, which truly conveys the mood perfectly. I was reminded of Pawn Shop Blues upon my first listen, so I feel like this song is definitely one of the moments on the album where Lana is reconnecting with her folky sensibility the most! Yosemite Well, we finally got it! What can I say, other than what a beautiful track. The guitar is very bittersweet sounding, it almost weeps with hope as Lana delivers a very vulnerable set of lyrics in her head voice before coming down for the chorus. I love it so much, it reminds me of Change, in that it feels anticipatory for something, and I think Lana probably felt that way too upon putting it onto this record. Definitely a beautiful song, long-awaited for and it does not disappoint at all! Breaking Up Slowly This song is beautiful. The guitar is almost sexier sounding than what I thought, but it’s perfect - it’s bluesy, meditative, a little bit gritty. So good! Nikki’s voice goes so well next to Lana’s - they both harmonize perfectly and I love the flutter of Lana’s voice when she sings “flowers”. I love this song so much! Dance Till We Die I think this song might be my favourite from the whole album. It feels like a career song, in that she weaves so many important people and aspects of her life to reflect on her loneliness in the past and makes this affirmation to never stop dancing till she dies, walk on the sunnier side, etc. It’s hopeful but also contains this sense of impending “something.” I don’t know what quite yet, but it feels very important. And that bridge! Oh my god. I loved that. Beautiful lyrics, imagery, vocal delivery, production, all that. Just wow. For Free Such a beautiful way to end the record. All the girls’ voices sound so clear and beautiful here. The harmonies when they all sing together are beautiful and I love that Jack added a little bit of extra production just to distinguish from Joni’s original and the live version Lana sang on tour, without making a parody of sorts of the song (not that would Lana would EVER do that - she always nails it, no matter what). I love this interpretation, I’ve loved both Lana and Joni Mitchell for a long time so this feels very cool to me. I also like how this track thematically connects to White Dress (basically every song on this record could be connected in some way and I love the cohesion and the narrative that is present). I think this may end up becoming my favourite album EVER, even upon first listen. It’s purely who Lana is but invites us to take an even closer look at her life, her love, and her thoughts. I love everything about this project and I can say with sincerity that without even knowing it, this is the record I’ve been waiting for her to make, and I’m sure it’s the one she’s been waiting to make her entire life as well.
  9. Well - 23 minutes away and all I can say is that this thread was indeed one of my favourite things ever. So many friends and memories made and I'm happy to celebrate this wild year of waiting for Chemtrails with all of you! See you all soon!
  10. ??? the chaos of this gorgeous site...only in the Chemtrails era xx
  11. upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: local reset
  12. I think the post office is where we should be able to buy postcards, but there's no floating cherry to click on so we can buy them that Dance Till We Die postcard is calling me
  13. This site is the coolest and cutest thing ever! <3 Totally in love
  14. Ahh, okay, that's so exciting! I think the delay is only for Canadians, then! LOL I remember the lime green NFR vinyl got delayed to September 6th for us, and then September 13th, and then I don't think I got mine until September 28th so I guess the Canadian store is always a bit delayed on that front. I cancelled my Canadian order and re-ordered from the US store so hopefully it all works out!
  15. Ahh, how exciting! <3 I think maybe the delay was only an issue for the Canadian store, maybe I'll order from the US one! Thanks!
  16. Did anyone else get an email from Lana's store about the black, transparent, and/or gray vinyls being delayed to March 26th?
  17. Congratulations! That's amazing news! <3 what a perfect way to celebrate with Chemtrails coming out! xx
  18. Finally it’s about time she was given the rating she’s been deserving of!
  19. LOL I think I got it! The photo on the bottom is from Kacy Hill’s zoom hangout from November 2020, and the lighting seems to make her hair look the same as the new pic from Mel’s. I do think it’s an old photo.
  20. bro, lemme tell you - if her hands were visible in this picture I would have been ON it:
  21. I’m not so secretly hoping she is! I love all her hair colours, but the blonde deserved to stick around a bit longer! I think it’s from last year, though - it seems to be from November 2020 based on the shade of blonde/highlight colouring. The lighting makes it look more ginger-y.
  22. Mel’s Drive-In in LA has unveiled a new chocolate cookies and cream shake in honour of Chemtrails! This is the third collaboration they’ve done with Lana in honour of her records! https://www.instagram.com/p/CMlEuxpHmGF/?igshid=evmnlom8i6cf The photo appears to be from last year, since she’s blonde! Either that, or she dyed it again, but I’m thinking the former is more likely!
  23. Mel’s Drive-In in LA has unveiled a new chocolate cookies and cream shake in honour of Chemtrails! This is the third collaboration they’ve done with Lana in honour of her records! https://www.instagram.com/p/CMlEuxpHmGF/?igshid=evmnlom8i6cf The photo appears to be from last year, since she’s blonde! Either that, or she dyed it again, but I’m thinking the former is more likely!
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