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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. It's from the presumed back cover of the physical versions of LFL! Lana posted it on Twitter this morning
  2. I hear it in both Spotify and iTunes, and I love it. It adds something a bit personal to the song, and truly solidifies that fan-artist connection that she's trying to convey in the song.
  3. When can I expect Amazon to put the record (LP format) up for pre-order? Thanks in advance.
  4. Groupie Love is so beautifully done. From the slightly tropical and 'wet' atmosphere, I feel like it's the perfect blend between what we loved so much about BTD/Paradise and Honeymoon. It really feels like an homage to her past work but with something new. A 'retro-future' indeed.
  5. I haven't usually pre-ordered any other physical records from Lana, I've usually just pre-ordered the digital album and waited for the vinyl to be released at UO or some other vinyl retailer, and I'd like to pre-order LFL on Amazon, however, I don't see it there yet. When does Amazon usually list the record for pre-order? Thanks in advance
  6. I love that she posted fan art! It truly showcases that whole "album for the fans" line she was associating with the record. Love it love it love it
  7. That's very nice of you to say, thank you! And no, I'm not actually Lana, although my username says otherwise, haha
  8. I know it's a little premature to already be talking about LDR6, but since Lana said she's not completely at where songs like Yosemite portrayed her to be, maybe while she continues writing for her next record (assuming she's probably already began, knowing her) maybe she'll grow a bit more into that mindset? She did say that BAR/Architecture, Yosemite, Roses Bloom For You, and another track (maybe SR?) did not fit the aesthetic of LFL, so maybe we'll see them on the next record, since she alluded to the fact that a few of those songs would have their place in the future. Maybe another EP/reissue as Paradise was to BTD will be released. I do hope we'll hear Yosemite one day, though, since she talked so fondly of it. However, I'm just grateful that we have new music from Lana regardless. Stanning Lana truly is a treat and I love everything she's put out during all her eras, so I know she will not disappoint with this record.
  9. Off topic, but Lana just shared the back cover of the physical version of the record. I love the picture on it, she looks absolutely gorgeous and her stare kills me.
  10. I love that background note Lana does throughout the last choruses of the song. Adds a bit of a horror vibe that I and I'm sure many others love about Lana's work.
  11. I'm ready for the Cola high note part 2. Also, so sorry for accidentally unfriending you and @, I'm not entirely sure how to use the site, haha.
  12. Just wanted to say that I absolutely love the two new songs! Lana looks absolutely gorgeous in the pictures included in the box set! I really love the aesthetic that came with the Love music video. I absolutely love Lana - can't wait for the record to be released :-)
  13. I'm not the real Lana, haha, the L's in "lanadelrey" are just uppercase i's. Hope I didn't come off as trying to fool you. Not my intention. Just like Lana's name a lot :-)
  14. I'm just very excited for the two songs to drop tomorrow - the record too. Can't wait! :-)
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