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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. I wish there was a power metal or crossover thrash version of Venice Bitch
  2. I know right? If only there was a way to tell your fans you're working on exciting new projects that are keeping you busy... Living in the middle ages is so hard
  3. If this is how she'll be treating her albums from now on...she can retire.
  4. Yup. And that's such a turn off for me. I can tell now that this was the plan all along... That's why she didn't seem to mind being an one hit wonder with Born To Die, because it was more than a commercial success she could live off for years while fading into complete obscurity like hundreds of artists before her. Born To Die made such an impact that she became iconic almost overnight. She could have gone on to join a nunnery right after Tropico, and she would still remain an icon; the Queen of Sadcore, patron saint of 2012 tumblr girls & gays with daddy issues. We'd have "What Happened to Lana Del Rey" articles every year, at the very least. Even if she disappeared, she'd stay a mystery; the interest would still be there. Born To Die wasn't a beginning, it was a culmination. It wasn't a ticket to fame -it was a ticket to complacency. A ticket to not have to try anymore. Don't forget that she did work hard for several years before that. She kept trying for years, working on her music and recording even when nothing seemed to be happening for her. But as soon as she could give up, she did. It's shocking that we're talking about someone who's only been famous for a little more than 5 years, and isn't even 35 yet. She acts like a burnt out, middle aged has-been whose last hit was in 2005, so she can stay chilling for few years until her label forces her to crawl out of the woodwork & shape up for the 20 year anniversary tour (gotta get that balding stan coin). It's sad, that this was what she was going for.
  5. ...I would caution you against challenging fate like that, especially if you live anywhere near her. "Hit & Run" was a confession.
  6. I wonder if she's aware of it... Like, she has to be, right? I'm sure this has been super fun for her (the puta), and she probably thought it was fun for us too at first... But does she think we're like, only mildly bummed out and still 100000% excited like we've been in stasis since last September? Does she realize how over it people are? How stale it feels when she hasn't even released it yet? It's ridiculous. I have to say, and this isn't me being petty, Miss Elazybeth's in for quite a surprise if she expects this album to sell well. Anything is possible, of course, and I'm no psychic...but it can't not flop. I'm sure the critics will love it, but if this isn't one of her worst selling albums, I'll eat my figurative hat. I hope she enjoys her little flop, which she so masterfully orchestrated....she can't blame anyone but herself. I doubt she'll care though.
  7. bringing this back bc this woman is a menace behind the wheel
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhZULM69DIw
  9. a tragic blow for miss del rey, who'll need all the matcha in LA to recover
  10. Miley & Ariana aren't the only pop singers in the world though. Not liking them doesn't mean not liking pop music in general.
  11. Aww, we hadn't seen that one in a while, I missed it guys i think i found ben's real account here
  12. I miss these lips :'( http://instagram.com/p/BzJvgvtnd3_/
  13. Ugh, I love men with noses like that But I'm still not a Ch*se fan
  14. That's why I'm hoping HBB & IMBS aren't in the album. And despite my current pessimism, I really don't think they are.
  15. Boo her? Girl you know they'll keep chanting "RAAAAAAADIO, RAAAAAAAAADIO,RAAAAAAADIOOOOOOOOOO" like their lives depend on it.
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