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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I love charli's boobs, they're full of talent
  2. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    ik I'm late but Sucker is really a shit album even charli herself hates it, the only redeeming and cute things about sucker are the aesthetic, the whole 90's clueless prep girl look, references to Jaw Breaker etc were a serve and that all female band she had was pretty nice they looked so sick in their sucker cheerleader uniforms while jamming out but I would have preferred a proper punk album with the whole 90's girl aesthetic tbh it would have given me Hole teas the only good songs on Shitter are the title track and body of my own
  3. Stop trying to make Yosemite happen stream 1999 by the talented and legendary singer songwriter Charli XCX
  4. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I've been listening to Waterfall lately and damn I take back anything bad I said about this song it's sooooo mesmerizing and fucking sensual I make you float, you’re on another level I breathe you in, you are my heavy metal I let you come, but I won’t let you go wow her mind..
  5. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    wow that pop 2 shoot really served some looks..giving us high fashion avant garde pop princess!
  6. you froot rat gays are still flicking y'all bean and calling froot her best work? when will you gays get off the pot? Froot presents itself as a deep body of profound work when it's nothing more than a shallow husk of pretentious whining about hating humans and wanting to drink liquor all day while waiting for your ex boyfriend to come back and fuck you with an uninspired production and lyrics that sound like a vapid middleschooler wanted to write something ~deep~ while also not having much of any highlights vocally from Marina that we've seen in the previous 2 albums! If EH was made for the locals then Froot was made for the boring vapid pretentious gay that wants to stand out from the crowd and seem deep. Thank you for coming to my TED talk god bless x Fuck Froot lives, EH SKINNY
  7. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I guess Bricks is like lana's Life is Beautiful and will never see the light of day and to be honest I'm at peace with that because it's not even that good idk why y'all are obessed
  8. she looks like a cult priestess.. STUNNING! we need gucci cult priestess visuals like this for NFR please give us opulence!
  9. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    Bounce final needs to be officially released AND have a sick music video, can you imagine the visuals charli and kyary could make together for this song? It would be like taking LSD on the streets of harajuku in a music video and I'm here for that bitch idc if the song flops, Bounce needs to join her sisters No Angel/GNO and be officially released
  10. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I just don't get how they don't see the potential that she has especially the UK, we love to support our own that's why Rita Ora is still somewhat a thing and Little Mix is still kicking it's because they are promoted properly their homeland but after Sucker charli and her label have been paying the UK dust because they want to capture the american market SO bad, they need to rebuild her relevance in the UK back up again so that when she is out in america and shit flops atleast she has something to fall back on. I don't know much about how expensive it is to promote but I feel like it would be more expensive in america since it's a bigger market but it would be feasible to do in the UK
  11. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I don't get her record label at all.. so they want her to have a top 10 hit and get some coin okay..that's cute so do we but they expect that to happen with almost zero promotion/release hype and aren't willing to even invest in the slightest effort to promote her properly? that UK top 10 hit was almost in the fucking bag if they could have got off their flat asses and get her some UK gigs and promotions! like girl even a few fucking billboards in the uk or something would be cute if xcx3 ever comes out and it doesn't get the promotion it deserves I'm suing
  12. I don't like that kid at all he has alot of privilege, In almost every american show that group of groupies is ALWAYS at the front of the barricade without failure that's just unhealthily greedy why don't they let other fans have a chance to interact with lana, why do they have to be at the front every single show? it's fucking weird and selfish we shouldn't encourage stalker behavior in the fandom that's why ppl don't like him anyway stream venice bitch and 1999
  13. You're doing amazing sweetie, ignore any of those trail mix molasses chewing tobacco spitting bumpkins sending hate your way! x Those nasty folk lovers think we're vapid and all we wanna do is have bops to twerk and sniff poppers to but that's NOT true.. mostly we just want music with SUBSTANCE. Folk and cunty country just ain't it! Lana needs to return to grunge/rock, don't act like y'all didn't wet y'all panties when she mentioned the words "Surf Rock"
  14. I love Dolly and don't mind country for other artists but when it comes to Lana Del Rey it's just a no from me fam, everything that she's done with the folk/country genre has been so stagnant and uninspired (However Fine China is a masterpiece and one of the only songs in that genre I love from her) I'm not asking for lana to become a pop girl but country/folk is not exciting to me.. maybe it's because I'm not american and I can't connect to it but it's just why go country when there's grunge and rock..
  15. ugh I hate country music so much and I don't like lizzy grant vocals at all, I really wanna enjoy this era but I'm not a bucktooth buckwheat hillbilly I'm praying that majority of the album is hazy surf rock PLEASE
  16. the era is already DEAD. Lana doesn't wanna promote properly anymore, all she wants is SEX, click here to see her pussy okay i need to stop lol
  17. march 29th? girl she's asking for trouble.. how much y'all wanna bet the album leaks before then because of ravenous gays, her fans have no patience
  18. I refuse to believe any sane healthy homosexual would even think of OTTR being bad
  19. I'll always have respect and a deep love for her because she's THAT bitch, 2011-2014 was THAT peak and there will never be a indie/pop girl to come close to what she has done with her artistry and as a gay I will always be in some degree a fan HOWEVER since LFL my excitement and anticipation for her art and new releases has waned and I don't feel that spark like before. If she continues to deliver unfulfilling uninspired visuals, boring pedestrian fashion non-moments and stagnant live performances and if NFR fails to deliver I'll probably demote myself from being a stan and just casually wait for something good
  20. I wish lana would scrap those cringy backup dancers i hate seeing them in her videos
  21. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I'm gonna throw up timmy trash the best feature? stone cold??? girls...i- y'all gays need to stop sniffing too many poppers it's leaving your brains rotted, That ugly chav left a big shit stain on Delicious and y'all are out here gassing him out and actually thinking it's good?.. talent left the forum! mumble rap is not cute and never will be, charli needs to stay away from ugly white boy rappers
  22. why does chuck look like she's pumped up with more fillers than filler queen lana herself, lil sis coming for her gig!
  23. yosemite is DEAD, They will never be released they just want SEX. Click here to see her pussy
  24. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    Just a reminder that Ring deserved to be released and could have easily been a top 10 hit we love a slut anthem #justiceforring
  25. I'm not one for collabs but I'd really be here for a Courtney Love collab tbh, Courtney is so wild I think they could invoke the spirit of UV while giving us some dark slutty lyrics about satanism and vapid girl stuff ala Celebrity Skin! It'd tie in well with NFR if they give it a psychedelic twist but alas lana would rather spend her time and artistic energy collaborating with machine gun smelly
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