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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    every gay leaving this thread after being scalped
  2. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    no FUCKING way did taxi leak..wtf the worlds probably gonna end tomorrow, I'm gonna cry this thread will finally be cured from you gays begging for taxi and we can actually have proper discussions about charli god bless we did it
  3. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    omg she should reference Wayne's World but call it Charli's World if it's for a 1999 video
  4. I just want lana to really give a shit about visuals again because it's been severely lacking, like visuals help so MUCH with rlly conveying a feel or theme. I mean this is Lana Del Rey she was the queen of looks! She did MAC so dirty with that video and the single cover... with the next single "Venice Bitch" I wanna see her mug fucking beat for every god with long ass fake red talon nails and a huge ass bouffant towering to the heavens like GIVE me Venice, bitch
  5. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I just listened to that in the studio bbc thing and I got SO sad when she talks about losing so much of her singing voice and feeling naked without heavy autotune like GORL it's never too late to go see a vocal coach and get help, she had such a killer voice ugh its upsetting why doesn't she wanna fix it?
  6. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    why are y'all so up your holes about chart success? like it'd be nice for her to have a hit but I don't think she rlly gives a shit how she charts
  7. I don't like the direction in which she's heading in as an artist
  8. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    that's ugly that troy is feature, I rlly don't see how this twink can offer or add anything to the song he's just gonna be dead weight and no one cares that his album is getting twitter hype
  9. I hope the other single is one for the bitches like me who don't want folk oaky dokey lana but the video is giving me west coast lite vibes!
  10. That title..is something. This is so out of the blue omg I don't even know what this will sound like I'm scared and excited girls
  11. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    ew who is troy sivan? I know charli loves the lgbtq community but i don't want this sickly looking twink on 1999
  12. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    we gays rlly don't deserve the genius that is charli xcx
  13. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I love this. Can we have more content like this on here pls instead of begging for t*xi
  14. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    gays are still begging for songs after a 50+ song leak drop today I could not believe
  15. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    it's so weird listening to some of these songs without that cursed discord sound.. also Offline, Our Boyfriend and Japan are masterpieces wow her mind wow my wig
  16. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    oh wow..oh wow I'm like shaking and feel more emotional than I should months...and months and MONTHS of waiting, I even gave up on anything leaking so I never checked this thread anymore but it's all here my poor poor wig. I just wanna say I love charli xcx and she is a savior of the gays and pop music thank you
  17. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I don't wanna be that girl but idk what's happening I'm like late to the party, so a shit load of songs we've all been waiting for have leaked? by who? this is too much to catch up with
  18. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    what the fuck is happening? hq leaks?? in THIS thread???
  19. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    hi angelz did I miss anything I haven't caught up with this thread for weeks also LEAK MOW THAT LAWN (only real 90's kids will remember this)
  20. I'm still not here for this jack guy producing the album like he works for lorde and Taylor Swift..that says enough? It seems reductive for lana to work with this guy I'd prefer folk over him tbh
  21. oh wow.. she came thru and this is only a demo? it's so good
  22. she's a stupid ass crack baby for teasing this shit but it sounds so amazing
  23. This, LFL is just a shit album compared to all her past releases, it isn't just gonna magically turn into a masterpiece when she releases her next project this sentiment is so tired
  24. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I know y'all like the heavy vocoloid autotune shtick and it's cute but it's gonna get old fast for me personally.. I'm gonna still bop but I miss charli's real voice that was so full of emotion and raw energy like her vocals in set me free, white roses, you're the one GET ME
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