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Everything posted by hornymoon

  1. Remember when her lives used to be legendary and worth watching? I used to get so excited back in the day to see her give it her all and make the crowd her bitch her voice was on another level but now...gurl it's like watching some shitty pop girl perform on stage..the stiff white girl dancing/the playback/being late to her own shows/her white sorority possé/ those fame vulture "dancers" like I wanna see what excuses some of y'all can come up with for this?? Like what happened to her?
  2. It's been 84 years... my wig...had to be surgically removed by a doctor she's rlly coming??
  3. some of y'all are about to be real mad at me but it must be said; why has her music become so basic and safe?..like I'm really disappointed after all that time waiting I thought she was gonna come back with something so special and unique like she went travelling to japan and did all that marina book stuff but the lyrics, the production even the vocals are all so safe and grounded, this isn't the eccentric raw marina that I love. It just seems to me that her label and herself wanna try to be more public friendly and mainstream especially with dropping "and the diamonds", working with people like luis fonsi and putting out bland pop like this. I'll still give the album a fair chance but this isn't for me so far.
  4. downhill lullaby sounds so fucking sexy it makes me feel like a cracked out whore in a dive bars dancing on sticky tables she really better come thru this time or else
  5. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    leakers yet again trying to sabotage charli's career, can y'all just let her have ONE smooth unleaked surprise promotional song release and let things go her way??? can y'all just let her live? what did she do to you besides save pop music and make her money? let's all stop begging for leaks and just let charli do her shit, stop putting leakers on a pedestal and giving them so much power (but bloomforyou is THAT bitch tho) we've all had more than enough of our share of leaks tbh after that 60+ song leak I got more than my fill y'all are just being way too greedy and have gotten too used to getting a monthly leak! I swear I think some of y'all are only in this fandom for the leaks and not to actually support charli herself, I know the dry period sucks but just let the girl live and have things go her way for once.
  6. this is more of the Lana I wanna see, her glam siren self (in attitude, visuals ain't quite there) singing seductively over a jazz piano, those deep luscious vocals bitch! I knew the bitch still had it in her why is she not singing like this on her actual recent released work? less breathy LA fermented vegan wheat grass spinclass singing thru paper vocals and more sensuous brooding dark 50's siren baby vocals pls!
  7. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I feel petty but i don't like how charli is giving nasty cherry her artistic energy and trying to let them invoke "TR 2.0" like TR sweety I'm so sorry charli would ever say that..that album is too special to me
  8. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    lock this thread
  9. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    why can't you faggots ever play nice? y'all always get so catty for no reason instead of fighting lets talk about Babygirl by legendary singer song writer Charli XCX, I live for that cowbell girl those cowbells are proven to clear skin, increase ass size and make your waist disappear..the flavour and talent!
  10. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I WANNA POP DA BALLOONS FUCK EVERYONE IN THE ROOM, FUCK YOU! sucker oh wow this is a bussy bop for sure.. but thank god now y'all can stop begging for it, which song y'all gonna move on to now girlz?
  11. hornymoon

    Charli XCX

    I'm gonna be messy ms banks made some points like obviously the work she's made post TR has been amazing with a lot of substance but TR is THAT album the poetic lyrics, the harsh grunge synths... like I'm so well fed with that album I still listen to it SO much it's an ageless legend. I think she's been feeling her indie girl oats from working with nasty cherry band and working with guitars again, I love what she's done with pc music but I think she has more to offer than that y'all
  12. honestly ben and lana are just a match made in HELL, a manager that doesn't wanna manage his artist and a singer that doesn't wanna release and promote her work..what did we do as gays to deserve this disrespect??? I'm a good fan I buy albums, I buy merch.. I pay my taxes why is this happening to us
  13. what a big fat faggot MESS this is...y'all this album ain't worth the stress and wait anymore, it ain't worth IT The level of unprofessionalism and absolute FAGGOTRY coming from lana and her management absolutely FAR too much, the Lana I loved is DEAD and GONE I will mourn for her beautiful juvederm soul because THAT woman that's going around LA drinking her green juice with her white sorority friends while holding NFR hostage is NOT the woman i signed up to stan no MA'AM goodnight
  14. I'm sorry but any interest I actually had for the poetry book has soured, it's just taking up time and space I feel like it'd be a cute thing for her to do off season when she doesn't have you know..an album date/tracklist/album cover to announce
  15. it looks like her cheeks have gone down and aren't stuffed up like a turkey thank god she looks great..I really hope when NFR era and promotions start she doesn't feel the need to visit her dermatologist and get them pumped up again having a skinny face and big lips is the LOOK, I love how sharp and structured her face is without filler and botox, I notice Lana's face fluctuates SO much, sometimes she'll look so Young and Beautiful™ like her old self and then other times she'll go from looking like alieen wuornos to a pumped up middle aged real housewife, it's very interesting.
  16. and some of these are the same fans that say it's all about MUSIC and they don't care about VISUALS? they're like crack whores in denial that need their daily fix of badly photoshopped pictures just to get by Face it girls we all need the return of glamour and professionalism from miss del rey no matter how "good" the music is!
  17. She just posted on ig that it's coming March hahahhahahahhahahhahha I'm about to report her instagram for spam
  18. you guys need to stop making up excuses about how this is supposed to be "an organic, minimalism, chill, vegan, homemade, self love, self care, anti capitalism era" like no..she's just lazy plain and simple, she needs to take a break it just seems like she's burnt out in my opinion and can't muster the effort to promote or even give the era VISUALS, I'm sorry but every era deserves to have a strong visual foreground. This Lana Del Rey we're talking about, Honeymoon was "lowkey chill" era but the visuals were really strong and completely embodied the music. NFR deserves better, this could be one of Lana's most unique projects if she were willing to put the effort in. There's no excuse to recycle and cut up 1 shitty video filmed by chuck on a iphone and make it the representation of 3 songs... I just don't understand what she's doing.
  19. I'm sorry I want to like it and not be negative but it's very safe and sounds like something a stay at home mum would play when she's doing chores I expected more since she's took such much time out of music to find herself and a new sound, I expected TFJ level of creativeness but it just sounds like a Froot reject ballad..like it's pretty but bland
  20. Leaked video of Electra Heart dying rip
  21. Can we talk about how Living Dead is THAT girl..wow the talent that has, the power that has, the access that has.. It was some of her best vocals Got bubble wrap around my heart Waiting for my life to start But everyday it never comes Permanently at square one I can't believe my angsty 2012 teen self LIVED while marina's bleached hair was dying
  22. she's just exhausting in every aspect...the wait, her as a person, her lies, her constant sickness like I'm just TIRED. I wanna unstan so bad but I can't because the bitch has fucking talent, has such a good sound and vision but can she actually use that and fucking release a body of work
  23. I'm ready for the album trailer to be a bunch a reused clips from UV with that fucking stock footage of the ocean that haunts every era with her just sat there with her bloated bare face and messy mountain woman hair standing near a fish tank that chuck thought was cool
  24. what a disappointment she's turning out to be tbh..from a lackluster era to being apart of a cult like gay conversation therapy pro life church like there's really no excuse to this tbh the gays are the ones giving her number 1 albums and supporting her and she's out here doing this! There are so many other churches to worship at that aren't tainted like this I don't understand..she's turning into one of those braindead LA zombie's it's sad
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