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Everything posted by 13bitches

  1. Sis doesn’t write her music confirmed
  2. Maybe she's developing taste, wig
  3. I mean at least we know where she still stands on Trump? My drink almost blew out my nose. This is perfect
  4. BTD era 2.0 starting in 3, 2...
  5. She said FIILY was the last song recorded for the album though; I'd say Doin' Time, FIILY, and I'm not sure what the other one would be Didn't she say she already had 3 songs done before she met Jack? (Bartender, California, TNBAR?)
  6. Don't forget the grossly-detailed descriptions of sexual acts that take up multiple full tweets.
  7. Blue. All of them. Every special edition. The cassettes. The CDs. ALL. BLUE.
  8. Nurf-noir Hawaiian glam metal fabulousness
  9. Yes I hear that shit and it’s just that: shit. Her worst title track and it isn’t even a contest. It sounds half-finished, lazy, and I don’t mind swearing at all but it just feels so forced here. It’s a dud
  10. Words cannot express how much I love this song. Everything about it. The lyrics, her voice, the gritty guitar, the drums, the overall feel ,just... god. Absolute perfection.10/10 would recommend
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