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Everything posted by 13bitches

  1. Someone start posting sc*t gifs so she’ll fucking do something
  2. Ashleys response I’m- i have way too much time on my hands sorry not sorry
  3. taste! Nope you aren’t. That rant I posted was genuine lol
  4. Y O S E M I T ET H E G O O D L I F E T N C D E M O
  5. Now Playing: Untitled Acapella Laptop Demo #274848472 (Edit).mp3 (96 kbps) Jk same here tbh. #LeakTGL #LeakTNCDemo #LeakYosemite #LeakAnythingFromTheHoneymoonSessions
  6. #Azelbank4Hillsong Tbh I would live for some homophobic Lana memes like these
  7. @@RormanNockwell when do the LDR roasts happen again
  8. I’ve stopped after that sighting of her leaving that church again last night. I still like her music but I burned my stan card last night. Until/unless she straightens this shit out I’m done with her. This mess and the complete lack of communication and blatant disregard for her fans from her and her management are abysmal. Not to sound like an entitled prick but we honestly deserve better.
  9. Omg just realized my phone autocorrected stanning to stabbing
  10. I’d be there yelling at her tbh. This is absolutely artistically atrocious
  11. During pride month I’m- for real I’m done with this bitch. I’ll probably still hang out here but I’m not stanning her anymore. Fuck Lana for her egregious lack of communication and seemingly willful/feaux-ignorance, fuck NFR, fuck this now seemingly-entirely-fake “progressive”/“positive” Lana we had last era and this basic bitch that replaced her this era, fuck Hillsong, and fuck this garbage fire of an era. I hope NFR leaks in its entirety and flops, I hope her poetry book gets cancelled or flops, and I hope Interscope drops her for stalling on her album release. Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Faggot Like Me to Have - But I Have It.
  12. Florida Kilos is a fugly betch and that’s the Yosemitea
  13. https://youtu.be/ulpgd7ScwdU Sis TNC isn’t even the worst song on LFL
  14. 13bitches


    Hopeless Fountain Koochie
  15. I want ben mawson to shove garlic bread up my ass, like garlic bread straight outta the oven so it’s really hot and crispy. not just one slice of garlic bread, maybe like 10 pounds worth of garlic bread, sometimes 20 pounds. I just want his hands to be covered in garlic and I want him to shove so much garlic bread up my ass that I start to fart garlic powder
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