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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. Maybe she did and they didn’t use it….
  2. Yeah i much prefer Devil Never Cares so I vote to pardon Sierra Madres as…. They weee more exciting and interesting than the people complaining even if they were lying through their teeth….wait lana is The Queen of Lies…. Sierra Madres… what if that is Lana’s account and she’s messing with us? What if those lyrics are real and she’s trying to mindfuck us? Devious Del Rey indeed.
  3. Leaked LDR9 Travklist!!! 01: I’m a Slave 4 U 02:Overprotected 03: Lonely 04:I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman 05:Boys 06: Anticipating 07: I Love Rock and Roll 08: Cinderella 09: Let Me Be 10:Bombastic Love 11: That’s Where You Take Me 12: When I Found You 13:I Run Away 14:What it’s like to be me 15:Before The Goodbye
  4. So when I was getting my coffee at the gas station this morning ( i refuse to pay 5 fucking dollars for burnt coffee! Up yours Starbucks!) the blend was Sierra Madre. This is clearly an omen that ldr9 will have rich orchestral tunes as well as Tits Out either as an energy or literally Tits Out on the cover. Either way Fire And apparently the insider is named sierra madre…..guys I think they might be telling the truth
  5. I hope Devil Never Cries is real. It's exactly the energy and themes I wanna see her explore.
  6. I would die if Boarding School was released! Also she would absolutely start discourse so it’ll never happen but….
  7. Aboard the zeitgeist lizzy sings jazz and screamo blue she is so awesome From now on all tea must be in haiku form or other regional poem style Good lord willing and the creek don’t rise
  8. Her new bf is hot and at least a little fruity…..*buys ticket to la to steal Lana’s man and get a hate song written about me*
  9. chemtrails is oatmeal with wheat germ on top
  10. pasta and hm of course. nfr is seafood for sure but like fried seafood at those kitschy seafood shacks by the coast. uv is prime rib and a dark wine at a fancy dim lit bistro in los angeles paradise is carnival food
  11. crack house on the corner I know I shouldn't do what it is I could... Fordham Road confirmed for LDR9
  12. Hey I wouldn't want to be judged as an adult for my blog when I was 15....like we aren't also an asylum here on lanaboards
  13. I mean it’s definitely annoying but that’s kind of just how teens ( mostly girls and gays) act online. They’ll grow out of it
  14. Sweet Ophelia is such an earworm omg
  15. Personally, I've found AW to help clear the creative passages so new exciting works can come through. So hopefully that is the case with Lana and her automatic singing.
  16. Prayer Circle to return lana to the one true holy apostolic church or back to buddhism which shares a similar level of refinement, culture, mysticism, and rejection of worldly evils. not gonna lie it's sad to see the promotion of Protestantism by celebrities. Let us pray for the consecration of Russia in accordance with what Our Lady of Lourdes decreed when she visited Bernadette and Co. Lord, return these lost sheep to the Magisterium or else similarly holy institutions, we humbly pray. Let us stand against the money obsessed mockeries of your message aimed towards gullible celebrities or ugly suburbanites. We ask for a full rejection of all evangelicalism or "Club Jesus's". Churchome seems to think heaven is a gated country club where none of the riff raff can get in. HERESY The very idea of a separate church for celebrities is utterly antithetical to anything in The Gospels. (Lana pray the rosary again come on.......) I'd also settle for Gnosticism or ACIM.
  17. Jazz. Blues. Sunlit Noir. Driving down PCH in a convertable hood down hair in the wind. Innocence Transmuted. Forgotten chants and poems. Secret Gardens. Hidden Rendezvous. Being Observed. Being The Observer. Mother Mary. Lady Midnight. The Contrast. The Divide. Wild fire and tidal waves. The Highs and Lows of Hollyweird. Lineage. Mothers dark and twisty. Freedom. Loneliness. Rebirth and Repeat. Fin.
  18. Darkness Needs Contrast or Darla Needs Cock(pit)
  19. Icy Water........ Swan Song mentions Ice water and diving in it......... Lana mentioned in the W Magazine interview and said it's a beautiful song about giving up (a swan song)....OMG HM Sequel Finally OUt soon..... her singing GKIT (also a depressing song about surrendering) also from HM, omg her catholic psychedelic synth folk album about being suicidal incoming ( any crossover with BTIG, which also hints at such a theme as endings sorrow and well sue of side?). I'm guessing it's about what happens after the honeymoon period in a toxic relationship (See Thanks To The Locals from Violet as that was about the relationship HM was about, but in starker terms....... Wow, the syncronicity of lana making this depressed Magnus Opus while I've been more depressed and let's say idealistic than ever...... Great Minds Think Alike. While I like the idea of a winter album I think it being about sadness hints at a summer album because lana's music tends to associate summer with sorrow (I mean come on Summertime Sadness aka Suicidal Lesbian Lovers: The Bop). Whereas I think (obvs speculation) she associates Winter with happiness. Perhaps family. Probably holidays. I like non typical seasonal metaphors.
  20. Fuck yeah long titles always mean greatness
  21. I hope so. If I see del norte county or death never came one more time….
  22. I adore Mark Ronson I hope they made magic together
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