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Everything posted by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou

  1. There was another insider on here who said “rumor has it she’s going to do the funniest thing to Katy Perry” a few weeks ago. I think they’ve been right about a few things in the past but I forget who said it.
  2. we're so back secret project is Behind the Iron Gates right?
  3. The debate is over. So about that single @JinnWithin
  4. Someone on his team somehow, someway convinced him not to touch that issue with a 10 foot pole. And somehow he followed orders.
  5. “You’re not running against Joe Biden you’re running against me” omg she keeps whackin him he’s so mad
  6. He’s progressively become more and more unhinged ever since she mocked his crowd size
  7. His tiny ego is going to be studied for hundreds of years. Just like the phrase “napoleon complex” some term is going to be born from his inferiority complex and he’ll be mocked for centuries
  8. I"ll bite She's going to do a show with someone we wouldn't expect? Or an unexpected collab is coming out soon?
  9. I don't see an album dropping until April at the earliest. This is just my *personal opinion* but I think she is in the middle of -- and this album will serve to be a bit of -- a reinvention. She reached several more career peaks in 2024 and her fame is at an all time high. Other than the recent BF drama she seems pretty carefree and to be having a ton of fun with her career / in life. She got a lot off her chest with COCC, BB and OB and this new era could be a great chance for her to lean into something completely new. Kind of like when she took on the role as a baddie poet in between LFL and NFR. She should take her time with visuals and let the era breathe. If she hadn't said anything in February we wouldn't even know about Lasso. Until we get an official first single (praying it wasn't Tough) I don't think we've really kicked off the new album era. Hopefully it begins this month or October with single #1 and we can finally get a glimpse of her vision for where she wants to go next.
  10. That makes the most sense. I imagine her version of a country album will be heavy on Americana themes, visuals & nostalgia and it probably wouldn’t have the same impact released around the election. The Hollywood Reporter put out an article yesterday stating studios wont be releasing movies around Election Day because it’s expected to be a shit show so I wouldn’t be surprised if the music industry is following suit.
  11. Just because it’s insanely dry in here let’s do a thought experiment: IF Jinnwithin is an insider and IF what they said about new music being dependent on US politics (single releasing after the debate this week; Lasso being released only if Trump loses) then that makes me believe these songs could be somewhat political. Which would…… scare me When I type it all out though it sounds insane.
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