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Everything posted by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou

  1. Maybe she originally planned to go back to making music that was less personal—something simpler and more melody-driven. But after getting with Jeremy in May (wasn’t she possibly with Jack D before that?), falling in love, and deciding to get married, her life took a sudden turn. Now, she’s inspired to write about this new chapter? I mean, she moved to a completely different state and environment—it makes sense that she’d want her art to reflect this new life. Releasing songs from 5+ years ago might feel out of place with where she is now. Which is fine, I just wish she'd communicate that I'd rather wait another year than get an album full of stupid for being happy, hey blue baby, prettiest girl in country music, country roads, etc etc which sounds like a nightmare to me, personally
  2. 1. obsessed with your pfp 2. there is a full moon this Friday and we know Lanita loves her astrology. Let's get delusional
  3. now is your chance to cement your status as TRPWS ultimate insider bright sun
  4. Either she wants an extremely short rollout orrrr she hasn’t even started on the album
  5. Dry af when the insiders are dropping tidbits from 2 album cycles ago
  6. Love how everyone is all over the place: album scrapped; album photoshoot happening in NOLA this past weekend; multiple album variations to be revealed Something is certainly brewing
  7. I wonder what shifted behind the scenes the last 24 hours for both LL and 111 to confirm the album is scrapped.
  8. The writing has been on the wall since September. Before then, really. She’s promised one album and four singles so far that have never materialized Jack seemed off when talking about Lasso last year. Outside of her IG post, she hasn’t even uttered the words “the right person will stay” in an interview. Other than a 14 month old 30 second (snoozefest) snippet, we haven’t heard a note of music from this project. It’s time to pack it uppppp.
  9. 1000% agree we need a Lana Del REY album. Remind them who you are Lanita
  10. She had such a strong 2024. She definitely does not give a fuckkkk currently
  11. A quick insta live with an update on the album would do wonders for morale
  12. Why would she want to release music she made 5+ years ago (lasso) when she’s had such a personal shift in the last year (mizz dufrene). Some of those songs could be about Sean and other situations she has long moved past and doesn’t want to revisit. I bet she’s still working, still writing and living her new swamp life. But no way she’s releasing an album this summer. Fall maybe.
  13. Stagecoach is our next goal post. I think we have 3 possibilities. Pick your poison. 1. She puts out a single in the next couple of weeks prior to Stagecoach. 2. She debuts a new song at Stagecoach and releases it as a single soon after the performance. 3. She performs her usual setlist at Stagecoach with a few country duets and doesn’t say a word about the album or new music. If Stagecoach comes and goes with no news on music then it’s safe to say TRPWS has officially been cancelled.
  14. Where is that insider who knew about Tough last February? In fact…..where are any insiders? I fear we have been abandoned
  15. Change the name to Has Anyone Else Died for You and upload it to streaming tonight Lanita
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