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Everything posted by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou

  1. I haven't kept up with it so could be. The photo does look a bit off
  2. Also, someone pointed out the other day annadaleyyoung on IG posted "big announcement coming this month" with a photo of Lana in her post. She's used "on our way" in a caption recently, too. Could be absolutely nothing or could be something
  3. Say Yes to Heaven (Sped Up) With More Speed coming August 9
  4. IF (and a huge if) we get an album announcement July 30 then I guess it's possible we could get LDR10 in September but October seems more likely. Funny how @ / pinsider_ on twitter posted yesterday Lana is filming a music video in the fall and now we get this tidbit of info today. Maybe something processed on the labels end the last few days and things are circulating to a wider circle hence the couple of leaks? I don't know a thing about how this all works so I'm just theorizing
  5. You are the true insider queen this era, thank you for your services
  6. Honestly, I'll take it and run if it means we get out of this annoying dry spell Even if nothing comes of it, it feels good to be delulu again
  7. Extremely reliable insider @ / pinsider_ on twitter: Lana Del Rey is set to film a new music video this fall 🚨
  8. SAME, I listened to it a few times yesterday and now I need it bad
  9. Can we unban @lustforlife and find out what their French beau knows pretty pretty please
  10. Lasso if you’re near me send me 3 white butterflies
  11. Oh wow I actually feel some hope returning for the first time since the debate Let’s hope those 🥥 memes will drive a record turn out for Gen Z voters
  12. The day LFL leaked was officially released is permanently etched into my brain. I’ll never forget scrambling to download the album and listening in full for the first time in my room. “it’s fuckin’ HOT HOT” made me jump out of my chair the first time I heard it. Instantly obsessed with the vocals and lyrics of that song. 13 Beaches took me straight back to Honeymoon (which I was craving more of at the time). White Mustang was my most coveted song after her Insta snippets but she left me wanting more after hearing it in full. Cherry rocked me (ultra softly). Summer Bummer was already a fave. I loved the intro, outro and production on God Bless America. But the real highlights for me came at the end of the album. Get Free was and still is my favorite song off the record. “Out of the black into the blue” vocals and her modern manifesto to choose happiness was something I needed at that time. Back in 2017, this album coming after Honeymoon was a hard pill for me to swallow. I wasn’t a fan of the political songs and feared she was veering into cheesy territory. After 7 years of distance, seeing the original darker, witchy vision she had for the album, I’ve come to love it for what it is. I play it when I need some good background music to just vibe out to. Get Free, Heroin, Love, 13 Beaches and Cherry are always in my rotation. I’ve started to even come around on Change which looking back was kind of prescient before C*ovid and the last few years of absolute mess Like all of Lana’s albums, LFL became another marker of time in my own life and even though the US was a complete mess in 2016/2017, listening to the album makes me nostalgic for that time in my personal life. It’s another bright light she’s given me with her music and lyrics
  13. I'm part realist, part truther and fully ruled by delulu so could be swayed either way any day of the week TBH
  14. Lana is white hot again and she's reaching yet another career pinnacle / resurgence. You could say things really ramped up with the Skims campaign back in February (which feels like another lifetime ago) and continued with Grammy campaigning, Grammy appearance / snub, Coachella, Tough collab plus other things I'm probably forgetting. I'm not saying I think her label forces her to do anything but I really don't see how a lowkey album rollout in the next month and a half is best next move -- especially if the album is in a new genre for her. If she really is sitting on a completed country album I don't see why she would want it to be a quiet release? To me, it seems like things have changed behind the scenes and we aren't due for an album until next spring at the earliest. Trusted insiders ( I'm not even considering Nostradamus on Twitter) are dead silent. Has there ever been an era where we don't have even a crumb of info before a release? It's just too quiet and I think the simplest answer is because nothing is coming anytime soon. Maybe she has other collabs / soundtrack songs planned for the rest of the year, though!
  15. We will continue to move the delulu goalpost down the field one delusion at a time
  16. The scary thing is Trump and some of his MAGA freaks have restrained themselves from going full-on berserk this election cycle and so he gets praised as “appearing presidential”. The right political play for the republicans at this point is to cool the rhetoric during the RNC this week and going forward (while still giving obvious dog whistles to his supporters) and he’s going to glide straight back into the White House. Long story short they’ve learned from his first term and he’s going to be able to get a lot more of his shitty policies through in his inevitable second term. Oh and democrats are absolute p*ssies.
  17. All Trump needs to do is run ads of that cunty pic of him in front of the flag with a bloody ear Vs Joe Biden saying he just needs to go to bed earlier. Like we stand absolutely no chance at this point with Biden in the race.
  18. It is sooooooooooooo joever now omg. Trump is about to win in a landslide and dems won’t do shit to stop it
  19. Not sure if you're being serious or not but this makes the most sense to me
  20. What an incredibly selfish, stubborn old man. I 100% believe that Donald Trump and MAGA are a threat to our democracy but the way democrats are handling Joe Biden with baby gloves makes me wonder if they truly believe Donald Trump is a threat. If so, they need to spare Joe Biden's ego and feelings and get a new candidate in there immediately, jesus christ.
  21. Lasso will clearly be BtD and LFL’s beautiful child but raised by COCC after it’s revealed LFL was having an affair….
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