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Everything posted by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou

  1. Pretty sure Brightsun is not a reliable insider. They recently commented on a status or something saying they've never had any intel and just makes shit up Boz and 111 are our only hope
  2. I think 111 alluded to the album being turned in around September / October very soon after she posted the announcement for TRPWS. But not sure if they were serious or trolling.
  3. 53 days until Stagecoach. Release the singles mama.
  4. Manifesting the same haunting, dreamy, vintage-inspired vibes of the Rehab demo for the next album
  5. Manifesting the same haunting, dreamy, vintage-inspired vibes of the Rehab demo for the next album
  6. Before the NFR cover dropped, everyone was predicting she’d recreate a Norman Rockwell painting. Instead, she gave us something completely original - an iconic portrait that feels like her version of Americana in the same spirit as Rockwell, but through her own lens. That cover is 2019 - right before everything changed - and one of the best album covers ever, in my opinion. If the new album really is southern gothic or country inspired, I’m hoping she captures that same magic again. Not something super literal, but a cover that evokes the whole world of the album without spelling it out. Ever since NFR, she’s been circling this whole idea of staying true to herself — her heart, her art — no matter what anyone else expects from her. It feels like she closed the book on that chapter with Ocean Boulevard, like she finally worked through everything weighing on her and let it all out. If this new album really is her going back to the basics — like she teased in the Fenway Park song — with stripped-back production, a focus on melodies and simpler songs, I wonder if it’ll feel like a bit of a reset. Not a reinvention, but a fresh start. A return to the purest version of herself. And if that’s the energy of the music, I hope the cover follows suit — something understated but haunting, the way only she can do it.
  7. If she buys a home in Louisiana she should do an Architectural Digest tour vid for promo of the album I know it’s a long shot but I would looooove to see how she decorates her home there
  8. And even these facts will probably change. The cover will most likely be professionally shot. I could see her adding 1-3 songs if she’s actively working on the album. I’ll be shocked if Henry ends up being the lead single. She’s had 12+ months to release him and has been reluctant for whatever reason. She released Venice Bitch, a 9 minute single she knew her management team would question, 11 months before releasing NFR. She’s the captain of this glass ship. She could have put Henry out at any point this last year but hasn’t her radio silence after announcing TRPWS four months ago makes me even more confident he’s a boring snooze fest even she has lost interest in.
  9. Not Lasso and not The Right Person Will Stay but a secret third name that will be revealed May 1 in her “the album is delayed due to a last minute energetic tsunami” post
  10. I really love the colors, the setting, her hair and the return of the classic Lana font
  11. I’ve been a fan since BTD, and this has definitely been the worst pre-release for me—worse than NFR, even. She just seems so unenthused, like her heart isn't really in whatever she's working on. I'm sure a huge part of it is being freshly married which is 100% fine and a given. But she’s promised so much over the past year: Lasso in September, two singles before the end of 2024, randomly announcing a whole new album in November with a release date 7+ months away then going completely radio silent, and singles before Stagecoach, which now feels unlikely. I honestly don’t think we’re getting an album in May and I expect another name change before we actually receive a pre-save link. She didn’t have to promise any of this, and it just makes the wait harder when she goes radio silent and doesn't follow through. At least with NFR, we had snippets, and we knew she was working with Jack, which felt like an exciting change after her long partnership with Rick. We also had multiple singles to hold us over and she communicated with us on Insta. Again, not demanding anything from her before anyone accuses me of that. She offered up all of these promises herself, unprompted It just feels like we are in a weird limbo phase right now.
  12. That's my worry. All this hype, all this excitement built up over a year. All the theorizing about how a country Lana album will sound. Only to release......Henry Miss girl......
  13. I think this album will be more experimental than we initially thought. I hope she's tossed out that boring loser Henry and replaced him with the cuntress Fenway Park intro song
  14. It's giving 80's synth / 90's sitcom tv show theme song. I kind of love it.
  15. I’m listening to the Babe? podcast (linking below) hosted by Lara Marie Schoenhals, and today’s guest is an LA astrologer, Kevin Garland. At the end, he casually drops that he’s met Lana a few times and that she allegedly works with a psychic weekly. He also says she consults psychics and astrologers to pick her album release dates lmao. Anyway, Alex mentions that the release date for TRPWS lines up with Saturn moving into Aries, which Kevin calls a “bold time.” This is all essentially fun gibberish to me but it's so dry that I'm counting it as something. Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sexy-unique-podcast/id1199768588 He mentions Lana a few times but the release date part begins around 1:17:40
  16. Even if she releases 2 country-esque singles before Stagecoach (not likely) like what else is she going to sing? Country covers? A duet with Nikki for sure. Her team must have booked Stagecoach at least a year in advance when she was still set on releasing Lasso. Plans have clearly taken a big change in direction and I think she’s now stuck singing at a country festival with no country songs which is very on brand never change Lanita.
  17. Grand finale: singing Hope as she’s pulled off stage laying down on her towel 🎆
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