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  1. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Ultra speculation #1 : Perhaps she never came out as bisexual because then she knew she would be questioned about females she had been with before (even tho bisexuals shouldn't need to provide proof, it's a fact, we will always be questioned), and then the truth from these women would be closer to coming out.
    Ultra speculation #2 : Perhaps she never came out as a feminist cause she is not a fucking feminist and honestly doesn't care about anything until it's affected her personally. Not even being able to step into the shoes of friends she's abused and manipulated = anti feminist. Especially since she's friends with trash like Yungelita without shame, puts her in her music videos, promotes her, etc....
  2. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Had Melanie come out as bisexual even?
    If not it's even more fucked up that she used her 'closet' as a way to corner and manipulate others. Like she didn't think it was abuse because bisexuality is 'just a bit of fun' no matter what. How fucking dangerous is that.....
    It's also misogynistic if she never thought it was abuse just cause she doesn't have a penis and thought it wouldn't damage these girls as much as if she was a male
    I never did see her as a feminist so it all adds up now
  3. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Melanie Martinez   
    Wow. A second person coming forward... things are looking even worse for Melanie.
    And even though that second girl isn't referring to the situation as rape, it does seem to still be sexual harassment/assault. 
    Honestly I am just so disappointed. I loved Melanie's art and she really had something unique going for her. Her songs were cleverly written and full of emotion. Now it just makes me sick to the stomach to think about the real person behind all those beautiful melodies. It's sickening and upsetting, especially seeing as her album was one of my highest played albums of all time. Now if these allegations are true I'm going to have to delete these songs. 

    Btw, people like this are imbeciles...

    Girlll, you don't know Melanie, all you see is a public persona she puts on. You think she loves you but she doesn't even know who you are. And the whole, "I will support her no matter what she does" is just ridiculous. 
  4. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I love you too sister, sending you a hug xxx
  5. subversive light liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  6. 320kbps liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Melanie Martinez   
    Honestly, I was excited for MM2 shit.
    I'm so fucking dissapointed.
  8. darkness liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  9. highbybeaches liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  11. Belladonna liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by t-raider26 in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    So I had a random idea for a Get Free video
    It should start with her emerging from the ocean (kinda like that part in the West Coast video right after the first chorus). Lana continues walking out of the water onto land. The whole video is one single steady shot, with her walking toward the camera as it moves back. And as it moves back the beach setting turns into different set pieces from each of her videos. Beginning with the Chateau Marmont, which then blends into the church from BtD, and then the beach house from Blue jeans etc. And it goes through each of he let videos with characters from each video appearing in each set piece. And then at the end it cuts back to her floating in the ocean, happy, for the duration of audio after the last “into the blue”.
    I didn’t really explain this very well but in my head it looks amazing lol. But the idea is to show her letting go of all the past bullshit she’s been through throughout her career, only to finally be at peace in the end and ready to move on to her future endeavours.
  13. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    maybe as an artist (i don't know much about her) but to the world, as a person she's finished à partir de right the fucking now (or yesterday) 
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Love u
  15. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I was afraid of this, her doing this to other people. Wearing down people for sex is not them consenting, I'm glad that these allegations might have stopped an eventual serial rapist. (if she isn't one already ofc)
    Also my heart goes to the people in this thread who lived these atrocities. It's true that women freeze in the face of someone attacking them, from a young age we see women around us represented as passive and acted upon and that it's always possible for us to become victims so we are overflowed by fear and shame when it happens. Also people go numb and quiet to avoid the worst and it's common not to aknowledge it happened because it's difficult to process afterwards.  
  16. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Melanie Martinez   
    Also, I deleted Cry Baby on iTunes Library tho lol
  17. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Yes that really sucks
    I just realised my situation was even more like Timothys. My abuser was my best friends boyfriend. I also did not act out because then I knew I'd be making the situation more real, and if it was more real I'd have to tell her. I was too scared shed blame me for trying to seduce him or something cause at the time they had some issues and hadn't had sex in a long time.
    You never know what kind of anxieties and external influences are going on that makes someone not fight back when they're being assaulted, clearly without consent
    It's okay, I'm glad you can understand now
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    I know this was hours ago but I was asleep.  
    I have noticed that most of (if not all) of you "sceptical" People Are actually males??
    When women think of the possibility of getting raped and assaulted our thoughts aren't "oh whoever does it is gonna get a beating from me".... It's pretty much " My life will be over the day that happens, I will never recover "
    We often don't "fight back" Because it is endowed upon us that we have no power, that it will happen to us sooner or later. It's very fucking scary. I have been assaulted by a friend that I trusted, in his room at night (it does not make it any less serious that Mel is female, an abuser is an abuser) and I was paralysed in fear too. I may not have been raped but I was molested and I know exactly how Timothy felt in those moments. I couldn't fight back because I was terrified. I count even cry or ask for help from my friend who was asleep in the same room.
    (Sorry I haven't read back through all the pages to see if this was resolved)
  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Melanie Martinez   
    Who do you think is going to buy them if even her fans that were devoted enough to buy her merch want to get rid of it? Plus their trying to de-platform her so thats contrary to the point they're trying to make.
  20. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by darkness in Melanie Martinez   
    Even if they go to court and Melanie isn't charged, it doesn't mean she's innocent. I was raped, took it to court, and nothing happened to my rapist because he is wealthy and I didn't have " enough proof" 
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm so sorry it happened to you, condoleances. And you're right about court. 
  22. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  23. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm so sorry it happened to you, condoleances. And you're right about court. 
  24. highbybeaches liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm a bit worried of how some people think it's "soo easy" to accuse someone of rape? First of all, when something like that happens it literally takes a toll on your body and mind, that makes it even more difficult to go through the process of reporting it. Which is why many rape victims just keep it to themselves. Plus, people who deal with their emotions and thoughts normally can't nonchalantly accuse someone of raping them. this is why false accusations of rape are rare and, for the most part, aren't received as relevant.   
    Also even if Tim did struggle in her career, starting one by accusing someone - even is she's right - is madness. Women in the workforce were told, until recently maybe bc times are changing, that they needed to shut up about their sexual assault because even if it happened it could ruin their careers. And women artists don't want to be seen as  -at best- victims or worse cunning liars because they risk to never be taken seriously in their craft.  
    I'll add that if people decide to destroy their cds/vinyls well they are in their own rights: it's their stuff and they can do what they want. And MM didn't handle the response appropriately. 
  25. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm so sorry it happened to you, condoleances. And you're right about court. 
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