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Everything posted by DEMONDELREY

  1. Honestly same, I never imagined we would be sitting here mid-May with no album
  2. Ya Julian Janzen is another name for false sense of hope
  3. Why hasn’t this leaked yet? Someone go to the dark web and find clips of the end credits thank u
  4. Tbh I’m just excited to hear Lana sing the “evil, I’ve come to tell you that she’s evil” part
  5. I want Doin’ Time so bad, the fact that other people have heard this masterpiece in full already and didn’t pay it any mind ahsklke
  6. I love Lana, I love Sublime even more, this cover is a dream to me IM SO EXCITED
  7. Her poetry is embarrassing and uninspiring I’m SORRY
  8. “Dreaming away your life” is the most relatable, beautiful, OTHERWORLDLY LYRICISM KNOWN TO MANKIND
  9. You can use a trademarked name with permission, but idk if that’s the cause of the album delay lmao
  10. Okay so what’s the plan how do we harass her label I JUST WANT A REAL UPDATE THAT’S ALL
  11. Do you guys think the album cover is done yet or no?
  12. Okay I need to leave, I’m starting to think there’s a chance it’s a surprise release. I am becoming delusional and I know it, goodnight
  13. I need to stop expecting a lot from Lana during her live shows so I never feel let down
  14. Okay so umm she’s becoming very active something must be coming AM I DELUSIONAL YA PROBABLY LMAO
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