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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Lana about her own songs she's scarcely/never performed: The band doesn't know how to play that song yet!!! Lol!!! 


    *Performs with band on BBC, covering Ariana Grande songs instead*


    Tour prices get more and more expensive, performs a short ass show with the near same setlist as the last tour right down to the same medley and backdrops, relies on the backing track on songs like the piano driven Bartender, cuts songs short bc why not. Luv my tour lyfe babiez :rip:

  2. I do understand people’s frustrations and I don’t mean to be dismissive. But I’m not sure where the 2 hour thing originated from. She’s never played that long. That was a pipe dream. She did add Shades Of Cool (with no backing track) after she realized they had gone thru the setlist pretty fast. To me I feel like she tried.

    We already knew she was going to do Shades of Cool, she said that on one of her live streams so it wasn't a spontaneous decision or anything, despite her acting like it was.


    Didn't Lana say she'd be doing a 2 tour set in her most recent live stream also? Well, whether she did or she didn't, she still should be. People twice her age do, and with shows a lot more physically taxing than hers as well. 

  3. Can you actually believe that her team teases working on building up this tour and also Lana talking about creating narrative for her shows when she's basically just singing the same songs over and over again and sometimes randomly adds a few songs in the mix like... what a mess.


    Also, I've seen Lana three times live now, twice in a venue and once in a Festival. Looking back the only time it really was worth seeing her was my second time, The Endless Summer Tour, it was just perfect, a spotless performance.


    She's really just that lazy I think. I've seen smaller and bigger acts than Lana and like not one of them gave performance as short as Lana's and they really gave it all. It's such a disappointment because I really truly love Lana, but her concerts are just so random and basic, ugh.

    Even Axl Rose with his fucked up voice nowadays spends 2.5 hours up there with GNR. Their Rock in Rio gig was 3 hours :rip:


    It's pathetic. There is no excuse for it. She's performed 3 NFR songs for the past several months now, and the other 2 from tonight are not impressive live either. Especially Bartender, where she relies on a damn backing track for a piano driven song, what the hell? :rip:


    All Lana does is stand up there flailing her arms around, relying on the backing tracks heavily in some circumstances, and going through the motions with the near same setlist as always. For this alone there is no reason she SHOULDN'T be completing a 2 hour set. "The band doesn't know that one yet!!11!"  :rip:

  4. also she loves that tour lyfe so much and always talk a big game about loving touring in interviews... Girl, you're on stage for an hour at most, you perform the same overlplayed songs you've been singing for eight years AND you take selfies with the same five creepy fans that follow you everywhere. That's all there is. I'm glad she didn't come near me this time around, I just saved money for acts that are actually worth spending money on! Love you Lana, but after being a fan for quite some time now, the truth is: your concerts ain't it.




    What’s tragic is acts who focus on a more physically taxing concert (you know the ones, Madonna, Britney, etc) are on stage far longer than Ms. Del Rey, and make many changes to their setlists. Hell, even bands like RHCP where Kiedis jumps around the fucking stage at age 56 spend 1.5 hours up there, changing the setlist around here and there almost every date.


    The fact that Lana’s go to excuse is “the band doesn’t know that song yet!!!1” is fucking pathetic to say the least. That’s their job, and I’m pretty sure they don’t find much creative pleasure playing along to the same shit over and over again. :rip:

  5. Don't see where the problem is. She has said many times before she loves her LGBKGJTKQ fans. Even back in 2008 when nobody knew her she went to a lgbtq parade and tweeted many times about loving them. She also interacts heavily with her fans, taking selfies, signing autographs, hugging and kissing them and all that. She is very supportive of all her fans. She doesn't have to blurt every 5 seconds "I love my gays!" for people to be satisfied. There isn't anything else she can say or do. What more do you want from her? To visit her LGBTQ fans houses to serenade them to sleep?

  6. But was it even an attack? If sis had said something really awful then I'd agree, but she did not.


    If you write an opinion piece, then others, including the subject, are surely entitled to have an opinion on it.

    It was. The only reason Lana got triggered is because of the Joni part in the article.There were other bits in that article that Lana could have pointed out and disagree with that were actually worthy to disagree with, but the only part that made her angry was the Joni comparison which wasn't even negative. I don't mind that she has her opinion of course she will have it, but the way she chose to go on about this article which wasnt even terrible in comparison with far worse articles out there, is she started telling Ann how she is not a fan and shouldn't call herself a fan, next minute lying also about never having personas. Lana knew that her rabid fans would go after Ann and she wanted that. That's why she attacked her publicly. She could have easily contacted Ann in private and have a nice discussion over the article instead of this circus of tweets she blurted out.

    Of course she will have her opinion, I'm not saying she can't have. She handled herself very poorly in this case.

  7. Is she really going after Ann Powers?  :lmao: That article is harmless. Someone needs to take twitter away from her!  :lmao:


    I don't get it since she herself acknowledged in a 2017 interview that she used to rely on a persona. https://www.nme.com/news/music/lana-del-rey-says-less-persona-now-2069996


    Seems like the "uncooked" Joni Mitchell comparison really got to her too. If you don't want to be compared to your muse don't refer to their work so much in your songs lmao. 

  8. I literally don't see how any of that is negative. I'm not using vulgarities or ad hominems like the people who've responded to my points. I'm expressing an opinion.


    If you'd like to give me a warning point for that go ahead, but I will take it up with whomever is the admin.

    This entire forum has been dragging LFL through the mud for the past couple of years, but if u dare to say you're disappointed by NFR during the honeymoon phase and your views why, people jump on itphoto-21141.png?_r=1565351105

    I mean just a couple of weeks ago people were calling Lana a white money grabbing woman because they thought she was trying to capitalize on her Looking For America song, and staff didn't lecture them...? photo-21141.png?_r=1565351105


    It's like they can't accept that some people simply don't like any aspects of the album, and as fans of Lana's music they're entitled to voice that if they so wish. Not sure why people who tear Win's appearance apart don't get publicly lectured by staff, but people who voice their opinions on an album do. photo-21141.png?_r=1565351105

  9. As you've read, I already apologised if the terms used were not the most sensitive ones. If it wasn't clear yet: sorry, didn't mean to be offensive or harmful, that was the last of my purposes. But, ye, that's the point. Lana is a stunningly beautiful woman who's making a huge damage to herself by following the aesthetic rules that a mysoginist industry dictates her, that are not other than the negation of her own face, one of the most important elements that a human being has to assure it's identity, therefore a key factor to develop and mantain self worth. I asked here -in the worst possible way, it seems- about if any of you had noticed that because for me it was quite impactful to notice that even with makeup the fillers were so hardcore. They actually make me perceive her face as unbalanced (not that it actually is, but that the surgery has made it).

    If she likes it (which she clearly does at the present time since she keeps topping up and even went to that cosmetic dr's birthday party last month lmao) then who cares. Why is a woman getting cosmetic altercations always perceived as them "serving the male gaze" lmao. That line of thought seems sexist if anything. Not everything women do to themselves is to please men. Maybe she just likes how it looks. So boring, come up with something else.

  10. Don't get this. I'm pointing on the abuse of cosmetical surgery, which is a huge problem within the environments Lana frequents, and a problem with a huge gender dimension. Her, as many other women on the entertainment industries are symbolically forced to manipulate their bodies to be accepted or to survive on their bussinesses, no matter how powerful their artistic vision is. I'm not blaming Lana for it, I'm pointing her as a victim of this shit. Depicting the seriousness of the matter on Lana's case is not for me a thing to get a WP for, but a way to empathize with her. Maybe the language wasn't the most accurate or sensitive, and I hope the thing gets clarified now.

    So your way of countering and empathizing with the immense pressure some women face in regards to their appearance is to say Lana looks atrocious, that her face is unbalanced, and that she is destroying herself.

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