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Everything posted by everymanhashiswish

  1. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 16 3. Arcadia 13 5. Black Bathing Suit 23 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 7. Beautiful 7 - 8. Violets for Roses 16 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 15 11. Wildflower Wildfire 18 12. Nectar of the Gods 14 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 7 15. Sweet Carolina 15 +
  2. omg hahahaha. I see it used so often and it goes back so many years lol i just (incorrectly here) generally assume when I see it used that people don't know Tommy
  3. me seeing people use the tommy emote in vain / sarcastically / not purposed for the greater good [of the whole world] don't do luberg like that
  4. oh how i like the way you say my name DO YOU LIKE THE WAY I SAY YOURS TOO
  5. FUCK I forgot when we're in a pre/post-album period people start making those shitty mock tracklists every 3rd post sign me out
  6. I expected to feel that way but I'm not really overplaying the album to where it's noticeable... plus kind of fair play for a revenge album
  7. everyone is talking about the string version meanwhile when i saw it as track 16 i played the first 5 seconds then skipped it
  8. wait wait wait what do you mean a coachella moment???? No stairway to heaven slander
  9. i'm excited to read reviews from people who don't see the album w the perspective of half new songs half leaks also critics better love dealer + living legend
  10. I'm so glad I never heard living legend when it leaked... slowly becoming a favourite
  11. Find My Own Way is the best song from Sirens... why is it last in the poll.
  12. tulsa jesus freak sounded out of place on cocc too kinda but still fits that album... yosemite much more so. Idk I really haven't noticed any difference in sound listening to the album on shuffle. a lot of tracks actually come off better that way
  13. barrie / kassidy in the UK please. I am still sad they weren't there when i saw her in Manchester. I met both rob and byron while I was looking for them lol which more than made up for it. they were stuck in scotland or something and arrived the day after
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