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  1. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by fessle in Lanapalooza Experience   
    I wanted to start by saying I am so lucky to have been able to see Lana Del Rey two days in a row. Although my expectations were way too high and I was unable to meet her, I am still happy that I got to see her live and solidify my love for Lana. I think it's really important to see an artist that you listen to almost every day live, just so that things come a full circle. I don't know if that will make sense to anyone but I'm just trying to say it just solidified my love for Lana, to see her live. I also realized after the shows that when I paid for my ticket, I had to know that this was just for the show. Not for meeting Lana or guaranteeing front row, those were all just my expectations (and dreams haha).
    House of Blues - August 1, 2013
    I arrived at the venue about 11:30 AM and much to my surprise, I was #26 in line. I honestly did not expect so many people to already be there, and did not think that especially since House of Blues requires you to pay $20 if you want to skip the line and wait in the priority line. Now I know! This kind of showed me just how big of an artist Lana is compared to the other people I have seen in the past, where getting to the venue at noon guaranteed me front and center. People had been waiting here since 5 AM which I couldn't believe. Then again, people on this forum have gone to shows even earlier.
    So I was #26, the venue is pretty small (1300 people), and the barricade isn't that wide. I knew that I wouldn't be getting barricade. Well anyways, it still hadn't set in that I'd be seeing Lana in the matter of hours. I had waited for this day for so long and it finally happened. Lana got to the venue for soundcheck and played a few songs which we could all hear downstairs in the line, Cola, Body Electric, and one more song. It turns out she left after soundcheck but about 7-10 people had met her because they went underground to the loading/unloading station, where Lana was also picked up. So, couldn't meet her before the show, which was my fault. Now I know about that underground entrance though! Doors opened at 8, and I ended up in 2nd row center, because when we got to the main floor, as expected, the barricade was already filled, and my heart kinda sank. It wasn't meant to be. Now, I focused on just enjoying the show and letting Lana do her thing and blow us away. The opening act played for literally 25 minutes, I also felt bad because the crowd was very mean to them. Oh well. Lana came on much later, way after the band left because she was late to the venue. The intro for Cola began and the crowd went wild. I must say, people LOVE Lana here. People knew the words to every song. It was beautiful. After experiencing this concert, I finally started to love the song Cola and it won't leave my head. Lana was flawless. She looked beautiful, she sang perfectly and she put on an amazing show. It was the most beautiful performance I have ever seen. My favorite songs of the night definitely had to be Cola, Born to Die, American, and Video Games. She nailed it. It was an amazing, amazing concert.
    I was unable to get a picture with Lana during National Anthem, but I did get my bag with my portrait and letter and rose onto the stage and she acknowledged me, as well as the poster I made, anddd I did get my friend her picture signed by Lana. The crowd was psychotic during NA, people were shoving and I was suffocating. It was crraaaazzzyyyyy. Apparently she snuck out after the show 3 blocks away (??) and no one met her after the show (except a guy who had backstage I think). So I couldn't meet her at all that day, which sucked since I waited for 8 hours before the show, but sometimes it just doesn't work out.
    Body Electric
    Blue Jeans
    Born to Die
    Young & Beautiful
    Million Dollar Man * seen below
    Summertime Sadness
    Video Games
    National Anthem
    Lollapalooza - August 2, 2013
    This was my first time ever going to Lollapalooza even though I live in Chicago. I had no clue what to expect. So, I went and saw Jessie Ware, because I missed Icona Pop, and I know Imagine Dragons was going to be way too crazy so I skipped them. My friend told me that her uncle would have been able to get us backstage for Lana Del Rey, but unfortunately as it would turn out, last minute he said oh no I can't. It sucked haha. Because of that, I missed out on barricade for Lana (I did have it until my friend told me to come with her to meet Lana). It just sucked yknow? But it's over and I'm over it.
    I ended up getting second row during Lana's set, and there were literally thousands and thousands of people watching her perform. It was an unreal experience. Her set list was more or less the same, of course shortened, and she looked so beautiful, even more beautiful this day than the day before.
    Body Electric
    Blue Jeans
    Born to Die
    Young & Beautiful
    Summertime Sadness
    Video Games
    National Anthem
    PHOTO (not mine):

  2. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Foolish in Lana Spotted in LA (August 8th)   
    its so good. hipster queen 
  3. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Spotted in LA (August 8th)   
    Can this be an emoticon please?

  4. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    Hey, she's the one who says her lyrics are '100% autobiographical'. And we're just taking what she says at face value because tbqh it's way more fun than the alternative.
  5. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    I think her mom was kinda cookie cutter tbh and would have preferred Lizzy be a debutante instead of a rebel girl. but who rly knows their history besides lana and patty, I'm sure her mom is proud of her
  6. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by ofcharsky in Paradise Tour in South America   
    Rio de Janeiro - Citibank Hall and Belo Horizonte - Chevrolet Hall
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by Miguel3Zero in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    " critics towards Lana will come exclusively from USA" Why? answer: The racial grievance industry is a multibillion business in the U.S. But " it will be coming to a city near you" very soon.
  8. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    @@maru are you using your privilege as a mod to erase your rude comments?? Well I kind of saw it .....I like to start saying that is hard to talk to anyone who uses the word MINORITY as often as you. Specially when you are referering to Mexicans. In this particular case you got even further to use minority and western world to refer to Mexicans. I guess Mexico moved to the Faixa de Gaza and I didn't notice. Spanics became a (ugh to this word) minortiy and I also didn't notice. 
    Now I know your arrogance doesn't need a HUG but a SLAP.  I might just be honest: I avoid getting in exchanges or any kind of interaction with you because I think you are very ethnocentric and arrogant. Your view is usually based on a single point of view:  never plural always singular. You use too often Minority and Western World to talk about women, race (black, arab, caucasian...) in the same sentence there for I can't take you seriously.

    My basic point towards your remark (funny enought several others understood what I said) is that such critics towards Lana will come exclusively from USA. I doubt any other culture/country will make any remark towards the culture appropriation subject. Not even Mexicans. Or maybe only Mexicans that live in US. Towards the word Minority is that is very relative to where your 2 feets are standing.

    I hope I framed and constructed right so you can clearly understand. I wasn't going to answer but since you erased your comment I decided to do it.
  9. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I am a minority. I want my minority straight, white, female, buddhist/kardecist, college student tax discount. I am a minority that thinks  the word minority is the most stupid thing that came out of US the second being Kim Kadarshian.
  10. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I'm offended tbh I hate Lizzy, she sucks. Y'all are getting so Lana crazy for this fake girl.
    But let me teach you something, people will get crazy about this because yep Día de Muertos is exactly the same as the indian headdress (check what Disney tried to do with my fave celebration), however Mexicans won't start this shit, it will be fake people hatin' on lana because of nothing.
    And calling all the Mexicans cholas is racist sitar. 
    So let me work this for you, our favorite sisters are painted/dressed like "Catrinas" a famous character of this date and also like "Calaveritas de azucar", a typical candy for us.
    So everything is fine, if somebody tries to start shit, just tell them "My Mexican friend says that all you saying it's BULLSHIT", and show them this post. 
  11. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Chuck just tweeted this & wrote 'TROPICO':

    Cue the 'cultural appropriation' brigade once again tbh...
  12. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Little things that you love about Lana   
    her shyness is just absolutely adorable.
    the fact she sings about video games
    her new york accent.
    her gangsta-ness.
    the fact that she's so arty and yet the rest of the stuff i hear in the charts all sounds the same.
    she's such a kind and warm person, i got such good vibes from her.
    the fact she looks even better in person than she does on photos.
    her handwriting,
    her songs always sound different to each other.
    the way she says 'man' in kill kill.
  13. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Little things that you love about Lana   
    I love it when she tries to act serious and pull a moody face and then giggles because she finds it too awkward. And her giggle, it's so cute and flirty but then sometimes she does a full on, big cackle, I bet she's really funny to hang out with 
  14. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Little things that you love about Lana   
    Her cheerful, unapologetically childish and totally honest laugh.
  15. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Radio.com   
    Taylor Swift as a stripper? 
  16. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Radio.com   
    She will obviously be nominated
  17. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana’s Fib About Her Age-Some Thoughts   
    Youth sells more in the music biz. From Mozart to now that's how it goes. If 1D were even 5 years older they wouldn't be what they are. It's the same way with Taylor Swift--though she is a talented songwriter.
    I can imagine record companies wanting Lana to be younger, but Lana's music I think isn't dependent on age. 
  18. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Confessions   
    We know nothing of the sort
  19. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    oh my god i'm smiling v big thank you!
  20. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    Lollapalooza 2013: The Best Things We Saw on Friday
    5. Lana Del Rey
    If the multitudes of pre-fab flower crowns adorning girls' heads at Lolla did not tip you off in advance, the screaming, teeming LDR masses — the only thing that could blot out the industrial thunder of nearby NIN — made it good and clear: young female America stans for Lana. The polarizing pop ingénue took the stage looking like vintage Cher in a flowing, blood red gown with golden bodice and nearly black hair, looking very Bob Mackie-does-Grecian-goddess. Screams. A few songs in she told her band, "Lets do 'Blue Jeans,'" Screams. Fortunately, the flower crown ladies knew every single sigh and sang along, loudly, with LDR occasionally ceding a line to her rapt fans — which almost made up for how quiet and thin the sound was during her set. In the last year, her command of her voice has finally caught up to her ambition and star power — the delicacy of her baroque, operatic flourishes were in stark relief against the maniacal grunting of Trent Reznor, which punctured those swelling strings and sighs of longing from three blocks away. J.H.
    Lana Del Rey Photo by Wilson Lee
  21. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    Dude, she loves America. She is an American and her songs and videos are full of American iconography. You could tell at the show she was truly overjoyed at the reception she got in her home country. It was a triumphant return. The people at the shows loved her. 
    We all love Lana! America is the home of second chances and she has made it in her home country which is great validation for her and her family and friends. I am sure she loves all of her fans in Europe and is eternally grateful to them but there is nothing like an American being successful in your home country.
    Everyone wants to come back home and be loved. It's okay for Lana and Americans to love each other. 
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