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Everything posted by sjrq

  1. That was the Washington mudslide that took place in a rural area. The L.A. quake was unrelated to it and just rattled some things a bit; one car got knocked over by a loose rock.
  2. It may be a long shot, but... "The West Coast is in the house sayin Why you talkin loud?!? What you talkin bout?!? [ice Cube] Fuck all the critics in the N-Y-C" http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/westsideconnection/allthecriticsinnewyork.html
  3. sjrq

    New US Tour!

    I struck out big time trying to get Nashville tickets, so I bought them for Grand Prairie through AXS. I can't wait.
  4. sjrq

    New US Tour!

    For Nashville, Ticketmaster allowed me to get through immediately at 10:00 cdt - password videogames- and was sold out instantly. Will try tomorrow.
  5. sjrq

    New US Tour!

    Well, it is kind of confusing. If there is no password, what would be the difference between pre-sale on the 13th and regular ticket purchase on the 14th?
  6. Why would Lana go to Whole Foods with a sheet wrapped around her?
  7. I looked it up and the video says January 27th of this year, but was put up on the 24th, which was pretty impressive.
  8. Lana looked so beautiful at the Breakthough Awards she almost stopped my heart.
  9. The address Lana gives in "TV in Black and White", "One Greenwich Avenue" is actually a flower shop in NYC.
  10. Perhaps the name of that blog should be changed from "They're Watching Us" to " Seriously, I Need Help".
  11. The music was written by Tchaikovsky, believe it or not. It can be heard here starting at about 28 seconds:
  12. Maybe she was just hiding out from the Grammys. Who could blame her? After writing well over 200 songs, a Grammy for "Summertime Sadness" is awarded to someone she has never even talked with or met.
  13. I think Lana should open her Coachella set with "Raise Me Up - Mississippi South" and put "Push Me Down" somewhere in the middle. Also, now that the "Born To Die" phase is over, she should have some backup singers.
  14. I would ask her if she would ever consider doing a concert which would have Lizzie Grant opening for Lana Del Rey.
  15. So, she saw a picture of Lana in an old yearbook, grabbed a thesaurus, and came up with this little hatchet job. It reads like it was written in a foreign language and run through Google Translate.
  16. If this guy actually has worked with Lana, he would know she would be livid about him airing out their personal business on the internet. So, I would guess if they have ever actually worked together, she has already cut ties with him.
  17. The "Gods and Monsters" robbery scene looked very much like a similar scene in "Spring Breakers". I love the song, though, so it didn't really matter.
  18. "Body Electric", "Gods and Monsters", "Bel Air", and Lana as beautiful as a thousand movie stars. I really liked it. It would have been much better if Barrie played the male lead, IMO. She says L.A. is the land of gods and monsters and the door to The Underworld, yet she bought a house there anyway. It does sound better than a trailer in New Jersey, though.
  19. Thanks so much for putting this up. It is a wonderful concert, and Lana looks as comfortable on stage barefoot as she did in the "Boarding School" clip.
  20. I heard a song on the radio yesterday that sounds like it contains the main riff from "Hit and Run". Anyone else heard it? Sorry, I was in the car with a bunch of kids and couldn't hear the words all to well.
  21. I'm glad Lana got all of the criticism for her performance on SNL. That's was where I first heard of her, and almost instantly she became my favorite singer.
  22. Lana leaves Barrie for Lady Gaga - says Gaga is "more manly".
  23. "Playground" with the blank parts filled in. I need to hear this.
  24. I wonder if Lana might have a future releasing her CD the way she wants it, while simultaneously releasing official remixes of some of the songs with the best hooks/lyrics for the pop charts.
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