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Everything posted by Yennefer

  1. And that's the reason why she's inactive, she's too busy I'm so excited, Coven was one of my fav. Can't wait for it.
  2. Yeah, we're sure cause she deleted some posts on Instagram a few days ago
  3. Yennefer

    Ariana Grande

    According to TMZ, US Weekly and Billboard Ariana and Pete Davidson are engaged. They started officially dating just over a month ago.
  4. The untouchable five is a pure masterpiece for me. Especially Hollywood, it has a special place in my heart. It gives me the chills, i love the chorus and i'm getting so emotional, while i'm listening to it
  5. At least we know that she's alive and she didn't forget her password
  6. Well we have an explanation
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BjdlLQJBr6m/?taken-by=brittanyfurlan Guys she's alive! But she doesn't want to post pictures of her... What's going on?
  8. 2016 was one of the worst years of my life and the only positive side of 2016 was seeing Lana for the first time She's not posting for 16 days and idk i miss her...
  9. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dcoju8TVQAAN-sB.jpg:large Just look at her
  10. She looks like a queen in The Sims Medieval. Her wig is tragic
  11. Yennefer

    Line vs. Line

    "Cause I'm your jazz singer, and you're my cult leader. I'll love you forever" vs. "Take the dead out of the sea, and the darkness from the arts"
  13. She served A LOOK and her eyeliner is on point (finally) Anyway that was such a pretty performance, he did what he could tbh
  14. And that sweet dress from 'Ride video
  15. I think that we'll get some fresh news on Friday
  16. A small part from Gods & Monsters and we can see her full outfit! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bhr1IYhDgvg/?taken-by=junkiepride
  17. She felt bad because of her reaction when you requested Yosemite, so she made it up to you
  18. That last one with the lowest bar was job?
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