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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by rways in Happy Birthday Lana!   
    Since no one seems to have done this thread i decided to do it! 



    Happy Birthday to the one and only Goddess Lana Del Rey!!!!




  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by jvcx in Songs Lana should cover   
    This is pretty much what happens when I'm bored.
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think it's a tenuous thing to diagnose a person from afar, but I think Lana definitely has some problems that are coming across in this interview. I've had a lifelong problem with depression and various chemical substances, but I can only imagine being barely recovered and then having this barrage of hate and scrutiny directed at you. It would be enough to change anyone for the worse. Personally I'm not offended by her mood, seeing as I have social anxiety myself and can come across as angry and awkward and aloof, but rather by what she's saying--essentially ignorant elitism and just pure bullshit.
    My main point is, I feel like if you have a degree in something, you should be able to talk about it. If she spent four whole years studying philosophy, I feel like she should be able to better articulate its ideas and seem aware/passionate/interested in questions regarding it. Her quotes about religion/philosophy seem underdeveloped at best and immature and misunderstanding at worst. She seems to fumble in talking about the topics  that supposedly influenced her growing up and music so much--nihilism, hedonism, free will, spirituality, fate--which should be very intimate and familiar to her. Remember that cringe-worthy interview where she defined metaphysics as "mathematically proving the reality of god"?? Maybe she was too high on ~methamphetamines~ through college to pay attention to the thing she was majoring in.
    It's certainly a difficult thing to reconcile the stupidly hateful Lana in recent interviews with the Lana who kisses her crying fans and the Lana who wrote the sheer brilliance that is "You and Me." I suppose that's the real topic of philosophy here: human nature, having so many facets and quirks and flaws and rapid changes. Lana's only human--but a different person to everyone she meets, apparently.
  4. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    You said it very well. 
    I don't think it's that she's stupid or playing a role as such, but more the fact that her mind works in the least academic way possible. Taking a step back, logically examinating facts and drawing a conclusion is just not the way she examines the world. Everything in Lanas world revolves around Lana, to the point that she can't make a statement about health care reforms without pointing back to herself and how she feels. In short she's good at talking about how she feels, senses and experiences the world through her filter = artist. A lot of artists talk bull when it comes to concrete, real world issues. Not because they don't care or are simple, but because they are way better at expressing how they feel.   
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I'm not really angry about her stance on America because none of us can dictate how she should react to criticism. However, the attitude in this interview is very nearly reprehensible and I'm upset that it happened because lots of people now have one lengthy excuse and a platform to call her on her shit. This feels like an inner-fanbase SNL because there is a lot to criticize and not much in the way of redemption. I think her career is young and fame probably isn't a spectacular sensation for her because she never considered that anyone would dislike her. In fact, I'm almost positive that prior to her major success, she thought her bubble of a world was just fantastic and the way she lived was the only way for her. I think she'll definitely need some maturity, and I have the patience for that. I'm miffed at her but I'm not her to go all CAPITAL LETTERS DENOUNCE THE BITCH like a few people around here. Maybe someday she will see the error of her narrow perspective. Maybe someday she'll listen to full albums. And maybe she won't. I'm not from the school of "Lana Del Rey's decay, stawp reading interviews and just listen to music, if that". I thought this was one bad egg in a series of good (or at least average) interviews that's seeming to reflect on other things she's said in a particularly negative way. I'm interested in what some of you would consider this decline in quality.
    Fansites like this offer a dangerous magnifying glass on her actions. Perhaps for a while I did expect her to just have a basically likeable, if melancholy, attitude. But I think I can get over that and love her just the same. Could I say with confidence that an interviewer wouldn't catch me on a bad day, leaving a legion of people to project this all over other things I'd done or said in the past, and thereby harming my image? Probably not. This isn't a good attitude for Lana to have, but it's not something I'll be dedicating too much energy into being concerned or irritated over.
    Also, I don't think her next record will sound like Paradise. If she's rejecting her current lyrical themes, I think we could see a resurgence of old-fashioned Lizzy Grant, the amazing and clever lyricist we all cherish.
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    To my mind the interviewer was not trying to trip her up on various off-topic topics. She is merely guilty of leaving the music topic (which was covered ok actually, although wanting more details is always going to be a problem).  The "Ride" video coverage was also interesting. However, the title of the interview sucks. I would have called it "Paradise Gained..."
    Just some quick thoughts:
    It's interesting that Lana showed some self-editing when she decided not to go into depth about her politics; so it's not like she just flies off with whatever she first thinks of.  
    With regards to having some kind of personality disorder, a key attribute of "disorder" in my mind is UNawareness of ones contradictory views. So you need to distinguish the case of she just thinks differently at different times (but is aware of it) and where she might not be aware of it. If she were to say something bizarre (like "I never liked BTD") I'd be more concerned. That said, she doesn't seem hugely consistent with regard to whether social work, significant others, or caring about "the music or the art", is the "luxury" or the main event. However, maybe what she is getting at is that they interdepend on each other, so to say that she isn't too interested in putting out another album is to say that she has to work at her life some more to be inspired to say something musically.
    I would also say she is possibly forgetful. For example, she has mentioned (living) musical peers that she considers valid and worth following (Guns and Roses, Tyler, ASAP, Azealia Banks, Frank Ocean, Father John Misty, Antony and the Johnsons, Britney, Eminen, Chris Isaak). But for some reason she didn't want to mention anybody living in this article as influential (excepting Bob Dylan).
    Feminism? LDR has made statements about it in the past saying her songs reflect personal statements, not role model statements. In this interview, she says this again and something like (that is, imo)  she is pro feminism and thinks reasonable progress has been made. She has stated in other interviews (one of the German ones?) that male chauvinism is not responsible for her negative reception in US music critic and blogosphere circles; it was more of a personal thing. I agree with her. Hence, we have the whole "Anti-me" statement, which I think is very accurate for some contexts, but may seem a bit odd here. Why should "devoting your life to the people around you and caring for them is the true road to general happiness" be something people would think "really strange"?  She says specifically that it's NOT an anti-feminism thing, but an anti-her thing. I take this to be her generalizing from the fact that other pop stars (male or female) can have a different stage names, or sing submissively about love obsessions, but for some odd reason not her. I think she is a little overly pessimistic here in her characterization. For one she can do things, that other pop artists can't. However, the script also says she is laughing while she says this. Victims don't laugh.
    Patriotism? There does seem to be some disillusionments, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions they are centered on her critical or blogosphere reception. I am from the US, but I took her "Rah Rah... " quote to mean she's not uncritically loving of her country. Also, I would like to know in what sense she thinks she's less patriotic than anybody else; if tax brackets are an objective measure of such, she is more patriotic than me.
  7. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    OK maybe it didn't explain as much as confirm some suspicions I had.
    I always wondered whether her many references to faith, God and praying meant that she was actually an active member of a church, going to services on a regular basis, believing in God as fact and the likes, and something didn't really add up. But I get the feeling from her answers that there's a strong element of philosofy and aesthetic to her faith like with everything else about her. Like the beauty and stillness of a church would be more important to her faith than reading the Ten Commandments. She's not as much of a literal believer as she has come off as sometimes. I hope that makes sense. 
  8. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    OK maybe it didn't explain as much as confirm some suspicions I had.
    I always wondered whether her many references to faith, God and praying meant that she was actually an active member of a church, going to services on a regular basis, believing in God as fact and the likes, and something didn't really add up. But I get the feeling from her answers that there's a strong element of philosofy and aesthetic to her faith like with everything else about her. Like the beauty and stillness of a church would be more important to her faith than reading the Ten Commandments. She's not as much of a literal believer as she has come off as sometimes. I hope that makes sense. 
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    oh hnnnnnnnng YAS ottr type album would be nice. I effing love off to the races. It's so delicious yet dark.
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    People have asked me if I have it as well, I took some internet tests that would confirm it, though the internet is not a doctor. I saw that video and there was a big resemblance in her mannerisms and mine. I wouldn't want to diagnose her with anything as I'm no doctor either, just an idea. Every now and then she says things that really resonate with me, or are quite different from other people's opinions.
    I agree with the poster who said she really wants to be loved and adored, that she's very used to being both so when people attacked her like they did it was too much for her to take. It's a little naive to assume everyone in the world would automatically love everything you do, I'm starting to think she was very sheltered as a child. She even talked about not having TV, perhaps her parents tried to keep her from the "big bad world" and protect her, though that backfired, as it usually tends to do. I do understand that she'd still be upset about the things people wrote about her because of how incredibly vicious it was, though I don't believe she's not touring the US because she's holding some sort of grudge. I don't remember any recent singer getting that kind of treatment, the "controversy" regerding her was so blown out of proportion and often completely untrue.
  11. lauradelxx liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    The things I'd do to hear a whole Lana album of hip hop influenced songs, like Off to the Races. It would just work on so many levels, though I don't doubt that some fans would hate it with a passion. 
  12. lauradelxx liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    Had forgotten all about this one, it's DOPE. Lana del Trap<3<3
    I wish he had made a seperate remix in the style of the first 25 seconds though, it's so beautiful.
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    my fav remixes


    I didn't choose the thug life, lana chose it 
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Lana and the Illuminati   
    i don't believe in the illuminati, no way. these so called 'illuminati' symbols are bs, the eye of horus is egyptian, as a pagan, i use it a lot, triangles were around before conspiracy theories. 
    honestly, i'm sick of all these nut job websites bullshitting, they're the real brainwashers. 
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Good points actually. She sings about God in some songs like she believes in religion but in others (say, G&D she says 'Me and God we don't get along') so maybe she does either have some sort of split personality or she's not being herself in that interview.
    No ones business of course but if she writes about it songs...and then says what she writes is auto-biographical..it's natural some people will question what she's even on about..

  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I applaud her rejection of being overly patriotic, it's really refreshing. The whole AMERICA FUCK YEAH thing makes me very uncomfortable. It's funny how she says Paradise sounds tropical when to me AKA sounds a lot more tropical, songs like Kill kill and such - surf noir and all.
    As for her having a personality disorder, when I first saw this video I didn't know much about her yet and thought she had Asperger's (or high functioning autism or whatever they're calling it now). Just based on her facial expressions and reactions - what's she's saying and the way she's talking. If she's an INFP that's lovely, I'm one as well.
    I can't believe the interviewer just glossed over the new music, that was most cruel. Just acknowledge and describe it a little, damn.
  17. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Her beef with US stems from the fact that no one there cared until she already had a name in Europe. The bulk of her succes and charting took place in UK, France and Germany etc. She always talks about Europe welcoming her with open arms.
    But it would suit her to lay off the attitude as she now has a very dedicated fanbase in the US who make it possible for her to have a carreer there as well. 
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    her personal life is, in a way our business because she -wants- to share her 'story' and share parts of herself with the public. its largely about the music and 'making her life into a werk of art', but the thing is, all of her songs are about her in some way. her lyrics are very personal, and its interesting to try and figure out which of the characters (or pieces of them) are real or imagined. you don't personally need to know her to make (some) connections about who she is and where she's coming from; the clues are already there in all 700 of her songs
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    I love this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QVC__Uvd8s&list=PLNTaq_cbvmnBZnkBwrhU2dDIjB7_iCNZ8 Summertime Sadness Reich & Bleich remix. & the Omid 16B remix for Video Games. I'm checking out loads of remixes now though, so many good ones..
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    I like that video games remix too!
    With mashups, I like this Cola/Umbrella one:
    And from the remixes, I have a lot. The subsist remix of MDM is crazy good even tho it's so short. Epic awesome.
  21. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    You said it very well. 
    I don't think it's that she's stupid or playing a role as such, but more the fact that her mind works in the least academic way possible. Taking a step back, logically examinating facts and drawing a conclusion is just not the way she examines the world. Everything in Lanas world revolves around Lana, to the point that she can't make a statement about health care reforms without pointing back to herself and how she feels. In short she's good at talking about how she feels, senses and experiences the world through her filter = artist. A lot of artists talk bull when it comes to concrete, real world issues. Not because they don't care or are simple, but because they are way better at expressing how they feel.   
  22. NamiraWilhelm liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    You said it very well. 
    I don't think it's that she's stupid or playing a role as such, but more the fact that her mind works in the least academic way possible. Taking a step back, logically examinating facts and drawing a conclusion is just not the way she examines the world. Everything in Lanas world revolves around Lana, to the point that she can't make a statement about health care reforms without pointing back to herself and how she feels. In short she's good at talking about how she feels, senses and experiences the world through her filter = artist. A lot of artists talk bull when it comes to concrete, real world issues. Not because they don't care or are simple, but because they are way better at expressing how they feel.   
  23. Sitar liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    I know there's a thread already with a list of all the remixes but I don't think there's one for discussing our favourites.
    Finding a really good remix is almost like finding a brand new Lana song imo. 
    Video Games, Balam Acab Remix
    Fun fact: I asked Balam Acab why he used her live vocals for the track and expected some really deep answer about how she sounds more fragile and stuff, but turns out he only used them because it was the closest thing to an acapella track he could find at the time. Overthink much.
    Video Games, Joy Orbinson Remix
    Took me a while to get into it but now it's a steady on my playlist. Really cool futuristic vibe.
    Ride, Active Child Remix
    If the word swag wasn't so overúsed I would say that this track has it.
    Share your favourite :)
  24. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Lana comes across as someone who has no interest in being perceived a certain way in her private life. She's all about the music and image that is "Lana Del Rey" the singer, outside of that i honestly think she rolls her eyes and says whatever she wants based on her mood and time of month. Maybe that comes from the fact that media got so personal with her when they attacked her, or maybe she just doesn't give a fuck, but fans tend to feel connections to their idols and expect them to be like their best friends in high school ect. I don't really, she could give an interview and tell us all that she is infact from another planet and enjoys eating human babies and i'd still buy her album if it was well made, which initially what we are all here for isn't it, the music. Her personality or how she conducts herself should always come second to that, at least it does to me. I don't need to want to hang out with her to be a fan.
  25. Mileena liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    You said it very well. 
    I don't think it's that she's stupid or playing a role as such, but more the fact that her mind works in the least academic way possible. Taking a step back, logically examinating facts and drawing a conclusion is just not the way she examines the world. Everything in Lanas world revolves around Lana, to the point that she can't make a statement about health care reforms without pointing back to herself and how she feels. In short she's good at talking about how she feels, senses and experiences the world through her filter = artist. A lot of artists talk bull when it comes to concrete, real world issues. Not because they don't care or are simple, but because they are way better at expressing how they feel.   
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