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About Harlem

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    the speed star
  • Birthday 05/05/1995

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  1. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    You literally grouped 'a stupid little hoe who decided to tell a lie and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically believe her' While talking about Timothy and this situation and making snidey comments. I mean I get you probably can't rise out of the dunce corner but don't back peddle and try and make yourself out to be someone who was only trying to be nice and make people see both sides, you were being snidey and a typical moron who arises in this situation that we see time and time again - and your stupid ass then tries to backpeddle, i'm done,
  2. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    Spill those facts!! So many facts!!
  3. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    Oh I know it's not gonna make a difference, I just like and enjoy pointing out to complete morons that they're that, a complete moron
  4. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    i'm GAGGING that you're literally trying to focus on what I said to you and saying all you said was 'y'all need to think a little more before automatically thinking something is true is worse ' When you basically equated her to being a stupid little hoe who decided to tell a lie and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically believe her
  5. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    LMAO I have more than enough education on the topic than most people in this topic and have even spoke at courses on it so GAG at telling me I need to take a COURSE on rape to make these comments? Try again you grade a moron
  6. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    ...... girl really I know you're trying to be reasonable and just diffuse stuff but am I really having to explain what a threat is to you? Saying, 'i'm going to throw a brick at your head' is a threat, 'i'll get you back for that' is a threat Hoping something bad happens to someone isn't 'a threat'
  7. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    You were grouping her in with 'stupid little hoe who decided to tell a lie and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically believe her', don't backpeddle, it's really fucking pathetic lmao You're an idiot, go put the dunce cap on and sit in the corner girl
  8. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    girl i get what you're saying but it's not a 'threat' a threat Is it kinda wishing something bad happens to someone? yeah it's that
  9. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    I stand by it lmao, it'd be a really good learning experience for you Serena, i'm not your teacher and i'm not gonna try and teach you how not to be a complete and utter moron Don't back-peddle with your 'just see both sides, thats all im saying!!!' You make snidey comments that people commenting are 'rape investigators' or w/e and then referred to someone who just wanted to say their feelings about them saying they were raped 'stupid little hoe who decided to tell a lie and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically believe her', don't try and paint yourself as the voice of reason who just wants people to see both sides
  10. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    actually no scrap that, not 'if' you got, i flat out hope you do lmao it'd shut that mouth of yours sharpishhhh
  11. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    Since in general i'm not all boohooey nice on this site I'd GAG and hope if you got raped you'd experience this pretty typical process of a woman reporting sexual assault People are idiots because they believe someone when they said they were raped If this was some cute girl who was saying some grimey 40 year old raped her, you wouldn't be saying this shit lmao you fool
  12. Harlem

    Melanie Martinez

    i GAG when I read faggots saying PROOF PROOF, girl what fucking proof are you after? Video evidence? DNA evidence? Melanie saying 'ahh yeah she wasn't into it but I did it anyway yolo' Some of ya'll faggots give me headaches I gag at people like 'do you really believe she would do this?' Because somehow she's any different from say bill cosby, kevin spacey etc - at her core she's a person, just because she sings or has a load of faggot twink / messy youth followers she's not like anyone else who's ever sexually assaulted someone? ya'll are cancelled please turn off your routers
  13. the only funny one is the caitlyn jenner one
  14. Aquaria makes it to top 3 in Season 10 btw
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